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MG University (MGU) Mechanical Engineering s5 Syllabus free download

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MGU Mechanical Engineering s5 Syllabus free download


CMELPA501 3+1+0
Module 1
Complex Integration: Line Integral –Cauchy’s integral theorem- Cauchy’s integral
formula-Taylor’s series-Laurent’s series- zeros and singularities- Residues- residue
theorem-Evaluation of real integrals using contour integration involving unit circle and
Module 2
Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: Successive bisection
method-Regula falsi method - Newton –Raphson method – solution of system of linear
equations by Jacobi’s iteration method and Gauss-Siedel method.
Module 3
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation: Taylor’s series method- Euler’s
method –Modified Euler’s method - Runge – Kutta method (IV order)-Milne’s predictor
corrector method.
Module 4
Z – Transforms: Definition of Z transform- properties –Z transform of polynomial
functions – trigonometric functions, shifting property, convolution property- inverse
transform – solution of 1st & 2nd order difference equations with constant coefficients
using Z transforms.
Module 5
Linear programming: graphical solution – solution using simplex method (non –
degenerate case only) – Big-M method, two phase method- Duality in L.P.P.- Balanced
T.P. – Vogels approximation method – Modi method.
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics – Ervin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern limited.
2. Numerical methods in Engineering & Science – Dr. B.S.Grewal, Kanna Publishers.
3. Higher Engineering Mathematics – Dr. B.S.Grewal, Kanna Publishers.
4. Numerical methods in Science & Engineering – Dr. M.K.Venkitaraman, National
Publishing Company.
5. Quantitative techniques Theory & Problems – P.C.Tulsian, Vishal Pandey, Pearson
Education Asia.
6. Complex variables and applications – Churchill and Brown, McGraw-Hill.
7. Operations research – Panneer Selvam, PHI
8. Engineering Mathematics vol III – S.Arumugam, A.T.Isaac, Somasundaram, Scitech
9. Advanced Mathematics for Engg.students vol III –S.Narayanan, T.K.M.Pillay,
G.Ramanaigh, S.Vishwananthan printers & publishers.
M 502 3+1+0
Module 1
Patterns: - pattern allowances and materials-moulding-core and core prints-types of
cores- pattern construction-layout and colour coding-tools-processes-moulding sand
constituents, types and testing-moulding machines-moulding procedure-sand
conditioning-gating system-cupola operation-pouring and cleaning of castings-defects in
castings-inspection and quality control-casting machines-design of dies-centrifugal,
continuous, investment, squeeze casting and shell- mould casting- -comparison of casting
with other production processes.( include necessary figures)
Module 2
Welding: - definition-metallurgy of welding-applications – classification -mechanismprocesses-
gas welding - details, equipment, fluxes and filler rods -design effect of weld
parameters on weld quality-flame cutting-ISI specification for welding. Arc welding
applications-equipment –polarity-governing factor in fusion welding-electrodes and
types-ISI specification for electrodes –Welding design-butt joint-TIG-GMA-CO2 process.
Submerged arc, electroslag plasma arc and flux cored arc welding-resistance, thermit
solid state, electron beam and laser welding.Brazing: soldering-explosive weldinginspection
and defects in welding-welding of plastics.(include necessary figures )
Module 3
Rolling: - principles-types of rolls and rolling mills-semifinished and rolled productsrolling
of tubes, wheels, axles, I-beam-thread and gear rolling-friction and lubrication in
metal forming-hot and cold rolling-rolling machines-heating and cooling in rolling-strip
velocity and roll velocity-roll and roll pass design -Theories of rolling and effect of
parameters-load calculation-High velocity forming - energysources - material behaviour -
pneumatic, mechanical, electrohydraulic, electromagnetic, and explosive forming.
Module 4
Press working: - types of presses and pressworking operations involving shearing,
bending, drawing, squeezing-Extrusion: - methods, machines-analysis of rod extrusion-
Wire and wire drawing operations-analysis-die angles-simple, progressive and compound
dies-plastic and rubber processing-Calendering-transfer, injection and compression
Module 5
Forging: -classification-process-equipments-drawing, deep drawing, punching, blankingtube
piercing-spinning and coining-elastic and plastic deformation-hot forging, die
forging- machinery for forging-operation-heating in forging-manufacture of drop forging
dies, presses-design of forgings and dies-upsetting-forging defects-forging analysisquality
assurance for forging-non destructive testing.
1. Workshop Technology - Raghuvanshi
2. Manufacturing Engineering & Technology - S.Kalpakjian and S.A.Schmidt
3. Manufacturing Processes - Begeman
4. Manufacturing Science & Technology; Vol. I - Suresh Daleela
5. Processes and Materials of Manufacture - Roy A.Lindberg
M503 2+2+0
Module 1
Introduction to C language – character set – operators – constants and variables – data
types – use of built in I/O functions - use of control statements if, if – else, for, while, dowhile
and switch – use of logical AND, OR and NOT – pre-processor directive - writing
summation of various mathematical series like ex, sin(x), cos(x) etc.
Module 2
Arrays – declaration of one dimensional array and its handling – bubble sorting – quick
sorting – searching – string handling functions – multidimensional arrays and its
handling – structure and union – array of structures – sorting of strings – programs
Module 3
Functions – declaration – global and local variables - call by value method – writing
different string handling functions – storage classes – passing an array to a function –
passing a structure to a function – recursion - macros – programs
Module 4
Declaration and use of pointers – call by reference method – pointer to an array – pointer
to a structure – array of pointers – pointer to an array – self-referential structure –
dynamic memory allocation – linked lists – programs
Module 5
Different types of files – reading writing and appending of text and binary files – other
various file handling functions - transfer of data in blocks - command line arguments –
use of bit-wise AND, OR and NOT.
1. Programming with C – Schaum’s series
2. Programming in C – Balaguruswamy
3. The C Programming Language – Kerningham & Ritchie
4. Let us C – Yaswant Kanetkar
5. Programming with ANSI and Turbo C – Kamthane, Pearson
M 504 2+2+0
Module 1
Static force analysis: - force couples-condititons for equilibrium-free body diagramanalysis
of four bar chain-force analysis of slider-crank mechanism-Coulomb friction.
Dynamic force analysis: - D’Alemberts principle-inertia forces-dynamic force analysis of
four bar chain, and slider crank mechanism.
Module 2
Governors: - terminology; Watt, Porter, Proel, Hartnell, Hartung, Wilson-Hartnell, and
Pickering governors-spring controlled governors of gravity type-effort and powercontrolling
force diagram-quality of governors-effect of friction-insensitiveness-stabilityinertia
governors- governor speed, torque characteristics of an engine-governor and
Module 3
Turning moment diagram and Flywheel: - coefficient of fluctuation of energy and speedenergy
saved in a flywheel-punching press-dynamically equivalent two mass systemcentre
of percussion-kinetic equivalence-reversed effective force analysis-piston effortcrankpin
effort- crank effort-turning moment diagrams for steam and I.C. engines.
Module 4
Gyroscope: - principle-angular acceleration-effect of gyroscopic couple on bearings,
airplanes, and ships-stability of automobile and two wheel vehicles-gyroscopic
stabilization of sea vessels and grinding mills.
Gear trains: -simple, compound-epicyclic trains with coaxial shafts.
Module 5
Cams and Followers: - types-follower motion-SHM-uniform velocity and accelerationcycloidal
- displacement, velocity and acceleration curves-cam profile-reciprocating and
oscillating followers-tangent cams-convex and concave cams with footed followers.
1. Mechanism and Machine Theory - Ambedkar
2. Theory of Mechanism and Machines - A.Ghosh & A.K.Mallick
3. Theory of Machines - V.P.Singh
4. Theory of Machines - P.L.Ballaney
5. Theory of Mechanism and Machines - Joseph Shigley
6. Dynamics of Machinery - Holovanco
M 505 2+2+0
Module 1
Introduction: - Scope of Mechatronics-systems-microprocessor based controllersmechatronic
approach-sensors – transducers - force-velocity – displacement -
temperature-inputting data by switches-signal coditioning - operational amplifiersfiltering-
multiplexers-data acquisition- modulation. Data presentation systems: -
displays-measurement systems-calibration-pneumatic and hydraulic systems-control
valves-actuators-mechanical and electrical actyation systems-relays and solenoid
switches and proximity pickups.
Module 2
Input/Output systems: - ports, interface requirements-adaptors-programmable logic
controllers-data-handling- digital communications-system, networks, protocols,
interfaces, fault finding-design and mechatronics-design solutions.
Electromechanical systems: CD, DVD ROMs, OCR, Printers-Medical devices: Artificial
internal organs-Diagnostic and Therapeutic EMDs.
Module 3
Introduction to Control systems Engineering:- concept of automatic control-open loop
and closed loop systems-servomechanisms-block diagrams-transfer functions.
Representation of control components and systems-Translational and rotational
mechanical components-series and parallel combinations-comparators, integrating
devices, hydraulic servomotors, temperature control systems, and speed control systems.
Module 4
System response: - First and Second order system response to step, pulse, ramp, and
sinusoidal input-systems with distance, velocity lag. Control system analysis: - Transient
response of simple control systems-Stability of control systems-Routh stability criteriaerror
Module 5
Frequency response analysis: - polar, rectangular and logarithmic plots-experimental
determination of frequency response-Bode, and Nyquist stability criteria-Gain and phase
margin. Root locus of simple transfer functions-transient response from root locus.
1. Mechatronics - W.Bolton, Pearson
2. Understanding Electromechanical Engineering - Lawrence J.Kamm
3. Mechatronics - Dan S. Necsuleseu, Pearson
4. Control System Engineering - T.J.Nagrath and M.Gopal
5. Automatic Control Theory - Ravan
6. Modern Control Engineering - Katsuhiko Ogata
7. Control Systems - A.Nagoor Kani
8. Modern Control Engineering - Dorf, Pearson
M 506 2+2+0
Module 1
Steam Engineering: Properties of steam - wet, dry and superheated steam - dryness
fraction - enthalpy and internal energy - entropy of steam - temperature entropy diagram -
process - Mollier chart - Rankine cycle for wet, dry and superheated steam. Steam
Generators - classification - modern steam generators - boiler mountings and accessories.
Module 2
Steam nozzles - Mass flow rate - throat pressure for maximum discharge - throat area -
effect of friction - super saturated flow.
Steam turbines: velocity triangles, work done, governing, and efficiencies.
Module 3
Gas turbine Plants - Open and closed cycles - thermodynamics cycles - regeneration, re
heating - inter cooling - efficiency and performance of gas turbines. Rotary Compressors
- Analysis of rotary compressors - centrifugal and axial compressors. Combustion -
combustion chambers of gas turbines - cylindrical, annular and industrial type
combustion chamber - combustion intensity - combustion chambers efficiency - pressure
loss combustion process and stability loop.
Module 4
Introduction to solar energy - solar collectors - Liquid flat plate collectors - principle -
thermal losses and efficiency - characteristics - overall loss coefficient - thermal analysis
- useful heat gained by fluid - mean plate temperature - performance - focussing type
solar collectors - solar concentrators and receivers - sun tracking system - characteristics
- optical losses - thermal performance - solar pond - solar water heating - solar thermal
power generation (Description Only)
Module 5
Thermal power plants: layout and operation of steam and diesel power plants - coal
burners - stockers - cooling ponds & towers - chimneys - draught - dust collectors -
precipitators - feed water heaters - evaporators - steam condensers - coal handling - ash
1. Power plant technology - E. L. Wahid
2. Thermodynamic and heat power engineering - Mathur and Mehta
3. Thermal Engineering - P. L. Ballaney
4. Gas Turbine Theory - Cohen & Rogers
5. Solar Energy Utilization - G. D. Rai
6. Thermal engineering - R.K. Rajput.
M 507 0+0+3
a) Familiarization of operating systems. Use of file directories, editors, compilers and file
managers etc.
b) Familiarization of Word processing packages – editing, formatting and printing
c) Familiarization with spread sheet packages for graphical representation of data
d) Introduction to computer aided drafting – drawing simple objects
e) Programming experiments in C to cover control structures functions, arrays, structures,
pointers and files
Examples: -
i. Counting characters, lines and words
ii. Checking leap year
iii. Finding sum of digits and reversing a number
iv. Generating Prime numbers, Fibonacci numbers and Angstrom numbers
v. Sine and Cosine series
vi. Sorting of numbers, strings and records
vii. Matrix addition and multiplication
viii. Implementation of dynamic memory allocation
ix. Implementation of linked lists
x. File handling
xi. Problems using Command line arguments
M 508 0+0+3
Study of Centre Lathe: Origin of the name lath and lathe- specification of lathe- head
stock, tail stock, carriage, cross slide, compound rest, guide ways, feed gar box, apron
box, micro structural requirement of bed material. Accessories: Chuck, two and three
jaws, and faceplate, follow rest, tool post grinder, and centres.
Study of Machining technology: Study of metal cutting – tool terminology as per ASA,
ISO, DIN standards –merchant’s circle, Lee & Shaffer theory, thick & thin zone models -
tool materials, coated HSS, ceramic, CBN, diamond etc, inserts, chip breakers -- Tool
wear mechanisms, VB determination - Use of Taylor’s equation at shop floor -
Machineabilty index - Role of specific heat in cutting fluids. – Cutter types and selection
– Abrasive machining (Ra values) – Diamond turning of parts (Ra values) - Production
of axi – symmetric parts – Production of prismatic components – Hole machining – Gear
Study of Basic measurement and devices: accuracy, precision, sensitivity, and standards
of measurements, metrology lab; standard and calibration, linear measurements, limit
gauges (types and design), Taylor’s principle, comparators (optical, mechanical,
electrical, pneumatic), slip gauges, optical projector with digital measuring. –
Geometrical measurements: angular measurements, vernier and optical protractors, sine
bar. - Measurement of light wave interference, flatness and parallelism and round
measurement, checking the dimensional accuracy of slip gauges with interference
microscope. - Surface characterization: measurement of surface finishes RMS and CLA
values, waviness, cut off, skid, instruments for measurement of roughens of a sand cast
surface, slip gauge surface, ground bore of an engine cylinder, importance of surface
finish on crack initiation. – Screw thread terminology, best wire size, two and three wire
methods pitch measurement – Gear metrology (spur gear): run out checking, composite
errors, base pitch measurement, profile measurement, checking backlash, alignment
errors. – Advanced measuring devices: CMM, machine vision, toolmakers microscope,
limitations, SEM, & TEM, laser measuring instruments, laser micrometer and alignment
test using laser interferometry.
Measurement of cutting forces in machine tools using dynamometers –process capability
study of Machines –grinding of tool angle using tool and cutter grinding machine in a
tool room –Turning & taper turning, turning & thread cutting, - Indexing & Gear cutting,
pocket milling–– Study of tool and machine monitoring systems.- Angular measurements
use of sine bar and slip gauges, measurement of angle using clinometer, bevel protractor
– calibration of plug and snap gauges using slip gauges – Roundness measurement :
cylindricity, concentricity, perpendicularity using dial stand and measuring bench –
Surface finish measurement.- Optical profile projector: study of profile of gear tooth,
screw threads, other tools – Tool makers microscope: to study tool geometry, screw
threads, measurement of turning tool wear of VB & KT values –Flatness measurement
of surface table using auto collimator – Lathe alignment test using laser interferometer –
gear concentricity tester, gear roll tester and gear tooth measurement.
Student’s assessment, continuous evaluation, awarding of sessional marks, record
bonafides, oral examination etc and university examination shall be done by Faculty
1. Acharkan. N. - Machine Tool Design Vol. 1 to 4, MIR Publication.
2. HMT- Production Technology, TMH.

13 Jan 2013 Albert Augustine


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