MGU EEE s3 Syllabus free download
CMELPA 301 3+1+0
Module 1
Vector Differential Calculus: Differentiation of vector functions – scalar and
vector fields – gradient, divergence and curl of a vector function – their physical
meaning – directional derivative – scalar potential, conservative field – identities
– simple problems.
Module 2
Vector Integral Calculus: Line, Surface and Volume Integrals, work done by a
force along a path – Application of Greens theorem, Stokes theorem and Gauss
divergence theorem.
Module 3
Function of Complex Variable: Definition of Analytic functions and singular
points – Derivation of C. R equations in Cartesian co-ordinates – harmonic and
orthogonal properties – construction of analytic function given real or imaginary
parts – complex potential – conformal transformation of function like zn, ez, 1/z,
Sin z, z + k2/z – bilinear transformation. Cross ratio – invariant property – simple
Module 4
Finite Differences: Meaning of D, Ñ, E, m, d - interpolation using Newton’s
forward and backward formula – central differences – problems using Stirlings
formula – Lagrange’s formula and Newton’s divided difference formula for
unequal intervals.
Module 5
Difference Calculus: Numerical differentiation using forward and backward
differences – Numerical integration – Newton-Cote’s formula – trapezoidal rule –
Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th rule – simple problems. Difference eqns. – solutions of
difference equations.
1. Advanced Engg. Mathematics: Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern.
2. Higher Engg. Mathematics: Grawal B. S, Khanna Publ.
3. Numerical Methods in Science and Engg: M. K Venkataraman, National
Publishing Co.
4. Numerical Methods: S. Balachandra Rao and G.K Shantha, University Press.
5. Advanced Engg. Mathematics: Michael D. Greenberg, Prentice – Hall
6. Numerical mathematical Analysis: James B. Scarborough, Oxford IBH
Publishing Co.
7. Theory and Problems of Vector Analysis: Murray R. Spiegel, Schaum’s outline
series – McGraw Hill.
8. Finite Differences and Numerical Analysis: H.C Saxena, S. Chand & Co.Ltd.
E 302 3+1+ 0
Module 1
Properties of Fluids: Pressure, density, bulk modulus, dynamic and kinematic
viscosity, surface tension, capillary – fluid at rest, Pascal’s law, applications,
pressure head, vapor pressure, pressure measurement, manometers, gauges and
pressure switch – pressure on immersed surfaces – floating body.
Module 2
Fluid in Motion: Euler’s equation in one dimension. One dimensional
incompressible Bernoulli’s equation, interpretation of Bernoulli’s equation as a
energy equation. Flow through Orifices – measurement of fluid velocity, pitot
tube – discharge measurement, venturimeter, orifice meter, Rota meter and
Flow of compressible fluids through pipes – types of flow – critical Reynolds
number – friction factors for laminar and turbulent flow – hydraulic gradient –
minor losses – transmission of power through pipes.
Module 3
Hydraulic Turbines: Evolution of present day hydraulic turbines from the water
wheel – classification – degree of action – Pelton wheel, Francis and Kaplan
Turbines – constructional details and characteristics only (no problems based on
velocity triangles) – governing of turbines – draft tube – specific speed –
cavitation effects.
Module 4
Pumping Machinery: General classification – Dynamic pumps – working of
centrifugal pumps, priming, vapour pressure, wear rings, hydraulic balancing,
Classification of impellers, single and double suction impellers – types of casings
– effect of vapour pressure on lifting of liquid – specific speed – performance
pump characteristics: main, operating, ISO efficiency characteristics curves –
NPSH _ multistage pumps – propeller pumps – pump in parallel & series
operation – Theory, efficiency, performance curves & application of self-priming
pump, jet pump, airlift pump, slurry pump & hydraulic ram (description only).
Module 5
Positive Displacement Pumps: reciprocating pumps, effect of vapour pressure
on lifting of liquid – indicator diagram – acceleration head – effect of friction –
use of air vessels – work saved – slip – efficiency – pump characteristics –
applications – Cavitation in fluid machines – Rotary pumps: Gear, Screw, vane,
root pumps – rotary axial & rotary radial piston pumps – thory, efficiency,
performance curves – applications (Description only).
1. Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines: Abdulla Sheriff, Standard Publ.
2. Fluid Flows Machines: Govinda Rao N.S, TMH.
3. Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines: Jagadishlal, Metropolitan publ.
4. Fluid Mechanics: Massey B. S, ELBS
5. Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps: Stepanoff John A. J, Wiley & Sons.
E 303 2+2+0
Module 1
Circuit Analysis: Concept of Linearity, Unilateral and Bilateral Systems –
Passive and Active networks – Vector and Phasor – Sources of Energy –
Independent and Dependent voltage and current Sources – Standard input signals
– Source transformations - Mesh and Node Analysis – Driving point Impedance
and Transfer Impedance – Driving point Admittance and Transfer Admittance.
Module 2
Coupled Circuits: Self-inductance and Mutual inductance – Coefficient of
coupling – dot convention – Ideal Transformer – Analysis of multi-winding
coupled circuits – Analysis of single tuned and double tuned coupled circuits.
Module 3
Network Theorems: Star-Delta transformations – Super position, Reciprocity,
Substitution, Compensation, Thevinin, Norton, Millman, Tellegen and Maximum
power transfer theorems.
Module 4
Three Phase Circuits: Generation of three phase voltages – Phase sequence –
Line and Phase quantities – Analysis of unbalanced loads – Neutral shift –
Symmetrical components – Analysis of unbalanced system – power in terms of
symmetrical components.
Module 5
Graph theory: Introduction – Linear graph of a network – Tie-set and cut-set
schedule – incidence matrix – Analysis of resistive network using cut-set and tieset
– Dual of a network.
Introduction to MATLAB and pSPICE – Simulation/Analysis of simple Electric
Circuits using MATLAB and pSPICE.
1. Network Analysis: M.E Van Valkanburg
2. Circuits and Networks-Analysis and Synthesis: A. Sudhakar, S.P Shyam Mohan
3. Networks and Systems: D. Roy Choudhary, New Age Intl’.
4. Theory and Problems in Circuit Analysis: T.S.K.V Iyer, TMH
5. Electric Circuits: Edminister J, Schaum’s Outline series
6. Engineering Circuit Analysis: W.H Hayt and J.E. Kemmerly – Mc Graw Hill.
7. Electric ciruit theory: Rajeswaran – Pearson Education
E 304 3+1+0
Module 1
Review of Vector Analysis – Cartesian coordinate system – The Vector field –
dot cross products – introduction to cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems.
Static Electric Field: Coulomb’s law – electric field intensity – field intensity
due to point charge, line charge, surface charge and volume charge distributions –
electric flux – electric flux density – Gauss’s law and its applications –
divergence – Maxwell’s first equation – the Del operator – Divergence theorem.
Module 2
Energy and Potential – Energy expended in moving a point charge in an electric
field – Electric Potential between two points – potential at a point charge –
potential at any point – due to discrete as well as distributed charges – Electric
field lines and equipotential contours – electric dipoles – potential gradient –
conservative nature of a field – Laplace and Poisson equations (Derivation only
and not solution).
Module 3
Conductors, Dielectrics and Capacitance – current and current density –
continuity equation – point form of Ohm’s Law – conductor properties –
polarisation – dielectric boundary conditions – capacitance – parallel plate
capacitor – capacitance of isolated sphere, spherical shell, coaxial and cylinders
and parallel wires – effect of earth on capacitance - method of images – energy
stored in electrostatic field – dielectric strength and break down.
Module 4
The steady Magnetic Field – Biot-Savart’s law – Ampere’s circuital law - Curl –
Stoke’s theorem – magnetic flux and flux density – the scalar and vector magnetic
potentials – magnetic force on a moving charge – force on a moving charge –
force on a current element – force between current carrying wires – torque on
closed circuits – magnetic boundary conditions – self and mutual inductances –
energy stored in a magnetic field – skin effect – inductance of solenoids, torroids
and two-wire transmission lines.
Module 5
Time varying fields – Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction – Motional
emf concept of displacement current – Maxwell’s equations in point form and
integral form – wave equation in free space – applications in transmission lines –
Poynting vector and power flow – Poynting theorem – interpretations –
instantaneous, average and complex pointing vector – power loss in conductors.
1. Engineering Electromagnetics: William H. Hayt Jr., McGraw Hill
2. Electromagnetics: John D. Karus and Carver K.R, McGraw Hill
3. Field Theory: Gangadhar K. A
4. Theory and Problems of Electromagnetics: Joseph Edminister, schaum’s outline
5. EMT with applications: B. Premlet
E 305 2+1+0
Module 1
Units and Dimensions: SI Units – Dimensions of Electrical quantities –
dimensional equations.
Magnetic Measurements: Theory of Ballistic galvanometer – Flux meter –
Lloyd Fischer Square.
Module 2
Measurement of Voltage: Potentiometers – slide-wire, Precision slide-wire,
Vernier potentiometer – Calibration of Ammeter, Voltmeter and Wattmeter using
potentiometer- AC potentiometer.
Measurement of Resistance: Low, medium, high – Wheatstone bridge- Kelvin’s
double bridge – Insulation Megger – Earth Megger.
Module 3
AC Bridges: Maxwell’s bridge – Hay’s bridge, Wien’s bridge, Anderson
Bridge, High voltage Schering Bridge. (Analysis and Phasor diagram required)
Module 4
Instrument Transformers: Principle of Current and Potential transformers –
Phasor diagram – nominal ratio – phase angle error, Ratio error – Constructional
features and applications.
Error Analysis in Measurements: Source of error – Instruments errors – Human
errors – Environmental errors – Combination of errors – Mean and variance –
Standard deviation – Limits of error.
Module 5
Illumination measurements: Units of illumination – laws of illumination –
polar curves – Determination of MSCP and MHCP – Integrating meters – Lumer
Brodhern type.
Temperature measurement: Thermoelectric effects, laws of thermoelectric
circuits – common thermocouples.
1. Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments – Golding E.W, Wheeler
and Co., 1991.
2. Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements – Sawhney A.K,
Dhanpat Rai and Co., 1992.
3. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and measurement Technique – Albert D.
Helfrick and William D. Cooper, PHI, 1992.
E 306 2+1+0
Module 1
Economic Aspects: Load Curve- Load duration curve-Maximum demand-
Average demand- Load factor- Diversity factor-Plant use factor.
Cost of Generation: Fixed and Running Charges- depreciation- straight line and
sinking fund method Tariffs- Different types and comparison.
Module 2
Distribution Systems: Feeder- Distributor - Service mains- Radial and Ring
mains- AC and DC Distributors- Calculations of voltage drop due to concentrated
loads fed at one or more points-LT Lines- LT Capacitors – Installation- Size –
Connections- Distribution system maintenance
Module 3
Design of Feeder- Kelvin’s law- Limitations- Related ‘Indian Electricity Act’
Rules regarding generation and supply of electrical energy
Power factor improvement- necessity – methods – economics – capacity of phase
advancing plant
Module 4
Underground Cables: Single core and three core cables – Insulation Resistance –
Stress and capacitance of single core cables – Grading – Extra high voltage cables
– Localisation of cable faults.
Module 5
High Voltage Generation:
D.C: Rectifier circuits - Voltage multiplier-Cascade circuits-Electrostatic
A.C.: Cascade transformers – series resonance circuits
Impulse Voltage: Single stages and cascade circuits
1. A Course in Electric Power: Soni M.L., P.V.Gupta
2. A Course in Electric Power: Uppal
3. Electric Power Distribution System: A.S. Pabla
4. Transmission and Distribution of Electric Energy: Cotton H
5. High Voltage Engineering: M. S. Naidu, V. Kamaraju
E 307 0+0+4
1. Study of AC and DC supply systems in Electrical Laboratory
2. Study of PMMC / MI voltmeters, ammeters, electro-dynamometer type watt
meters, induction type energy meters, various loads like resistive, capacitive and
3. Testing of insulating oils and H.V testing on insulating materials.
4. Determination of voltage-current characteristics of linear resistance and a
nonlinear resistance (e.g. incandescent lamp).
5. Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws using resistive network.
6. Verification of superposition theorem in a resistive circuit with two given DC
7. Verification of Thevinin’s theorem in a DC circuit.
8. Verification of generalised reciprocity theorem in a DC circuit.
9. Verification of Maximum Power transfer theorem in a DC circuit
10. Three phase star and delta connection – measurement of line and phase values.
11. Measurement of three phase power at different power factors for balanced and
unbalanced loads.
12. Study and measurement of symmetrical components for unbalanced system.
13. Determination of BH characteristics of a magnetic specimen.
14. RLC series and parallel circuit: measurement of current in various branches and
verification by calculation – drawing of phasor diagram.
15. Determination of locus diagram RL and RC circuit.
16. Study of frequency – current relations of given series RLC circuit and condition
for series resonance.
17. Measurement of single phase power – (a) Three ammeter method (b) three
voltmeter method
18. Measurement of single phase power and energy using wattmeter and energy meter
– calculation of error.
19. Determination of Power and Power factor of a given single phase circuit using
watt meter and power factor meter – power factor improvement of the above
20. Determination of fusing time versus current characteristics for two specimens –
fusing factor – study of various types of fuses.
21. Measurement of Neutral shift voltage for an unbalanced star connected system.
E 308 0+0+4
1. Study of centrifugal pump and components
2. Study of reciprocating pump and components – single cylinder and multi cylinder
3. Study of impulse and reaction turbines
4. Performance characteristics of centrifugal pump
5. Performance characteristics of reciprocating pump
6. Performance characteristics of Pelton Wheel
7. Performance characteristics of Francis turbine
8. Performance characteristics of Kaplan turbine
1. Load Test (Constant speed test) on petrol engine
2. Load Test (Constant speed test) on diesel engine
3. Variable speed test on petrol engine
4. Variable speed test on diesel engine
5. Cooling curve of I.C engine
6. Performance test on air compressors and blowers
7. Performance test on refrigeration unit
8. Performance test on air-conditioning unit
CMELPA 301 3+1+0
Module 1
Vector Differential Calculus: Differentiation of vector functions – scalar and
vector fields – gradient, divergence and curl of a vector function – their physical
meaning – directional derivative – scalar potential, conservative field – identities
– simple problems.
Module 2
Vector Integral Calculus: Line, Surface and Volume Integrals, work done by a
force along a path – Application of Greens theorem, Stokes theorem and Gauss
divergence theorem.
Module 3
Function of Complex Variable: Definition of Analytic functions and singular
points – Derivation of C. R equations in Cartesian co-ordinates – harmonic and
orthogonal properties – construction of analytic function given real or imaginary
parts – complex potential – conformal transformation of function like zn, ez, 1/z,
Sin z, z + k2/z – bilinear transformation. Cross ratio – invariant property – simple
Module 4
Finite Differences: Meaning of D, Ñ, E, m, d - interpolation using Newton’s
forward and backward formula – central differences – problems using Stirlings
formula – Lagrange’s formula and Newton’s divided difference formula for
unequal intervals.
Module 5
Difference Calculus: Numerical differentiation using forward and backward
differences – Numerical integration – Newton-Cote’s formula – trapezoidal rule –
Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th rule – simple problems. Difference eqns. – solutions of
difference equations.
1. Advanced Engg. Mathematics: Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern.
2. Higher Engg. Mathematics: Grawal B. S, Khanna Publ.
3. Numerical Methods in Science and Engg: M. K Venkataraman, National
Publishing Co.
4. Numerical Methods: S. Balachandra Rao and G.K Shantha, University Press.
5. Advanced Engg. Mathematics: Michael D. Greenberg, Prentice – Hall
6. Numerical mathematical Analysis: James B. Scarborough, Oxford IBH
Publishing Co.
7. Theory and Problems of Vector Analysis: Murray R. Spiegel, Schaum’s outline
series – McGraw Hill.
8. Finite Differences and Numerical Analysis: H.C Saxena, S. Chand & Co.Ltd.
E 302 3+1+ 0
Module 1
Properties of Fluids: Pressure, density, bulk modulus, dynamic and kinematic
viscosity, surface tension, capillary – fluid at rest, Pascal’s law, applications,
pressure head, vapor pressure, pressure measurement, manometers, gauges and
pressure switch – pressure on immersed surfaces – floating body.
Module 2
Fluid in Motion: Euler’s equation in one dimension. One dimensional
incompressible Bernoulli’s equation, interpretation of Bernoulli’s equation as a
energy equation. Flow through Orifices – measurement of fluid velocity, pitot
tube – discharge measurement, venturimeter, orifice meter, Rota meter and
Flow of compressible fluids through pipes – types of flow – critical Reynolds
number – friction factors for laminar and turbulent flow – hydraulic gradient –
minor losses – transmission of power through pipes.
Module 3
Hydraulic Turbines: Evolution of present day hydraulic turbines from the water
wheel – classification – degree of action – Pelton wheel, Francis and Kaplan
Turbines – constructional details and characteristics only (no problems based on
velocity triangles) – governing of turbines – draft tube – specific speed –
cavitation effects.
Module 4
Pumping Machinery: General classification – Dynamic pumps – working of
centrifugal pumps, priming, vapour pressure, wear rings, hydraulic balancing,
Classification of impellers, single and double suction impellers – types of casings
– effect of vapour pressure on lifting of liquid – specific speed – performance
pump characteristics: main, operating, ISO efficiency characteristics curves –
NPSH _ multistage pumps – propeller pumps – pump in parallel & series
operation – Theory, efficiency, performance curves & application of self-priming
pump, jet pump, airlift pump, slurry pump & hydraulic ram (description only).
Module 5
Positive Displacement Pumps: reciprocating pumps, effect of vapour pressure
on lifting of liquid – indicator diagram – acceleration head – effect of friction –
use of air vessels – work saved – slip – efficiency – pump characteristics –
applications – Cavitation in fluid machines – Rotary pumps: Gear, Screw, vane,
root pumps – rotary axial & rotary radial piston pumps – thory, efficiency,
performance curves – applications (Description only).
1. Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines: Abdulla Sheriff, Standard Publ.
2. Fluid Flows Machines: Govinda Rao N.S, TMH.
3. Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines: Jagadishlal, Metropolitan publ.
4. Fluid Mechanics: Massey B. S, ELBS
5. Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps: Stepanoff John A. J, Wiley & Sons.
E 303 2+2+0
Module 1
Circuit Analysis: Concept of Linearity, Unilateral and Bilateral Systems –
Passive and Active networks – Vector and Phasor – Sources of Energy –
Independent and Dependent voltage and current Sources – Standard input signals
– Source transformations - Mesh and Node Analysis – Driving point Impedance
and Transfer Impedance – Driving point Admittance and Transfer Admittance.
Module 2
Coupled Circuits: Self-inductance and Mutual inductance – Coefficient of
coupling – dot convention – Ideal Transformer – Analysis of multi-winding
coupled circuits – Analysis of single tuned and double tuned coupled circuits.
Module 3
Network Theorems: Star-Delta transformations – Super position, Reciprocity,
Substitution, Compensation, Thevinin, Norton, Millman, Tellegen and Maximum
power transfer theorems.
Module 4
Three Phase Circuits: Generation of three phase voltages – Phase sequence –
Line and Phase quantities – Analysis of unbalanced loads – Neutral shift –
Symmetrical components – Analysis of unbalanced system – power in terms of
symmetrical components.
Module 5
Graph theory: Introduction – Linear graph of a network – Tie-set and cut-set
schedule – incidence matrix – Analysis of resistive network using cut-set and tieset
– Dual of a network.
Introduction to MATLAB and pSPICE – Simulation/Analysis of simple Electric
Circuits using MATLAB and pSPICE.
1. Network Analysis: M.E Van Valkanburg
2. Circuits and Networks-Analysis and Synthesis: A. Sudhakar, S.P Shyam Mohan
3. Networks and Systems: D. Roy Choudhary, New Age Intl’.
4. Theory and Problems in Circuit Analysis: T.S.K.V Iyer, TMH
5. Electric Circuits: Edminister J, Schaum’s Outline series
6. Engineering Circuit Analysis: W.H Hayt and J.E. Kemmerly – Mc Graw Hill.
7. Electric ciruit theory: Rajeswaran – Pearson Education
E 304 3+1+0
Module 1
Review of Vector Analysis – Cartesian coordinate system – The Vector field –
dot cross products – introduction to cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems.
Static Electric Field: Coulomb’s law – electric field intensity – field intensity
due to point charge, line charge, surface charge and volume charge distributions –
electric flux – electric flux density – Gauss’s law and its applications –
divergence – Maxwell’s first equation – the Del operator – Divergence theorem.
Module 2
Energy and Potential – Energy expended in moving a point charge in an electric
field – Electric Potential between two points – potential at a point charge –
potential at any point – due to discrete as well as distributed charges – Electric
field lines and equipotential contours – electric dipoles – potential gradient –
conservative nature of a field – Laplace and Poisson equations (Derivation only
and not solution).
Module 3
Conductors, Dielectrics and Capacitance – current and current density –
continuity equation – point form of Ohm’s Law – conductor properties –
polarisation – dielectric boundary conditions – capacitance – parallel plate
capacitor – capacitance of isolated sphere, spherical shell, coaxial and cylinders
and parallel wires – effect of earth on capacitance - method of images – energy
stored in electrostatic field – dielectric strength and break down.
Module 4
The steady Magnetic Field – Biot-Savart’s law – Ampere’s circuital law - Curl –
Stoke’s theorem – magnetic flux and flux density – the scalar and vector magnetic
potentials – magnetic force on a moving charge – force on a moving charge –
force on a current element – force between current carrying wires – torque on
closed circuits – magnetic boundary conditions – self and mutual inductances –
energy stored in a magnetic field – skin effect – inductance of solenoids, torroids
and two-wire transmission lines.
Module 5
Time varying fields – Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction – Motional
emf concept of displacement current – Maxwell’s equations in point form and
integral form – wave equation in free space – applications in transmission lines –
Poynting vector and power flow – Poynting theorem – interpretations –
instantaneous, average and complex pointing vector – power loss in conductors.
1. Engineering Electromagnetics: William H. Hayt Jr., McGraw Hill
2. Electromagnetics: John D. Karus and Carver K.R, McGraw Hill
3. Field Theory: Gangadhar K. A
4. Theory and Problems of Electromagnetics: Joseph Edminister, schaum’s outline
5. EMT with applications: B. Premlet
E 305 2+1+0
Module 1
Units and Dimensions: SI Units – Dimensions of Electrical quantities –
dimensional equations.
Magnetic Measurements: Theory of Ballistic galvanometer – Flux meter –
Lloyd Fischer Square.
Module 2
Measurement of Voltage: Potentiometers – slide-wire, Precision slide-wire,
Vernier potentiometer – Calibration of Ammeter, Voltmeter and Wattmeter using
potentiometer- AC potentiometer.
Measurement of Resistance: Low, medium, high – Wheatstone bridge- Kelvin’s
double bridge – Insulation Megger – Earth Megger.
Module 3
AC Bridges: Maxwell’s bridge – Hay’s bridge, Wien’s bridge, Anderson
Bridge, High voltage Schering Bridge. (Analysis and Phasor diagram required)
Module 4
Instrument Transformers: Principle of Current and Potential transformers –
Phasor diagram – nominal ratio – phase angle error, Ratio error – Constructional
features and applications.
Error Analysis in Measurements: Source of error – Instruments errors – Human
errors – Environmental errors – Combination of errors – Mean and variance –
Standard deviation – Limits of error.
Module 5
Illumination measurements: Units of illumination – laws of illumination –
polar curves – Determination of MSCP and MHCP – Integrating meters – Lumer
Brodhern type.
Temperature measurement: Thermoelectric effects, laws of thermoelectric
circuits – common thermocouples.
1. Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments – Golding E.W, Wheeler
and Co., 1991.
2. Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements – Sawhney A.K,
Dhanpat Rai and Co., 1992.
3. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and measurement Technique – Albert D.
Helfrick and William D. Cooper, PHI, 1992.
E 306 2+1+0
Module 1
Economic Aspects: Load Curve- Load duration curve-Maximum demand-
Average demand- Load factor- Diversity factor-Plant use factor.
Cost of Generation: Fixed and Running Charges- depreciation- straight line and
sinking fund method Tariffs- Different types and comparison.
Module 2
Distribution Systems: Feeder- Distributor - Service mains- Radial and Ring
mains- AC and DC Distributors- Calculations of voltage drop due to concentrated
loads fed at one or more points-LT Lines- LT Capacitors – Installation- Size –
Connections- Distribution system maintenance
Module 3
Design of Feeder- Kelvin’s law- Limitations- Related ‘Indian Electricity Act’
Rules regarding generation and supply of electrical energy
Power factor improvement- necessity – methods – economics – capacity of phase
advancing plant
Module 4
Underground Cables: Single core and three core cables – Insulation Resistance –
Stress and capacitance of single core cables – Grading – Extra high voltage cables
– Localisation of cable faults.
Module 5
High Voltage Generation:
D.C: Rectifier circuits - Voltage multiplier-Cascade circuits-Electrostatic
A.C.: Cascade transformers – series resonance circuits
Impulse Voltage: Single stages and cascade circuits
1. A Course in Electric Power: Soni M.L., P.V.Gupta
2. A Course in Electric Power: Uppal
3. Electric Power Distribution System: A.S. Pabla
4. Transmission and Distribution of Electric Energy: Cotton H
5. High Voltage Engineering: M. S. Naidu, V. Kamaraju
E 307 0+0+4
1. Study of AC and DC supply systems in Electrical Laboratory
2. Study of PMMC / MI voltmeters, ammeters, electro-dynamometer type watt
meters, induction type energy meters, various loads like resistive, capacitive and
3. Testing of insulating oils and H.V testing on insulating materials.
4. Determination of voltage-current characteristics of linear resistance and a
nonlinear resistance (e.g. incandescent lamp).
5. Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws using resistive network.
6. Verification of superposition theorem in a resistive circuit with two given DC
7. Verification of Thevinin’s theorem in a DC circuit.
8. Verification of generalised reciprocity theorem in a DC circuit.
9. Verification of Maximum Power transfer theorem in a DC circuit
10. Three phase star and delta connection – measurement of line and phase values.
11. Measurement of three phase power at different power factors for balanced and
unbalanced loads.
12. Study and measurement of symmetrical components for unbalanced system.
13. Determination of BH characteristics of a magnetic specimen.
14. RLC series and parallel circuit: measurement of current in various branches and
verification by calculation – drawing of phasor diagram.
15. Determination of locus diagram RL and RC circuit.
16. Study of frequency – current relations of given series RLC circuit and condition
for series resonance.
17. Measurement of single phase power – (a) Three ammeter method (b) three
voltmeter method
18. Measurement of single phase power and energy using wattmeter and energy meter
– calculation of error.
19. Determination of Power and Power factor of a given single phase circuit using
watt meter and power factor meter – power factor improvement of the above
20. Determination of fusing time versus current characteristics for two specimens –
fusing factor – study of various types of fuses.
21. Measurement of Neutral shift voltage for an unbalanced star connected system.
E 308 0+0+4
1. Study of centrifugal pump and components
2. Study of reciprocating pump and components – single cylinder and multi cylinder
3. Study of impulse and reaction turbines
4. Performance characteristics of centrifugal pump
5. Performance characteristics of reciprocating pump
6. Performance characteristics of Pelton Wheel
7. Performance characteristics of Francis turbine
8. Performance characteristics of Kaplan turbine
1. Load Test (Constant speed test) on petrol engine
2. Load Test (Constant speed test) on diesel engine
3. Variable speed test on petrol engine
4. Variable speed test on diesel engine
5. Cooling curve of I.C engine
6. Performance test on air compressors and blowers
7. Performance test on refrigeration unit
8. Performance test on air-conditioning unit
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