27 January 2013

Database (DBMS) Interview Questions and answers pdf

Database Interview Questions and answers



           You can download latest Database Interview Questions & answers pdf 2015 from here.

Q.1: What is the difference between an implicit lock and explicit lock?

An implicit lock is implied but not acquired while and explicit lock is requested for a record or table, explicitly.

Q.2: What is the difference between database administrator and a data administrator?

A database administrator is a person or a group of people responsible for the accuracy, maintenance and performance of the management systems. And a data administrator is and individual or an organization responsible for specification, acquisition and maintenance of date management. It does everything from the designing, validation and security of the files and databases.

Q.3: What are the two components of an enterprise class database system between which the DBMS works?

Database application and the database.

Q.4: What is rollback and roll forward?

Rollback means undoing the changes made by a transaction. It does before anything commits to cancel and changes to a database. Roll forward on the other hand means, re doing all the changes made by a transaction after it commits or overwrites the changed value to ensure consistency.

Q.5: What is one of the components of database out of these? User data, metadata, Reports, Indexes?

It is Reports. They are used to generally summarize and present the data in the form of tables. It generally answers a particular question.

Q.6: What do you think about an enterprise resource planning application? What is it an example of?

It is an example of Multiuser database application.

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27 Jan 2013 Albert Augustine

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