25 January 2013

Aeronautical Engineering Interview Questions and answers pdf

Aeronautical Engineering Interview Questions and answers


          Latest Aeronautical/aerospace Engineering Interview Questions & answers pdf 2015 free download here.

What is Aerospace Engineering?

Aerospace engineering is the primary branch of engineering concerned with the design, construction, and science of aircraft and spacecraft. It is divided into two major and overlapping branches: aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering. The former deals with aircraft that operate in Earth's atmosphere, and the latter with spacecraft that operate outside it.

Who are Aerospace Engineers?

 Aerospace Engineers are involved in all aspects of aeronautics (working with aircraft) and astronautics (working with spacecraft). They conduct research, and design and develop vehicles and systems for atmospheric and space environments. These engineers often specialize in one of many areas such as aerodynamics, propulsion, flight mechanics, orbital mechanics, fluids, structures, guidance & control, and computation.

What is SPICE? Where was it developed?

The full form of SPICE is Simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis. This is the widely used analog simulator, which was developed at electronics research lab of California University.

What are the three tactical elements of electronic warfare?

Electronic warfare has three main elements:
ES – Electronic support – This has high passive acquisition intelligence about friend and foe
EA – Electronic attack – that has passive and active denial of RF spectrum
EP – Electronic protection protects friendly personnel and assets by active and passive techniques.

What are the main areas in Aviation?

* Artificial intelligence * Aircrafts and parts * Advanced materials, composites and specialty metals * Computers, electronic components, and systems * Fighters and attack aircraft * Government defense policies and goals * Lasers * Navigation controls and guidance systems * Ordinance and Military vehicles * Computers, electronic components, and systems * Aviation electronic/Avionics * Robotics * Satellites
* Search and detection equipments * Strategic defensive initiative * Sensors and instrumentation * Ships * Space vehicles and commercialization of space

What is the requirement to become a Professional Engineer (PE) in the field of Aerospace?

Professional Engineer license is required for people who aspire to go in as officially approved engineer. The design specification is done by self-employed people or working in small business. General aerospace engineers work for government or for big companies and hence few people are not very keen on becoming PE?s. To become a PE one has to pass an exam on fundamentals of engineering which takes alot of hours to gruel and work under a licensed PE for about four years. In addition, they have to grow through a principle and practice of engineering exam, which requires about 8 hours.

Explain the day-to-day responsibilities of Aerospace engineering

Each job profile even in aerospace industry differs from others. Mainly in aerospace, there are two branches or field. One is aeronautical and other is astronautical engineering.

Explain the differences between Aeronautical Engineering and astronautical engineering

Aeronautical engineering deals with vehicles which operates in the atmosphere
Aeronautical engineering deals with vehicles operating in space.
Aeronautical engineering works on tunnel tests, analyzing flight test data, manned space flights, planning future space missions, spacecraft operations, designing and testing robotic systems, developing new propulsion system, computing optimum flight trajectories, developing communication systems for distance space probes and designing new rockets.
Astronautical engineer includes designing power systems for spacecraft structure, developing communications systems for distant space probes, developing hardware skills for operations in spacecraft, designing and testing robotic systems, developing new propulsion systems and computing optimum flight.


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25 Jan 2013 Albert Augustine

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