MG University (MGU) Electronics And Communication Engineering (ec) s6 Syllabus free download | Sample Papers
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MG University (MGU) Electronics And Communication Engineering (ec) s6 Syllabus free download

Written By Blogger on 13 January 2013 | 00:24

MGU ec s6 Syllabus free download

LA 601 3+2+0
Module 1
Modern concept of Management: Scientific management-Functions of
management-Planning-Organising- Staffing-Directing- Motivating-
Communicating- Co-ordinating- Controlling-Organisational structures- Line, Line
and staff and Functional relationships- Span of control- Delegation- Management
by Objectives.
Module 2
Personnel management: Objectives and functions of personnel management-
Recruitment-Selection and training of workers- Labour Welfare- Industrial
Fatigue- Industrial disputes-Trade Unions- Quality circles. Formation of
companies: Proprietory-Partnership-Joint stock companies- Public sector- Joint
sector and Co-operative sector.
Module 3
Marketing Management: Pricing- Promotion- Channels of distribution- Market
research-Advertising. Production Management: Batch and mass production-
Inventory control- EOQ-Project planning by PERT/CPM- Construction of
Network (Basic ideas only).
Module 4
Theory of demand and supply- Price mechanism- Factors of production- Land,
labour, capital and organization- National income- Difficulties in estimation-
Taxation- Direct and indirect taxes- Progressive and regressive- Black money-
Inflation-Causes and consequences.
Module 5
Indian financial system- Reserve bank of India: Functions- Commercial banking
system-Development financial institutions- IDBI- ICICI- SIDBI- IRBINABARD-
Investment institutions-UTI- Insurance companies- Indian capital
market- Stock market- Functions- Role of the public sector- Privatisation-
Multinational corporations and their impact on the Indian economy.
1. Industrial Management - O P Khanna, Dhanpat Rai Pub.
2. Industrial Management - K.K. Ahuja, Khanna Pub.
3. Marketing Management - Philip Kotler, PHI
4. Indian economy - A.N. Agarwal, Wishwa Prakashan
5. Modern economic theory - K.K Dewett, Shyam Lal charitable trust.
Module 1
Random Signal Theory: Review of discrete and continuous random variables-
Gaussian probability function- properties- error function- complementary error
function. Base band data transmission: - Base band binary data transmission
system- Inter symbol interference- Nyquist pulse shaping criteria- Optimum
transmitting- Receiving filters.
Module 2
Correlative coding: -Duobinary Base band PAM system- Use of controlled ISIM-
ary signaling scheme (no analysis)- Binary versus M-ary signaling schemespre
coding- Bipolar coding- Manchester coding- HDB coding- Equalization-
Adaptive equalization- Eye pattern- Scrambler- Unscrambler.
Module 3
Digital transmission: - BPSK- DPSK- M-ary PSK- QPSK- BFSK- M-ary FSKMSK-
Module 4
Digital transmission of Analog signals: - Sampling - Quantizing uniform nonuniform
quantization -Companding- A law μ law PCM system- DPCM delta
modulation system- slope over loading- ADM- CVSD- Quantization noise.
Module 5
Noise in communication system: - Noise types- SNR- Probability of error-
Effective Noise temperature- Noise figure- Detection of binary signals in
Gaussian noise: -Maximum likelihood Receiver structure- Matched filter-
Correlation realization of matched filter- optimizing error performance- error
probability performance of binary transmission system.
1. Digital Communications: Sklar,Pearson Education
2. Digital and Analog Communication System: K Sam Shanmugam.
3. Principles of Communication System: Taub & Shilling, TMH.
4. Digital Communication- Siman Haykin.
5. Communication Systems Engineering: Proakis, Pearson Education.
6. Digital & Analog Communication System- Leon W Couch, Pearson Education.
L 602 3+1+0
LTA 603 3+1+0
Review of signals and systems: Introduction - advantages and limitations of
Digital Signal Processing. Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filters - Signal
Flowgraph- Basic Network structure for IIR filter- Direct- Cascade- Parallel
Forms. Design of IIR Digital filters from analog filters- Butterworth design-
Chebyshev design- design based on numerical solutions of differential equations-
Impulse Invariant Transformation.
Module 2
Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters: Linear phase FIR filters- Frequency
response of linear phase FIR filters - Location of the zeros of linear phase FIR
filters. Realization of FIR- cascade - lattice design-Fourier Series method- using
windows-rectangular- triangular or Barlett windows- Hanning- Hamming-
Blackman- Kaiser windows.
Module 3
Discrete fourier Transform: Properties-Circular convolution- Linear
Convolution using DFT- relation between Z- Transform and DFT- Fast Fourier
Transform; decimation – in time and Frequency - FFT algorithms – General
Computation using Radix 2 algorithm.
Module 4
Finite word length effects in digital filters: Introduction- Number
Representation - Fixed Point- Sign-Magnitude - One’s-complement- Two’s -
complement forms -Addition of two fixed point numbers- Multiplication in Fixed
Point arithmetic - Floating point numbers- Block floating point numbersquantization
- truncation- rounding - effects due to truncation and rounding- Input
quantization error - Product quantization error - Co-efficient quantization errorzero-
input limit cycle Oscillations - Overflow limit cycle Oscillations - Scaling-
Quantization in Floating Point realization IIR digital filters - Finite Word Length
Effects in FIR Digital Filters- Quantization effects in the Computation of the
DFT- quantization errors in FFT algorithms.
Module 5
Applications of digital signal processing: Speech Processing- speech analysisspeech
coding- sub band coding- channel vecoder- homomorphic vecoder- digital
processing of audio signals- Radar signal processing- DSP based measurements
systems. Equi ripple FIR design- PCM DSP chips- a general study.
1. Digital signal processing: Ifechor- Pearson edn.
2. Desecrate time signal processing: Oppenhiem- Pearson edn.
3. Digital signal processing: Oppenhiem and Sheffer- PHI
4. Introduction to Digital signal processing: Johny R Johnson
5. Digital signal processing: Proakis and Manolakis.
6. Digital signal processing: P Ramesh Babu- Scitech Pub.
L 604 2+1+0
Retarded potentials: Radiation from an A.C current element monopoles and
dipoles-power radiated from a dipole isotropic radiators- radiation patternradiation
intensity-directive gain-power antenna efficiency-effective areaeffective
length and aperture-Reciprocity theorem-radiation resistance-antenna
beam width.
Module 2
Antenna array: Classifications-Broad-side, End-fire arrays, Array of n- point,
two point sources, multiplication of patterns -binomial array-stacked array folded
dipole- reflector-Basic principles of antenna-parabolic reflector different
methods- Chebyshev arrays- super directive arrays.
Module 3
VLF and LF transmitting antennas-effects of ground on antenna-performancegrounded
antennas-effects of antenna height and effective height of antennamedium
frequency antennas-dipole antennas-V and inverted V antennas-Rhombic
antenna-traveling wave antennas-folded dipole, Yagi-Uda antenna-Basic
principles of radio direction finding-loop antennas, Microstrip antennas.
Module 4
Factors involved in the propagation of radio waves: the ground wave-
Reflection of radio waves by the surface of the earth-space wave propagationconsiderations
in space wave propagation-atmospheric effects in space wave
propagation-ionosphere and its effects on radio waves -mechanism of ionosphere
propagation-refraction and reflection of sky waves by ionosphere-ray paths-skip
distance-maximum usable frequency-vertical and oblique incidence-fading of
signals - selective fading-diversity reception, Duct Propagation.
Module 5
Antenna measurements: Input impedance- SWR method- radiation pattern
measurements- beam width measurements-gain measurements-measurements of
radiation resistance -radiation efficiency.
1. Antennas and wave propagation - K. D. Prasad
2. Antennas - John Krauss, Mc Graw Hill
3. Antenna theory and design- A. Ballanis
4. Radio Engg - F E Terman, Mc Graw Hill.
L 605 3+1+0
Module 1
Objectives of engineering measurement-Basic measuring system-block diagram
and description-Performance characteristics of instruments-static and dynamic.
Types of data-static-dynamic-transient-rise time, response time & settling time.
Analog and digital information-comparison. Error -classification of measurement
errors--sources of measurement errors.
Module 2
Transducers-parameters of electrical transducers-types-active and passiveanalogue
and digital types of transducers. Electromechanical typepotentiometric,
inductive (self generating and non self generating type),
capacitive, piezo electric, strain gauge, ionization and mechano electronic type.
Opto electrical type-photo emissive, photo conductive and photo voltaic type.
Frequency generating type-digital encoders-selection criteria for transducers.
Module 3
Intermediate elements-instrumentation amplifier, isolation amplifier. Data
transmission elements-block diagram of telemetering system-classification of
telemetering systern-Electrical telemetering system--voltage, current and position
type-RF telemetery-pulse telemetery (analog and digital)-pulse amplitude, pulse
frequency, pulse duration and pulse position modulation.
Module 4
Bridge measurements - Wheatstone bridge - guarded Wheatstone bridge. AC
bridges - Owen's bridge - Shering Bridge - Wein Bridge - Wagner ground
connection. Recording techniques-strip chart recorders-basic principles of digital
recording. Basic principles of Signal Analyzers-Distortion analyzer wave
analyzer, spectrum analyzer.
Module 5
Basic measurements - Strain measurement - Pressure measurement - Flow
measurement - Temperature measurement - Force & torque measurement.
Multiplexing - D/A multiplexing and A/D multiplexing.
1. Measurement Systems - Doeblin, MGH.
2. Instrumentation-devices and systems - Rangan, Sarma & Mani, TMH.
3. Principles of Measurement & Instrumentation – Morris, PHI.
4. Transducers & Instrumentation – D.U. S Murthy, PHI.
L 606 3+1+0
Module 1
Introduction to control system – Basic idea of control systems and their
classifications – transfer function – transfer function of electrical, mechanical and
electromechanical system – block diagram – signal flow graph – Mason’s gain
Module 2
Time domain Analysis – Type and order of a system – typical test signals for the
time response of control system – impulse and step response of first and second
order systems – steady state error – static and dynamic error coefficients –
concepts of stability – Routh Hurwitz criterion – basic ideas of proportional,
derivative and integral controllers.
Module 3
Frequency domain analysis – frequency response – frequency domain
specifications – Bode Plot – Nicol’s chart – Nyquist stability criterion – relative
stability – gain margin – phase margin.
Module 4
Root Locus technique – basic theory and properties of root loci – procedure for
construction of root loci – error detectors – servo motor – tacho generator –
magnetic amplifier.
Module 5
State variable analysis and compensation techniques – introduction to state
variable concepts – state variable description of linear dynamic systems – state
equations – state transition matrix – representaion of state equations – lag
compensator – lead compensator – lag lead compensator (design of compensators
is not needed).
1. Modern control engineering – Katsuhiko Ogata, Pearson Edn
2. Control systems principles and design: M. Gopal, TMH.
3. Automatic control system – B.C. Kuo, PHI.
4. Control system design: Graham C Goodwin, PHI.
5. Modern Control Systems: Dorf, Pearson Education.
L 607 0+0+3
List of Experiments
1. Measurement of op amp parameters.
2. Active filters: LPF, HPF, BPF, All pass & notch filters.
3. Square wave, Triangular, Saw tooth generation using op amp.
4. Logarithmic amplifiers.
5. Precision rectifiers.
6. Switched capacitor filter.
7. Sample and hold circuit.
8. 8038 function generators.
9. Analog to digital converters.
10. Digital to analog converters.
Any experiment related to L505 may be added to the above list.
L 608 0+0+3
The mini project will involve the design, construction, and debugging of an
electronic system approved by the department. There will be several projects such
as intercom, SMPS, burglar alarm, UPS, inverter, voting machine etc. The
schematic and PCB design should be done using any of the standard schematic
capture & PCB design software. Each student may choose to buy, for his
convenience, his own components and accessories. Each student must keep a
project notebook. The notebooks will be checked periodically throughout the
semester, as part of the project grade.
In addition to this, the following laboratory experiments should also be done in the lab.
1. Astable and mono stable multi-vibrators using 555
2. Light activated alarm circuit
3. Speed control of electric fan using triac
4. Illumination control circuits
5. Touch control circuits
6. Sound operated circuits.
7. Schematic capture software (OrCAD or similar) familiarization.
8. PCB design software (OrCAD Layout or similar) familiarization.
A demonstration and oral examination on the mini project also should be done at
the end of the semester. The university examination will consist of two parts. One
of the lab experiments will be given for examination to be completed within 60 to
90 minutes with a maximum of 30% marks. 70% marks will be allotted for the
demonstration and viva voce on the mini project.

13 Jan 2013 Albert Augustine


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