MGU Mechanical Engineering s8 Syllabus free download
M 801 2+1+ 0
Module 1
Theory of metal cutting: Historical back ground –Classification of manufacturing
process – Deformation of metals (review only) – Performance & process parameters -
Oblique & orthogonal cutting – Mechanism of chip formation, types, chip curl, chip
control – Tool geometry: American, British, DIN, ISO systems – Mechanism of
orthogonal cutting: Thin zone model, Merchant’s analysis, Oxley thin shear zone analysis
– Thick zone models, Palmer & Oxley analysis – shear angle relationship, Lee &
Shaffer`s; relation ship etc. – Friction process in metal cutting: nature of sliding friction,
effect of increasing normal load on apparent to real area of contact , columb`s law, yield
stress at asperities, adhesion theory, ploughing, sublayer flow – Effect of rake
angle,cutting angle, nose radius etc. on cutting force and surface finish – Empirical
determination of force component.
Module 2
Thermal aspects of machining: Source of heat; temperature distribution in chip, shear
plane & work piece; effect of speed, feed & depth of cut – Tool materials: carbon steel,
HSS, coated HSS, ceramics, diamond etc.- Cutting fluids: effect of specific heat, etc on
selection of liquids; effectiveness at tool chip interface; classification of fluids – Tool
wear: flank & crater [KT] wear – Tool wear mechanisms: adhesion, abrasion, diffusion &
fatigue; Taylor’s equation, application at shop floor; speed, tool material & micro
structure on tool life; allowable wear land [VB] ; rapid, steady & catatospheric wear on
rough & finishing operations – Economics of machining – Machineability index.
Module 3
Power metallurgy: Preparation metal powers – Power characteristics: properties of fine
power, size, size distribution, shape, compressibility, purity etc.- Mixing – Compaction
techniques – Mechanism of sintering of single & multi phase materials - Sintering
atmosphere – Finishing operations: heat treatment, surface treatment, impregnation
treatment etc. – Impregnated bearings – Sintered oil-retaining bearing – Economics of
Advanced materials: Super alloys - Titanium & titanium alloys – shape memory alloys –
smart materials – microstructure, properties, applications.
Module 4
Polymers: Polymerization – Structural features: Linear & net work molecular structure –
Molecular wt, degree of polymerization, branching, cross linking – co polymers & ter
polymers – Molecular architecture – effect of crystallinity – Glass transition temp: -
Thrmo polymers – Thermoset polymers – Additives – Polymer matrix composites:
properties & applications. - Elastamers: Kinked structure - Mechanical, physical &
chemical properties – Vulcanization of rubber – conductive polymers, applications. –
Ceramics: Structure – Mechanical, physical properties & applications. – Glasses: Types,
glass ceramics – Types, properties and application of MMC and CMC – Honey comb
Module 5
Advanced production methods: Rapid prototyping: background & definitions – Process
methods: Stereolithography, selective laser sintering, fused deposition modeling,
laminated object manufacturing, laser engineered net shaping, 3D welding – Information
processing – Indirect fabrication of metals & ceramics. – Non traditional machining:
EDM, ECM, USM – principle, types, process parameters, control, MRR, surface finish,
application etc. – Electro chemical grinding, lapping, honing; process principle & Ra
only, applications – EBM, LBM, IBM, AJM, Abrasive water jet machining, LIGA
1. Armarego & Brown, The Machining of Metals, Prentice - Hall
2. Beaman, Barlow & Bourell, Solid Free Foam Fabrication: A new direction in mafg.,
Kluwer Academic Publishers
3. Brophy, Rose & Wulf, The Structure & Properties of Metals Vol.2, Wiley Eastern
4. Dixon & Clayton, Powder Metallurgy for Engineers, Machinery publishing co. London
5. HMT, Production Technology, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Kalpakjian, Manufacturing Engineering & Technology, Addison – Wesley, 4nd edn.
7. Lal G.K., Introduction to Machining Science, New Age publishers
8. Metcut research, Machinablity Data Center Vol.1 & 2, Metcut research associates,
9. Paul. H. Black, Theory of Metal Cutting, McGraw Hill
M 802 3+1+0
Module 1
Engines: Types of engines in automobiles-classifications-engine components-working of
various systems-CNGengines-R&D works-present and future vehicles-frame, body and
engine construction-structure and mechanism forming components- carburetors, diesel
fuel pumps, injector, single point and multi point fuel injection-combustion chamberslubricating
oil pumps-cooling systems-Vehicle performance-resistance to the motion of
vehicle-air, rolling, and radiant resistance-power requirement-acceleration and
gradeability-selection of gear ratios.
Module 2
Transmission: prime movers-clutch-principle-friction-helical spring and conical spring
clutches –centrifugal clutches and fluid couplings-Gear box-principle and necessity of
manual gear box- constant mesh, sliding mesh and synchromesh gear boxes-epicyclic
gearbox-overdrives-hydraulic torque converters-semi and automatic transmission-Final
drive-front wheel, rear wheel and four wheel drives-transfer case-Hotchkiss and torque
tube drives-universal joints-constant velocity universal joint-differential-non-slip
differential-rear axles-types of rear axles.
Module 3
Steering and Suspension: Different steering mechanisms-steering gear boxes-power
steering –types-suspension systems-front axle, rigid axle and independent suspensionsanti-
roll bar-coil spring and leaf spring-torsion bar-Macpherson strut-sliding pillar-wish
bone-trailing arm suspensions-front axle types-front wheel geometry-castor, camber,
king pin inclination, toe-in toe-out. Shock absorbers-hydraulic and gas charged shock
absorbers-air suspensions.
Module 4
Chassis and Body: Types of chassis and body constructions-crumble zones, air bags and
impact beams-automotive air conditioning-braking mechanism and convectional brakesbooster,
hydraulic and power brakes, components and attachments-mechanical, hydraulic
and pneumatic brakes-anti-lock braking systems-Wheels and Tyres:tube-less tyres-ply
ratings- radial tyres-hybrid vehicles-vintage cars-racing cars-automated roads-coach
works-materials- safety provisions- motor vehicle act.
Module 5
Electrical systems Battery, charging and ignition systems-electronic ignition-dynamos
and alternators-voltage regulators-light and horn relays-circuit diagrams-starting motorbendix
and follow through drives-power windows-electronic engine control unit for fuel
injection- automotive lighting, accessories and dashboard instruments-Preventive and
breakdown maintenance-engine testing, servicing-overhaul- engine tuning- wheel
balancing-trouble shooting-garage tools and equipments-noise, vibration, and
performance tests.
1. Automobile Engineering (Vol. 1 & 2) - K.M.Guptha
2. Automotive Mechanics - Joseph Heitner
3. Automobile Engineering - Harbans Singh Reyd
4. Automotive Mechanics - William H. Course
M 803 2+1+0
Module 1
Introduction to PPC: need for PPC, effect, advantages, functions and problems of PPC.
Forecasting: methods of sales forecasting-forecasting for new products-forecasting for
established products-time series analysis for sale forecasting – long term forecasting –
methods of estimating Sales trend- problems- correlation analysis.
Module 2
Production planning: objectives-characteristics-process planning. Capacity planningfactors
affecting-Master production scheduling-material requirement planning – BOM
and product structure.
Production control: objectives- production control systems- principle and procedure of
production Control.
Routing: objectives- procedure – route sheets.
Module 3
Sequencing assumptions: solution of sequencing problems-processing n jobs through
two machines
Processing n jobs through three machines – processing n jobs through m machines –
processing two
Jobs through m machines-problems
Module 4
Materials management: Components of integrated material management Purchasing
management- stores management. Supply chain management – ERP-Role of I.T.
Module 5
Loading and scheduling: aim- reasons for scheduling- master scheduling or aggregate
Estimating shop loads- short term scheduling – mathematical loading and schedulingproblems-
Scheduling through PERT / CPM problems.
Despatching- duties- procedure- rules.
Follow up and reporting- types-report preparation and presentation.
1. Modern Production Management - E.S.Buffa
2. Principles of Production Management - J.Apple
3. Production management principles - Mcycss
4. Production Planning and Control - K.C.jani& L.N.Aggarwal
5. Manufacturing Planning &Control - Volfman, Berry, Whybark systems
6. Production and operations management - R.Paneerselvam
7. Modeling the supply chain - Jeremy F Shapiro
M 804 2+0+2
Module 1
Gears: Types of gears –spur gear, helical gear, bevel gear, worm and worm wheelstrength
of gear teeth – gear forces and their effects – formative number of teeth – lead –
lead angle-basic geometry and nomenclature of meshed spur gear set-dynamic load –
endurance load-wear loads – AGMA standards – Lewis equation for strength design and
Lewis form factor – design for wear – design of gears such as spur gear, helical gear,
bevel gear, worm and worm wheel.
Module 2
Bearings: Bearing materials – introduction to lubrication – minimum film thickness –
hydrodynamic theory of lubrication – viscosity of oil – oil seals – selection of lubricants
– viscosity index – measurement of viscosity – effect of temperature on viscosity –
clearance ratio – summer feld number – specifications and selection of bearing – anti
friction bearing – bearing life – rating life – dynamic load capacity – equivalent dynamic
load – design of journal bearing – design of rolling contact bearing such as ball and roller
Pumps: Design of centrifugal pump (Simple problems)
1. Mechanical Engineering Design – Joseph Shigley
2. Machine Design – Mubeen
3. Machine Design – Black
4. Principles of Lubrication – Cameron A.
5. Mechanical Seals – Mayer E.
6. Design of Machine Elements – Bhandari V. B.
7. Machine Design – Pandya and Shah
Question Paper pattern same as Machine Design - I
CMELRTM 805-1 3+1+0
Module 1 Green’s Function
Heavisides, unit step function – Derivative of unit step function – Dirac delta function – properties of delta function – Derivatives of delta
function – testing functions – symbolic function – symbolic derivatives – inverse of differential operator – Green’s function – initial value
problems – boundary value problems – simple cases only
Module 2 Integral Equations
Definition of Volterra and Fredholm Integral equations – conversion of a linear
differential equation into an integral equation – conversion of boundary value problem
into an integral equation using Green’s function – solution of Fredhlom integral equation
with separable Kernels – Integral equations of convolution type – Neumann series
Module 3 Gamma, Beta functions
Gamma function, Beta function – Relation between them – their transformations – use of
them in the evaluation certain integrals – Dirichlet’s integral – Liouville’s extension of
Dirichlet’s theorem – Elliptic integral – Error function.
Module 4 Power Series solution of differential equation
The power series method – Legendre’s Equation – Legendre’s polynomial – Rodrigues
formula – generating function – Bessel’s equation – Bessel’s function of the first kind –
Orthogonality of Legendre’s Polynomials and Bessel’s functions.
Module 5 Numerical solution of partial differential equations.
Classification of second order equations- Finite difference approximations to partial derivatives – solution of Laplace and Poisson’s
equations by finite difference method – solution of one dimensional heat equation by Crank – Nicolson method – solution one dimensional
wave equation.
1. Linear Integral Equation - Ram P.Kanwal, Academic Press, New York
2. A Course on Integral Equations - Allen C.Pipkin, Springer – Verlag
3. Advanced Engg. Mathematics - H.K.Dass, S.Chand
4. Advanced Engg. Mathematics - Michael D.Greenberge, Pearson Edn. Asia
5. Numerical methods in Engg. &Science - B.S.Grewal, Khanna Publishers
6. Generalized functions - R.F. Hoskins, John Wiley and Sons.
7. Principles and Techniques of Applied Mathematics - Bernard Friedman, John Wiley
and sons
8. Principles of Applied Mathematics - James P.Keener, Addison Wesley.
9. Numerical methods - P.Kandasamy, K.Thilagavathy, K.Gunavathy, Chand & co
M 8052
Module 1
Artificial Intelligence - expert / knowledge based systems - definition - expert system
architecture: software components, knowledge base, inference engine, inference sub
Module 2
Hard ware requirements - knowledge acquisition, knowledge base, knowledge
representation - semantic netwoks, objects, nods; links, attributes, values - semantic net
work structures: nodes, object, links, attributes, values.
Module 3
Knowledge representation: rule based system - heuristic rules - frame based knowledge
representation - inference engine components - inferences strategies; modus ponens,
backward & forward chaining, monotonic & non monotonic reasoning, search strategies -
expert system building tools: languages, shells.
Module 4
Commercial software for manufacturing applications in CAD, CAPP, MRP - 11,
adaptive control of devices, robotics, process control, fault diagnosis, failure analysis etc;
linking expert systems to other software such as DBMS, MIS, MDB, process control and
office automation.
Module 5
Case studies and programming of typical applications in process planning, tool selection,
Grinding wheel selection, part classification, inventory control, facilities planning etc.
1. Peter Jackson - Introduction to Expert systems, 3/e, by; Addison Wesley Longman,
2. Prentice - hall hand book of expert systems
M 805-3 3+1+0
Module 1
The atmosphere: Characteristics of Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere and
Ionosphere - International Standard Atmosphere – Pressure, Temperature and Density
variations in the International Standard Atmosphere – Review of basic fluid dynamics –
continuity, momentum and energy for incompressible and compressible flows – static,
dynamic and stagnation pressures – phenomena in supersonic flows
Module 2
Application of dimensional analysis to 2D viscous flow over bodies – Reynolds number
– Mach number similarity – Aerofoil characteristics – Pressure distribution – Centre of
Pressure and Aerodynamic Center – Horse shoe vortex
Module 3
Momentum and Blade Element Theories – Propeller co-efficients and charts – Aircraft
engines – Turbo jet, Turbo fan and Ram Jet engines – Bypass and After Burners
Module 4
Straight and Level Flight – Stalling Speed – Minimum Drag and Minimum Power
conditions – Performance Curves – Gliding – Gliding angle and speed of flattest glide –
Climbing – Rate of Climb – Service and Absolute Ceilings – Take off and Landing
Performance – Length of Runway Required – Circling Flight – Banked Flight – High Lift
Devices – Range and Endurance of Air planes.
Module 5
Air speed indicators – Calculation of True Air Speed – Altimeters – Rate of Climb meter
– Gyro Compass – Principles of Wind Tunnel Testing – Open and Closed type Wind
Tunnels – Pressure and Velocity Measurements – Supersonic Wind Tunnels (description
only) – Rocket Motors – Solid and Liquid Propellant Rockets – Calculation of Earth
Orbiting and Escape Velocities Ignoring Air Resistance and assuming Circular Orbit.
1. Mechanics of Flight - Kermode A. C.
2. Aerodynamics for Engineering Students - Houghton and Brock
3. Airplane Aerodynamic - Dommasch
M 805-4 3+1+0
Module 1
Thermodynamics of reactive mixtures: Bond energy-Heat of formation-Heat of reactionadiabatic
flames temperatures-entropy changes for reacting mixtures-chemical
equilibrium – equilibrium criteria –evaluation of equilibrium constant and equilibrium
composition –simple numerical solutions.
Module 2
Elements of chemical kinetics: law of mass action-order and molecularity of reaction –
rate equation- Arrheniuss law – activation energy – collision theory of reaction ratesTransition
state theory-collision theory of reaction rates- Transition state theory –General
theory of chain reactions- combustion of carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
Module 3
Ignition and flammability: methods of ignition –self ignition – thermal theory of ignition
– limits of flammability –factors affecting flammability limits- flame quenching- flame
propagation- flame velocity- measurement of flame velocity – factors affecting flame
speed- premixed and diffusion flames – physical structures and comparison –
characteristics of laminar and turbulent flames- theory of laminar flame propagation.
Module 4
Flame stabilization: Stability diagrams for open flames- mechanisms of flame
stabilization –critical boundary-velocity gradient –stabilization by eddies bluff body
stabilization – effects of variables on stability limits.
Module 5
Combustion in solid an liquid propellant: Reactant motors – Classification and types of
propellants – desirable properties of grain shapes – burning rates and combustion model
of solid propellants- injection of liquid propellants-ignition and ignitors. Miscellaneous
topics – droplet combustion – fluidized bed combustion - classification of coal – air
1. Fuels and combustion – Sharma S.P
2. Some fundamentals of combustion – Spalding D.B
3. Fundamentals of combustion – Strehlow . R.A
4. Elementary reaction Kinetics – Lathan J.L
5. Flames – Gaydan and wolfhard.
M 805-5 3+1+0
Module 1
Project feasibility Analysis- Marketing, Technical, and financial feasibilities- report
preparation-case studies.
Module 2
Project Management- nature and scope- PERT and CPM techniques, Estimates-time,
cost, resources (man, material, tool).
Module 3
Forecasting Methods-Time series analysis-method pf least square, moving average,
curvilinear, correlation analysis.
Module 4
Risk Analysis-risk in economic analysis-measuring risk in investment; risk profiles,
decision trees, formulation of discounted decision trees, simulation.
Module 5
MS Project: (Software Practice) Creation of task, sequencing of task, assignment of
resources, finding critical path, ABC activities (discuss), breaking the activities,
colouring techniques, resource balancing, allocating overtime, using different calendars
(Like 8 or 12 hours shift, Friday/Sunday holiday, Special public holidays etc), cost
estimates, assignment of blank fields, creation of different views on screen.
Reports: Daily reports for completed activity, lagging activities, overall progress review,
Management high-level reports, individual Departmental reports.
1. Corter, Mastering MS Project 2000, BPB Publishers.
2. Harvey Maylor, Project Management, Pearson Education.
3. PrasannaChandra, Project Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Prasanna Chandra, Projects, Tata McGraw Hill.
M805-6 3+1+0
Module 1
Introduction to C++ - Object Oriented Approach – I/O instructions – Data types – Type
Conversions – Arithmetic Operators – Relational Operators – Loops – Precedence –
Conditional Operator – Logical Operators – Structures and its manipulations – Functions
– Arrays.
Module 2
Classes and Objects – Specifying the Class – The private and public key words –
Defining Member Functions – Defining Objects – Calling Member Functions –
Constructors – Destructors – Overloaded Constructors – Objects as Arguments –
Returning Objects from Functions – Array of Objects.
Module 3
Operator Overloading – Operator Arguments – Operator Return Values – Postfix
Notation – Overloading Binary Operators – Arithmetic Assignment Operators – Data
Conversion – Inheritance – Derived Class and Base Class – Specifying The Derived
Class – Accessing Base Class Members – The protected Members – Derived Class
Constructors – Overriding Member Functions – Scope Resolution with Overridden
Functions – Public and Private Inheritance – Levels of Inheritance – Multiple
Module 4
Pointers – Memory Management – The new and delete Operators – Pointers to Objects –
Self Containing Classes – Virtual Functions – Accessing Normal and Virtual Member
Functions with Pointers – Pure Virtual Functions – Friend Functions – The ‘this’ Pointer
– Accessing Member Data with ‘this’.
Module 5
Introduction to Windows Programming – Basic Windows Program Structure – Different
Windows Messages like WM_PAINT, WM_TIMER etc. – Introduction to MFC – MFC
Hierarchy - Use of Simple Foundation Classes like CTime, CString, CFile etc. –
Exception Handling.
1. Object Oriented Programming in Microsoft C++ - Robert Lafore
2. Windows Programming Primer Plus - Jim Conger
3. Programming with ANSI and Turbo C - Kamthane. Pearson
M 805-7 3+1+0
Module 1
Silicate Mineralogy in General - Minerals-Definition, Classification-Silicates and nonsilicates.
Physical properties of minerals-Colour, lusture, transperancy, cleavage,
hardness, fracture, form, specific gravity, fusibility & tenacity.
Module 2
Identification of Silicate Minerals - Physical properties, chemical composition and uses
of the important silicate minerals-1. Quartz, 2. Feldspars, 3.Pyroxenes, 4.Amphiboles,
5.Micas, 6.Aluminium silicates-andalusite, sillimanite & kyanite, 7.Olivine, 8.Garnets,
9.Chlorites 10. Natrolite, 11.Clay minerals, 12.Asbestose, 13.Talc 14.Tourmaline 15.
Module 3
Silicate Mineral Structures - Detailed study of the silicate structures with examples- 1.
Nesosilicate, 2.Sorosilicate, 3.Cyclosilicate, 4.Inosilicate, 5.Phyllosilicate & 6.
Tectosilicate. Ceramics and silicates.
Module 4
Particle Analyses – Coarse and powder materials- Coarse material-Size distribution-
Grain size parameters, coefficient of angularity, specific surface area (actual and
theoretical) by sieve analysis. Powder material-Size and area determination by various
methods- Blane’s methods, air jet sieve, Bacho dust classifier and BET methods.
Module 5
Spray Coating – Basic concepts and general discussion of spray coating. Binders- Ethyl
orthosilicate (ETS-40), properties and hydrolysis. Slurries – Binder and different ceramic
powders, consistency and determination, drying. Heat source – Plasma arc-transferred
and non-transferred arcs, arrangement of spray coating.
1. Rutley’s elements of mineralogy, H.H.Read, Thomas Murby&Co, London.
2. A text book of mineralogy, E.S. Dana, Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Mineralogy, Dier, Howie & Zussman, CBS Publishers, New Delhi.
4. Materials-Their nature, properties and fabrication, Seghal & Linderburg.
5. Material science and manufacturing process, Dhaunedrakumar, S.K.Jain &
A.K.Bhargava, Vikas publishing house, New Delhi.
6. Welding and welding technology, Little, Tata McGraw hill publishing Co., New Delhi.
7. Investment casting, H.T. Bidwell, The machinery publishing Co., Ltd, UK.
8. Non-ferrous foundry metallurgy, A.J. Murphy, Pergamon Press Ltd.
9. Welding engineering and technology, R.S. Parman, Khanna publishers, New Delhi.
10. Manufacturing science, Amitabha Ghosh & Asok kumar Mallik, EWP, East West Press
Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
M 806-1 3+1+0
To learn Management Information System (MIS), implementation requirements and
process standardisation.
Module 1
Elements of a MIS – Levels of Management – Types of Management information –
Technical dimensions of Information – System elements – Characteristics of MIS – Case
Module 2
Building Business Model – Data Base – Report generation and time sharing – Case
Module 3
Communication and distributed Data processing.
Module 4
Managing and controlling the MIS function. Application Development Cycle.
Module 5
Future of MIS – Architecture – reliability – Security – Intelligent Buildings.
Student will learn elements of MIS & steps in implementing MIS. Students will also
learn hardware and software selection for MIS.
1. Mudric and Rose - Information System and Management.
2. Jerome Kauter - Management Information Systems, Prentice
Hall India.
3. R. S. Daver - The Management Process.
4. Mudric, Rose & Callgget - Information System for Modern
Management, Prentice Hall India.
5. James Obrein - Management Information Systems
M 806-2 3+1+0
Module 1
Introduction: Historical development- present areas involving cryogenic engineering.
Basic thermodynamics applied to liquefaction and refrigeration process - isothermal,
adiabatic and Joule Thomson expansion process - adiabatic demagnetization – efficiency
to liquefaction and coefficient of performances irreversibility and losses.
Module 2
Low temperature properties of engineering materials: mechanical properties - thermal
properties - electrical and magnetic properties. Properties of cryogenic fluids - materials
of constructions for cryogenic applications.
Module 3
Gas liquefaction systems: production of low temperatures - general liquefaction systems -
liquefaction systems for neon, hydrogen, nitrogen and helium.
Module 4
Cryogenic refrigeration systems: ideal refrigeration systems- refrigerators using liquids
and gases as refrigerants - refrigerators using solids as working media.
Module 5
Cryogenic storage and transfer systems - Cryogenic fluid storage vessels cryogenic fluid
transfer systems. Application of cryogenics - cryo pumping - superconductivity and super
fluidity - cryogenics in space technology - cryogenics in biology and medicine.
1. Cryogenic Systems - Barron R. F
2. Cryogenic Engineering - Scot R. W.
3. Cryogenic Engineering - Bell J.H.
M 806-3 3+1+0
Module 1
Review of elementary Nuclear Physics: Atomic structure – Nuclear energy and nuclear
forces – Nuclear fission
Nuclear reactions and radiations: Principle of radioactive decay – Interaction ofα and β
rays with matter – Neutron cross section and reactions – The fission process – Chain
reaction – Basic principles of controlled fusion.
Module 2
Nuclear reaction principles – Reactor classifications – Critical Size – Basic diffusion
theory – Slowing down of neutrons – Neutron flux and power – Four factor formula –
Criticality condition – Basic features of reactor control
Module 3
Boiling water reactor: Description of reactor system – Main components – control and
safety measures Materials of Reactor: Construction – Fuel – Moderator coolant –
Structural materials – Cladding – Radiation damage.
Module 4
Nuclear fuels: Metallurgy of Uranium – General principles of solvent extraction –
Reprocessing of irradicated fuel – Separation process – Fuel enrichment.
Module 5
Reaction heat removal: Basic equations of heat transfer as applied to reactor cooling –
Reactor heat transfer systems – Heat removal in fast reactors
Radiation Safety: Reactors shielding - Radiation dozes – Standards of radiation
protections – Nuclear waste disposal.
1. Nuclear Engineering - Glasstone & Sesoske
2. Sources book on Atomic Energy - Glasstone S.
M 806-4 3+1+0
Module 1
Introduction to hydraulic / pneumatic devices – their application and characteristics –
comparison of electric, hydraulic and pneumatic devices.
Module 2
Pumps and motors: Principle of working – range of displacement and pressures- fixed
and variable discharge pumps-gear, screw, vane, piston pumps – axial piston pumpswash
pump-bent axis pump. Types of hydraulic motors – their characteristics.
Accessories-Hydraulic accumulators – intensifiers-filters-heater-cooler.
Module 3
Hydraulic valves: Stop valve- non return valve-relief valve-sequence valve-counter
balance valve- pressure reducing valve – flow control valve –irection control valves-their
principle of operation- and application-JIC symbols of hydraulic- pneumatic components.
Module 4
Properties of commonly used hydraulic fluids-Typical hydraulic circuits like those used in
machine tools –Rivetter- pneumatic Hammer, hydraulic press, and power steering.
Module 5
Fluidics: Introduction of fluidics devices –Principles of working of common fluidics
devices like wall attachment devices – proportional amplifiers-turbulent amplifiersfluidic
logic devices – examples of applications of fluidics devices like edge control of
steel plate in rolling mills tension control.
1. Daniel Bonteille -Fluid Logic and Industrial automation.
2. John Pippenger & Tyler Hicks - Industrial Hydraulics
M 806-5 3+1+0
Module 1
Introduction to machine vision – basics of picture processing, Binary and grey scale
Preprocessing concepts – Digital image, Geometrical correction, Grey scale modification,
Sharpening and smoothing images.
Module 2
Edge detection and line finding – Spatial differentiation, extraction of line descriptions.
Types of cameras for Machine vision and their principles.
Module 3
Software for measurement and pattern recognition applications with examples – two and
three-dimensional measurements. Fourier transformation for pattern recognition
Module 4
Image operation studies, interfacing a robot with a vision system. Basics of hardware for
vision system
Module 5
Machine vision applications in engineering – dimension measurement, flaw detection,
identification, verification, sorting - co ordinate measuring machines, non-contact type –
case studies.
1. Sonaka M, Hlavac V & Boyle. R. - Image processing, analysis & machine vision
M 806-6 3+1+0
This course is designed to acquaint students with the basic principles of the finite element
method, to provide experience with its use in engineering analysis and design, and to
provide an opportunity to work with finite element programs used in industry. Computer
programming may be involved.
Module 1
Introduction: Structural analysis objectives, static, dynamic and kinematic analysis,
skeletal and continuum structures, modeling of infinite d.o.f system into infinite d.o.f
system, basic steps in finite element problem formulation, general applicability of the
Element types and characteristics: Discretization of the domain, basic element shapes,
aspect ratio, shape functions, ganeralised co-ordinates and nodal shape functions, 1D spar
and beam elements, 2D rectangular and triangular elements, axisymmetric elements.
Module 2
Assembly of elements and matrices: Concept of element assembly, global and local coordinate
systems, band width and its effects, banded and skyline assembly, boundary
conditions, solution of simultaneous equations, Gaussian elimination and Cholesky
decomposition methods, numerical integration, one and 2D applications.
Module 3
High order and isoparametric elements :One dimensional quadratic and cubic
elements, use of natural co-ordinate system, area co-ordinate system, continuity and
convergence requirements, 2D rectangular and triangular elements.
Module 4
Static analysis: Analysis of trusses and frames, analysis of machine subassemblies, use
of commercial software packages, advantages and limitations.
Module 5
Dynamic analysis: Hamilton`s principle, derivation of equations of equilibrium,
consistent and lumped mass matrices, derivation of mass matrices for 1D elements,
determination of natural frequencies and mode shapes, use of commercial software
Course Outcomes:
1. The students will understand the fundamental principles of finite element theory and
2. The students will be able to built finite element models correctly for various engineering
problems and solve the model using existing finite element codes
Text Book
Rao S.S., “The Finite Element Method in Engineering”, 2nd edition, Pergamon Press, Oxford,
1. Robert D. Cook, David S. Malkins and Michael E. Plesha, “Concepts and Application of
Finite Element Analysis”, 3rd edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1989.
2. Chandrupatla T.R. and Belegundu, A. D.,” Introduction to Finite Elements in
Engineering”, Pearrson Pvt. Ltd., 3rd edition 2002.
M 806-7 3+1+0
To give the detailed information on TQM Tools and Techniques for TQM will be known.
Module 1
Introduction – Leadership Concepts – Customer Satisfaction – employee involvement
Module 2
Continuous Process Improvement – Kaizen, Reengineering, PDSA cycle, Juran Trilogy –
Supplier Partnerships – Quality Cost
Module 3
Statistical Process Control (SPC) – Pareto Diagram, Cause – and – Effect diagram, check
sheet, histogram.
Benchmarking – Quality Function Development – Failure mode and Effect Analysis
Module 4
Total Quality Control (TQC) – Quality Circles – Poka – Yoke- Just–in-Time (JIT)-
KANBAN - ‘5-5’
Module 5
Implementing procedure of TQM - case studies
Learning Objective
1. Student will clear principles and practices of TQM
2. Student will learn tools and Techniques used in TQM.
3. Students will learn the procedure of implementation of TQM
1. Besterfield, Total quality Management, Person Education
2. Besterfield, Quality Control, Prentice - Hall
3. Arora K.C, TQM & 1S0 14000, S K Kataria & Sons
4. Jain & Chitale, Quality assurance and Total quality management, Khanna Publishers.
5. Mitra, Quality control & improvement, Person Education
M 807 0+0+4
1. Study of use of laser interferometer for calibration of linear measurements
2. Measurement of temperature:
Calibration of thermometers and pyrometers
Preparation and calibration of thermocouple and resistance temperature detectors
3. Measurement of pressure:
Calibration and use of pressure measuring instruments-Pressure Gauge, Micro
manometer, Pressure Transducers, Dead weight pressure gauge calibrator
4. Measurement of speed:
Calibration and use of tachometers & stroboscope
5. Measurement of linear and angular dimensions:
Micrometer, Vernier caliper, dial gauge feeler gauge, comparator, interferometer, angle
gauge, sine bar, plug gauge and wire gauge
6. Measurement of Flow: Rotameter, watermeter, Anemometer; calibration and use
7. Measurement of surface roughness using subtonic tester
8. Measurement of gear and screw thread profiles- gear tooth calipers, screw thread calipers
9. Measurement of strain and force – calibration of strain gauges and load cells
10. Measurement of vibration – use of vibration pick ups, accelerometer and vibration
11. Acoustic measurements-sound level meter – preparation of noise contours
12. Measurement of PH value
13. Measurement of psychometric properties of air
14. Analysis of Automobile Exhaust gas and Flue gas -Use of instruments like oxygen
analyser. Orsat gas analyzer, Gas chromatography.
M808 0+0+4
At the beginning of the seventh semester, students must submit an abstract of their
undergraduate project. They must submit a preliminary report at the end of the semester.
They will complete the project in the eighth semester.
Sessional marks for seminar will be out of 25. Sessional marks for project will be out of
75, in which 35 marks will be based on day to day performance assessed by the guide.
Balance 40 marks will be awarded based on the presentation of the project by the
students before an evaluation board consists of a minimum of 3 faculty members
including the guide.
A comprehensive Viva-voce examination will be conducted to assess the student's overall
knowledge in the specified field of engineering. At the time of viva-voce, certified
reports of seminar and project work are to be presented for evaluation.
M 801 2+1+ 0
Module 1
Theory of metal cutting: Historical back ground –Classification of manufacturing
process – Deformation of metals (review only) – Performance & process parameters -
Oblique & orthogonal cutting – Mechanism of chip formation, types, chip curl, chip
control – Tool geometry: American, British, DIN, ISO systems – Mechanism of
orthogonal cutting: Thin zone model, Merchant’s analysis, Oxley thin shear zone analysis
– Thick zone models, Palmer & Oxley analysis – shear angle relationship, Lee &
Shaffer`s; relation ship etc. – Friction process in metal cutting: nature of sliding friction,
effect of increasing normal load on apparent to real area of contact , columb`s law, yield
stress at asperities, adhesion theory, ploughing, sublayer flow – Effect of rake
angle,cutting angle, nose radius etc. on cutting force and surface finish – Empirical
determination of force component.
Module 2
Thermal aspects of machining: Source of heat; temperature distribution in chip, shear
plane & work piece; effect of speed, feed & depth of cut – Tool materials: carbon steel,
HSS, coated HSS, ceramics, diamond etc.- Cutting fluids: effect of specific heat, etc on
selection of liquids; effectiveness at tool chip interface; classification of fluids – Tool
wear: flank & crater [KT] wear – Tool wear mechanisms: adhesion, abrasion, diffusion &
fatigue; Taylor’s equation, application at shop floor; speed, tool material & micro
structure on tool life; allowable wear land [VB] ; rapid, steady & catatospheric wear on
rough & finishing operations – Economics of machining – Machineability index.
Module 3
Power metallurgy: Preparation metal powers – Power characteristics: properties of fine
power, size, size distribution, shape, compressibility, purity etc.- Mixing – Compaction
techniques – Mechanism of sintering of single & multi phase materials - Sintering
atmosphere – Finishing operations: heat treatment, surface treatment, impregnation
treatment etc. – Impregnated bearings – Sintered oil-retaining bearing – Economics of
Advanced materials: Super alloys - Titanium & titanium alloys – shape memory alloys –
smart materials – microstructure, properties, applications.
Module 4
Polymers: Polymerization – Structural features: Linear & net work molecular structure –
Molecular wt, degree of polymerization, branching, cross linking – co polymers & ter
polymers – Molecular architecture – effect of crystallinity – Glass transition temp: -
Thrmo polymers – Thermoset polymers – Additives – Polymer matrix composites:
properties & applications. - Elastamers: Kinked structure - Mechanical, physical &
chemical properties – Vulcanization of rubber – conductive polymers, applications. –
Ceramics: Structure – Mechanical, physical properties & applications. – Glasses: Types,
glass ceramics – Types, properties and application of MMC and CMC – Honey comb
Module 5
Advanced production methods: Rapid prototyping: background & definitions – Process
methods: Stereolithography, selective laser sintering, fused deposition modeling,
laminated object manufacturing, laser engineered net shaping, 3D welding – Information
processing – Indirect fabrication of metals & ceramics. – Non traditional machining:
EDM, ECM, USM – principle, types, process parameters, control, MRR, surface finish,
application etc. – Electro chemical grinding, lapping, honing; process principle & Ra
only, applications – EBM, LBM, IBM, AJM, Abrasive water jet machining, LIGA
1. Armarego & Brown, The Machining of Metals, Prentice - Hall
2. Beaman, Barlow & Bourell, Solid Free Foam Fabrication: A new direction in mafg.,
Kluwer Academic Publishers
3. Brophy, Rose & Wulf, The Structure & Properties of Metals Vol.2, Wiley Eastern
4. Dixon & Clayton, Powder Metallurgy for Engineers, Machinery publishing co. London
5. HMT, Production Technology, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Kalpakjian, Manufacturing Engineering & Technology, Addison – Wesley, 4nd edn.
7. Lal G.K., Introduction to Machining Science, New Age publishers
8. Metcut research, Machinablity Data Center Vol.1 & 2, Metcut research associates,
9. Paul. H. Black, Theory of Metal Cutting, McGraw Hill
M 802 3+1+0
Module 1
Engines: Types of engines in automobiles-classifications-engine components-working of
various systems-CNGengines-R&D works-present and future vehicles-frame, body and
engine construction-structure and mechanism forming components- carburetors, diesel
fuel pumps, injector, single point and multi point fuel injection-combustion chamberslubricating
oil pumps-cooling systems-Vehicle performance-resistance to the motion of
vehicle-air, rolling, and radiant resistance-power requirement-acceleration and
gradeability-selection of gear ratios.
Module 2
Transmission: prime movers-clutch-principle-friction-helical spring and conical spring
clutches –centrifugal clutches and fluid couplings-Gear box-principle and necessity of
manual gear box- constant mesh, sliding mesh and synchromesh gear boxes-epicyclic
gearbox-overdrives-hydraulic torque converters-semi and automatic transmission-Final
drive-front wheel, rear wheel and four wheel drives-transfer case-Hotchkiss and torque
tube drives-universal joints-constant velocity universal joint-differential-non-slip
differential-rear axles-types of rear axles.
Module 3
Steering and Suspension: Different steering mechanisms-steering gear boxes-power
steering –types-suspension systems-front axle, rigid axle and independent suspensionsanti-
roll bar-coil spring and leaf spring-torsion bar-Macpherson strut-sliding pillar-wish
bone-trailing arm suspensions-front axle types-front wheel geometry-castor, camber,
king pin inclination, toe-in toe-out. Shock absorbers-hydraulic and gas charged shock
absorbers-air suspensions.
Module 4
Chassis and Body: Types of chassis and body constructions-crumble zones, air bags and
impact beams-automotive air conditioning-braking mechanism and convectional brakesbooster,
hydraulic and power brakes, components and attachments-mechanical, hydraulic
and pneumatic brakes-anti-lock braking systems-Wheels and Tyres:tube-less tyres-ply
ratings- radial tyres-hybrid vehicles-vintage cars-racing cars-automated roads-coach
works-materials- safety provisions- motor vehicle act.
Module 5
Electrical systems Battery, charging and ignition systems-electronic ignition-dynamos
and alternators-voltage regulators-light and horn relays-circuit diagrams-starting motorbendix
and follow through drives-power windows-electronic engine control unit for fuel
injection- automotive lighting, accessories and dashboard instruments-Preventive and
breakdown maintenance-engine testing, servicing-overhaul- engine tuning- wheel
balancing-trouble shooting-garage tools and equipments-noise, vibration, and
performance tests.
1. Automobile Engineering (Vol. 1 & 2) - K.M.Guptha
2. Automotive Mechanics - Joseph Heitner
3. Automobile Engineering - Harbans Singh Reyd
4. Automotive Mechanics - William H. Course
M 803 2+1+0
Module 1
Introduction to PPC: need for PPC, effect, advantages, functions and problems of PPC.
Forecasting: methods of sales forecasting-forecasting for new products-forecasting for
established products-time series analysis for sale forecasting – long term forecasting –
methods of estimating Sales trend- problems- correlation analysis.
Module 2
Production planning: objectives-characteristics-process planning. Capacity planningfactors
affecting-Master production scheduling-material requirement planning – BOM
and product structure.
Production control: objectives- production control systems- principle and procedure of
production Control.
Routing: objectives- procedure – route sheets.
Module 3
Sequencing assumptions: solution of sequencing problems-processing n jobs through
two machines
Processing n jobs through three machines – processing n jobs through m machines –
processing two
Jobs through m machines-problems
Module 4
Materials management: Components of integrated material management Purchasing
management- stores management. Supply chain management – ERP-Role of I.T.
Module 5
Loading and scheduling: aim- reasons for scheduling- master scheduling or aggregate
Estimating shop loads- short term scheduling – mathematical loading and schedulingproblems-
Scheduling through PERT / CPM problems.
Despatching- duties- procedure- rules.
Follow up and reporting- types-report preparation and presentation.
1. Modern Production Management - E.S.Buffa
2. Principles of Production Management - J.Apple
3. Production management principles - Mcycss
4. Production Planning and Control - K.C.jani& L.N.Aggarwal
5. Manufacturing Planning &Control - Volfman, Berry, Whybark systems
6. Production and operations management - R.Paneerselvam
7. Modeling the supply chain - Jeremy F Shapiro
M 804 2+0+2
Module 1
Gears: Types of gears –spur gear, helical gear, bevel gear, worm and worm wheelstrength
of gear teeth – gear forces and their effects – formative number of teeth – lead –
lead angle-basic geometry and nomenclature of meshed spur gear set-dynamic load –
endurance load-wear loads – AGMA standards – Lewis equation for strength design and
Lewis form factor – design for wear – design of gears such as spur gear, helical gear,
bevel gear, worm and worm wheel.
Module 2
Bearings: Bearing materials – introduction to lubrication – minimum film thickness –
hydrodynamic theory of lubrication – viscosity of oil – oil seals – selection of lubricants
– viscosity index – measurement of viscosity – effect of temperature on viscosity –
clearance ratio – summer feld number – specifications and selection of bearing – anti
friction bearing – bearing life – rating life – dynamic load capacity – equivalent dynamic
load – design of journal bearing – design of rolling contact bearing such as ball and roller
Pumps: Design of centrifugal pump (Simple problems)
1. Mechanical Engineering Design – Joseph Shigley
2. Machine Design – Mubeen
3. Machine Design – Black
4. Principles of Lubrication – Cameron A.
5. Mechanical Seals – Mayer E.
6. Design of Machine Elements – Bhandari V. B.
7. Machine Design – Pandya and Shah
Question Paper pattern same as Machine Design - I
CMELRTM 805-1 3+1+0
Module 1 Green’s Function
Heavisides, unit step function – Derivative of unit step function – Dirac delta function – properties of delta function – Derivatives of delta
function – testing functions – symbolic function – symbolic derivatives – inverse of differential operator – Green’s function – initial value
problems – boundary value problems – simple cases only
Module 2 Integral Equations
Definition of Volterra and Fredholm Integral equations – conversion of a linear
differential equation into an integral equation – conversion of boundary value problem
into an integral equation using Green’s function – solution of Fredhlom integral equation
with separable Kernels – Integral equations of convolution type – Neumann series
Module 3 Gamma, Beta functions
Gamma function, Beta function – Relation between them – their transformations – use of
them in the evaluation certain integrals – Dirichlet’s integral – Liouville’s extension of
Dirichlet’s theorem – Elliptic integral – Error function.
Module 4 Power Series solution of differential equation
The power series method – Legendre’s Equation – Legendre’s polynomial – Rodrigues
formula – generating function – Bessel’s equation – Bessel’s function of the first kind –
Orthogonality of Legendre’s Polynomials and Bessel’s functions.
Module 5 Numerical solution of partial differential equations.
Classification of second order equations- Finite difference approximations to partial derivatives – solution of Laplace and Poisson’s
equations by finite difference method – solution of one dimensional heat equation by Crank – Nicolson method – solution one dimensional
wave equation.
1. Linear Integral Equation - Ram P.Kanwal, Academic Press, New York
2. A Course on Integral Equations - Allen C.Pipkin, Springer – Verlag
3. Advanced Engg. Mathematics - H.K.Dass, S.Chand
4. Advanced Engg. Mathematics - Michael D.Greenberge, Pearson Edn. Asia
5. Numerical methods in Engg. &Science - B.S.Grewal, Khanna Publishers
6. Generalized functions - R.F. Hoskins, John Wiley and Sons.
7. Principles and Techniques of Applied Mathematics - Bernard Friedman, John Wiley
and sons
8. Principles of Applied Mathematics - James P.Keener, Addison Wesley.
9. Numerical methods - P.Kandasamy, K.Thilagavathy, K.Gunavathy, Chand & co
M 8052
Module 1
Artificial Intelligence - expert / knowledge based systems - definition - expert system
architecture: software components, knowledge base, inference engine, inference sub
Module 2
Hard ware requirements - knowledge acquisition, knowledge base, knowledge
representation - semantic netwoks, objects, nods; links, attributes, values - semantic net
work structures: nodes, object, links, attributes, values.
Module 3
Knowledge representation: rule based system - heuristic rules - frame based knowledge
representation - inference engine components - inferences strategies; modus ponens,
backward & forward chaining, monotonic & non monotonic reasoning, search strategies -
expert system building tools: languages, shells.
Module 4
Commercial software for manufacturing applications in CAD, CAPP, MRP - 11,
adaptive control of devices, robotics, process control, fault diagnosis, failure analysis etc;
linking expert systems to other software such as DBMS, MIS, MDB, process control and
office automation.
Module 5
Case studies and programming of typical applications in process planning, tool selection,
Grinding wheel selection, part classification, inventory control, facilities planning etc.
1. Peter Jackson - Introduction to Expert systems, 3/e, by; Addison Wesley Longman,
2. Prentice - hall hand book of expert systems
M 805-3 3+1+0
Module 1
The atmosphere: Characteristics of Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere and
Ionosphere - International Standard Atmosphere – Pressure, Temperature and Density
variations in the International Standard Atmosphere – Review of basic fluid dynamics –
continuity, momentum and energy for incompressible and compressible flows – static,
dynamic and stagnation pressures – phenomena in supersonic flows
Module 2
Application of dimensional analysis to 2D viscous flow over bodies – Reynolds number
– Mach number similarity – Aerofoil characteristics – Pressure distribution – Centre of
Pressure and Aerodynamic Center – Horse shoe vortex
Module 3
Momentum and Blade Element Theories – Propeller co-efficients and charts – Aircraft
engines – Turbo jet, Turbo fan and Ram Jet engines – Bypass and After Burners
Module 4
Straight and Level Flight – Stalling Speed – Minimum Drag and Minimum Power
conditions – Performance Curves – Gliding – Gliding angle and speed of flattest glide –
Climbing – Rate of Climb – Service and Absolute Ceilings – Take off and Landing
Performance – Length of Runway Required – Circling Flight – Banked Flight – High Lift
Devices – Range and Endurance of Air planes.
Module 5
Air speed indicators – Calculation of True Air Speed – Altimeters – Rate of Climb meter
– Gyro Compass – Principles of Wind Tunnel Testing – Open and Closed type Wind
Tunnels – Pressure and Velocity Measurements – Supersonic Wind Tunnels (description
only) – Rocket Motors – Solid and Liquid Propellant Rockets – Calculation of Earth
Orbiting and Escape Velocities Ignoring Air Resistance and assuming Circular Orbit.
1. Mechanics of Flight - Kermode A. C.
2. Aerodynamics for Engineering Students - Houghton and Brock
3. Airplane Aerodynamic - Dommasch
M 805-4 3+1+0
Module 1
Thermodynamics of reactive mixtures: Bond energy-Heat of formation-Heat of reactionadiabatic
flames temperatures-entropy changes for reacting mixtures-chemical
equilibrium – equilibrium criteria –evaluation of equilibrium constant and equilibrium
composition –simple numerical solutions.
Module 2
Elements of chemical kinetics: law of mass action-order and molecularity of reaction –
rate equation- Arrheniuss law – activation energy – collision theory of reaction ratesTransition
state theory-collision theory of reaction rates- Transition state theory –General
theory of chain reactions- combustion of carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
Module 3
Ignition and flammability: methods of ignition –self ignition – thermal theory of ignition
– limits of flammability –factors affecting flammability limits- flame quenching- flame
propagation- flame velocity- measurement of flame velocity – factors affecting flame
speed- premixed and diffusion flames – physical structures and comparison –
characteristics of laminar and turbulent flames- theory of laminar flame propagation.
Module 4
Flame stabilization: Stability diagrams for open flames- mechanisms of flame
stabilization –critical boundary-velocity gradient –stabilization by eddies bluff body
stabilization – effects of variables on stability limits.
Module 5
Combustion in solid an liquid propellant: Reactant motors – Classification and types of
propellants – desirable properties of grain shapes – burning rates and combustion model
of solid propellants- injection of liquid propellants-ignition and ignitors. Miscellaneous
topics – droplet combustion – fluidized bed combustion - classification of coal – air
1. Fuels and combustion – Sharma S.P
2. Some fundamentals of combustion – Spalding D.B
3. Fundamentals of combustion – Strehlow . R.A
4. Elementary reaction Kinetics – Lathan J.L
5. Flames – Gaydan and wolfhard.
M 805-5 3+1+0
Module 1
Project feasibility Analysis- Marketing, Technical, and financial feasibilities- report
preparation-case studies.
Module 2
Project Management- nature and scope- PERT and CPM techniques, Estimates-time,
cost, resources (man, material, tool).
Module 3
Forecasting Methods-Time series analysis-method pf least square, moving average,
curvilinear, correlation analysis.
Module 4
Risk Analysis-risk in economic analysis-measuring risk in investment; risk profiles,
decision trees, formulation of discounted decision trees, simulation.
Module 5
MS Project: (Software Practice) Creation of task, sequencing of task, assignment of
resources, finding critical path, ABC activities (discuss), breaking the activities,
colouring techniques, resource balancing, allocating overtime, using different calendars
(Like 8 or 12 hours shift, Friday/Sunday holiday, Special public holidays etc), cost
estimates, assignment of blank fields, creation of different views on screen.
Reports: Daily reports for completed activity, lagging activities, overall progress review,
Management high-level reports, individual Departmental reports.
1. Corter, Mastering MS Project 2000, BPB Publishers.
2. Harvey Maylor, Project Management, Pearson Education.
3. PrasannaChandra, Project Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Prasanna Chandra, Projects, Tata McGraw Hill.
M805-6 3+1+0
Module 1
Introduction to C++ - Object Oriented Approach – I/O instructions – Data types – Type
Conversions – Arithmetic Operators – Relational Operators – Loops – Precedence –
Conditional Operator – Logical Operators – Structures and its manipulations – Functions
– Arrays.
Module 2
Classes and Objects – Specifying the Class – The private and public key words –
Defining Member Functions – Defining Objects – Calling Member Functions –
Constructors – Destructors – Overloaded Constructors – Objects as Arguments –
Returning Objects from Functions – Array of Objects.
Module 3
Operator Overloading – Operator Arguments – Operator Return Values – Postfix
Notation – Overloading Binary Operators – Arithmetic Assignment Operators – Data
Conversion – Inheritance – Derived Class and Base Class – Specifying The Derived
Class – Accessing Base Class Members – The protected Members – Derived Class
Constructors – Overriding Member Functions – Scope Resolution with Overridden
Functions – Public and Private Inheritance – Levels of Inheritance – Multiple
Module 4
Pointers – Memory Management – The new and delete Operators – Pointers to Objects –
Self Containing Classes – Virtual Functions – Accessing Normal and Virtual Member
Functions with Pointers – Pure Virtual Functions – Friend Functions – The ‘this’ Pointer
– Accessing Member Data with ‘this’.
Module 5
Introduction to Windows Programming – Basic Windows Program Structure – Different
Windows Messages like WM_PAINT, WM_TIMER etc. – Introduction to MFC – MFC
Hierarchy - Use of Simple Foundation Classes like CTime, CString, CFile etc. –
Exception Handling.
1. Object Oriented Programming in Microsoft C++ - Robert Lafore
2. Windows Programming Primer Plus - Jim Conger
3. Programming with ANSI and Turbo C - Kamthane. Pearson
M 805-7 3+1+0
Module 1
Silicate Mineralogy in General - Minerals-Definition, Classification-Silicates and nonsilicates.
Physical properties of minerals-Colour, lusture, transperancy, cleavage,
hardness, fracture, form, specific gravity, fusibility & tenacity.
Module 2
Identification of Silicate Minerals - Physical properties, chemical composition and uses
of the important silicate minerals-1. Quartz, 2. Feldspars, 3.Pyroxenes, 4.Amphiboles,
5.Micas, 6.Aluminium silicates-andalusite, sillimanite & kyanite, 7.Olivine, 8.Garnets,
9.Chlorites 10. Natrolite, 11.Clay minerals, 12.Asbestose, 13.Talc 14.Tourmaline 15.
Module 3
Silicate Mineral Structures - Detailed study of the silicate structures with examples- 1.
Nesosilicate, 2.Sorosilicate, 3.Cyclosilicate, 4.Inosilicate, 5.Phyllosilicate & 6.
Tectosilicate. Ceramics and silicates.
Module 4
Particle Analyses – Coarse and powder materials- Coarse material-Size distribution-
Grain size parameters, coefficient of angularity, specific surface area (actual and
theoretical) by sieve analysis. Powder material-Size and area determination by various
methods- Blane’s methods, air jet sieve, Bacho dust classifier and BET methods.
Module 5
Spray Coating – Basic concepts and general discussion of spray coating. Binders- Ethyl
orthosilicate (ETS-40), properties and hydrolysis. Slurries – Binder and different ceramic
powders, consistency and determination, drying. Heat source – Plasma arc-transferred
and non-transferred arcs, arrangement of spray coating.
1. Rutley’s elements of mineralogy, H.H.Read, Thomas Murby&Co, London.
2. A text book of mineralogy, E.S. Dana, Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Mineralogy, Dier, Howie & Zussman, CBS Publishers, New Delhi.
4. Materials-Their nature, properties and fabrication, Seghal & Linderburg.
5. Material science and manufacturing process, Dhaunedrakumar, S.K.Jain &
A.K.Bhargava, Vikas publishing house, New Delhi.
6. Welding and welding technology, Little, Tata McGraw hill publishing Co., New Delhi.
7. Investment casting, H.T. Bidwell, The machinery publishing Co., Ltd, UK.
8. Non-ferrous foundry metallurgy, A.J. Murphy, Pergamon Press Ltd.
9. Welding engineering and technology, R.S. Parman, Khanna publishers, New Delhi.
10. Manufacturing science, Amitabha Ghosh & Asok kumar Mallik, EWP, East West Press
Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
M 806-1 3+1+0
To learn Management Information System (MIS), implementation requirements and
process standardisation.
Module 1
Elements of a MIS – Levels of Management – Types of Management information –
Technical dimensions of Information – System elements – Characteristics of MIS – Case
Module 2
Building Business Model – Data Base – Report generation and time sharing – Case
Module 3
Communication and distributed Data processing.
Module 4
Managing and controlling the MIS function. Application Development Cycle.
Module 5
Future of MIS – Architecture – reliability – Security – Intelligent Buildings.
Student will learn elements of MIS & steps in implementing MIS. Students will also
learn hardware and software selection for MIS.
1. Mudric and Rose - Information System and Management.
2. Jerome Kauter - Management Information Systems, Prentice
Hall India.
3. R. S. Daver - The Management Process.
4. Mudric, Rose & Callgget - Information System for Modern
Management, Prentice Hall India.
5. James Obrein - Management Information Systems
M 806-2 3+1+0
Module 1
Introduction: Historical development- present areas involving cryogenic engineering.
Basic thermodynamics applied to liquefaction and refrigeration process - isothermal,
adiabatic and Joule Thomson expansion process - adiabatic demagnetization – efficiency
to liquefaction and coefficient of performances irreversibility and losses.
Module 2
Low temperature properties of engineering materials: mechanical properties - thermal
properties - electrical and magnetic properties. Properties of cryogenic fluids - materials
of constructions for cryogenic applications.
Module 3
Gas liquefaction systems: production of low temperatures - general liquefaction systems -
liquefaction systems for neon, hydrogen, nitrogen and helium.
Module 4
Cryogenic refrigeration systems: ideal refrigeration systems- refrigerators using liquids
and gases as refrigerants - refrigerators using solids as working media.
Module 5
Cryogenic storage and transfer systems - Cryogenic fluid storage vessels cryogenic fluid
transfer systems. Application of cryogenics - cryo pumping - superconductivity and super
fluidity - cryogenics in space technology - cryogenics in biology and medicine.
1. Cryogenic Systems - Barron R. F
2. Cryogenic Engineering - Scot R. W.
3. Cryogenic Engineering - Bell J.H.
M 806-3 3+1+0
Module 1
Review of elementary Nuclear Physics: Atomic structure – Nuclear energy and nuclear
forces – Nuclear fission
Nuclear reactions and radiations: Principle of radioactive decay – Interaction ofα and β
rays with matter – Neutron cross section and reactions – The fission process – Chain
reaction – Basic principles of controlled fusion.
Module 2
Nuclear reaction principles – Reactor classifications – Critical Size – Basic diffusion
theory – Slowing down of neutrons – Neutron flux and power – Four factor formula –
Criticality condition – Basic features of reactor control
Module 3
Boiling water reactor: Description of reactor system – Main components – control and
safety measures Materials of Reactor: Construction – Fuel – Moderator coolant –
Structural materials – Cladding – Radiation damage.
Module 4
Nuclear fuels: Metallurgy of Uranium – General principles of solvent extraction –
Reprocessing of irradicated fuel – Separation process – Fuel enrichment.
Module 5
Reaction heat removal: Basic equations of heat transfer as applied to reactor cooling –
Reactor heat transfer systems – Heat removal in fast reactors
Radiation Safety: Reactors shielding - Radiation dozes – Standards of radiation
protections – Nuclear waste disposal.
1. Nuclear Engineering - Glasstone & Sesoske
2. Sources book on Atomic Energy - Glasstone S.
M 806-4 3+1+0
Module 1
Introduction to hydraulic / pneumatic devices – their application and characteristics –
comparison of electric, hydraulic and pneumatic devices.
Module 2
Pumps and motors: Principle of working – range of displacement and pressures- fixed
and variable discharge pumps-gear, screw, vane, piston pumps – axial piston pumpswash
pump-bent axis pump. Types of hydraulic motors – their characteristics.
Accessories-Hydraulic accumulators – intensifiers-filters-heater-cooler.
Module 3
Hydraulic valves: Stop valve- non return valve-relief valve-sequence valve-counter
balance valve- pressure reducing valve – flow control valve –irection control valves-their
principle of operation- and application-JIC symbols of hydraulic- pneumatic components.
Module 4
Properties of commonly used hydraulic fluids-Typical hydraulic circuits like those used in
machine tools –Rivetter- pneumatic Hammer, hydraulic press, and power steering.
Module 5
Fluidics: Introduction of fluidics devices –Principles of working of common fluidics
devices like wall attachment devices – proportional amplifiers-turbulent amplifiersfluidic
logic devices – examples of applications of fluidics devices like edge control of
steel plate in rolling mills tension control.
1. Daniel Bonteille -Fluid Logic and Industrial automation.
2. John Pippenger & Tyler Hicks - Industrial Hydraulics
M 806-5 3+1+0
Module 1
Introduction to machine vision – basics of picture processing, Binary and grey scale
Preprocessing concepts – Digital image, Geometrical correction, Grey scale modification,
Sharpening and smoothing images.
Module 2
Edge detection and line finding – Spatial differentiation, extraction of line descriptions.
Types of cameras for Machine vision and their principles.
Module 3
Software for measurement and pattern recognition applications with examples – two and
three-dimensional measurements. Fourier transformation for pattern recognition
Module 4
Image operation studies, interfacing a robot with a vision system. Basics of hardware for
vision system
Module 5
Machine vision applications in engineering – dimension measurement, flaw detection,
identification, verification, sorting - co ordinate measuring machines, non-contact type –
case studies.
1. Sonaka M, Hlavac V & Boyle. R. - Image processing, analysis & machine vision
M 806-6 3+1+0
This course is designed to acquaint students with the basic principles of the finite element
method, to provide experience with its use in engineering analysis and design, and to
provide an opportunity to work with finite element programs used in industry. Computer
programming may be involved.
Module 1
Introduction: Structural analysis objectives, static, dynamic and kinematic analysis,
skeletal and continuum structures, modeling of infinite d.o.f system into infinite d.o.f
system, basic steps in finite element problem formulation, general applicability of the
Element types and characteristics: Discretization of the domain, basic element shapes,
aspect ratio, shape functions, ganeralised co-ordinates and nodal shape functions, 1D spar
and beam elements, 2D rectangular and triangular elements, axisymmetric elements.
Module 2
Assembly of elements and matrices: Concept of element assembly, global and local coordinate
systems, band width and its effects, banded and skyline assembly, boundary
conditions, solution of simultaneous equations, Gaussian elimination and Cholesky
decomposition methods, numerical integration, one and 2D applications.
Module 3
High order and isoparametric elements :One dimensional quadratic and cubic
elements, use of natural co-ordinate system, area co-ordinate system, continuity and
convergence requirements, 2D rectangular and triangular elements.
Module 4
Static analysis: Analysis of trusses and frames, analysis of machine subassemblies, use
of commercial software packages, advantages and limitations.
Module 5
Dynamic analysis: Hamilton`s principle, derivation of equations of equilibrium,
consistent and lumped mass matrices, derivation of mass matrices for 1D elements,
determination of natural frequencies and mode shapes, use of commercial software
Course Outcomes:
1. The students will understand the fundamental principles of finite element theory and
2. The students will be able to built finite element models correctly for various engineering
problems and solve the model using existing finite element codes
Text Book
Rao S.S., “The Finite Element Method in Engineering”, 2nd edition, Pergamon Press, Oxford,
1. Robert D. Cook, David S. Malkins and Michael E. Plesha, “Concepts and Application of
Finite Element Analysis”, 3rd edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1989.
2. Chandrupatla T.R. and Belegundu, A. D.,” Introduction to Finite Elements in
Engineering”, Pearrson Pvt. Ltd., 3rd edition 2002.
M 806-7 3+1+0
To give the detailed information on TQM Tools and Techniques for TQM will be known.
Module 1
Introduction – Leadership Concepts – Customer Satisfaction – employee involvement
Module 2
Continuous Process Improvement – Kaizen, Reengineering, PDSA cycle, Juran Trilogy –
Supplier Partnerships – Quality Cost
Module 3
Statistical Process Control (SPC) – Pareto Diagram, Cause – and – Effect diagram, check
sheet, histogram.
Benchmarking – Quality Function Development – Failure mode and Effect Analysis
Module 4
Total Quality Control (TQC) – Quality Circles – Poka – Yoke- Just–in-Time (JIT)-
KANBAN - ‘5-5’
Module 5
Implementing procedure of TQM - case studies
Learning Objective
1. Student will clear principles and practices of TQM
2. Student will learn tools and Techniques used in TQM.
3. Students will learn the procedure of implementation of TQM
1. Besterfield, Total quality Management, Person Education
2. Besterfield, Quality Control, Prentice - Hall
3. Arora K.C, TQM & 1S0 14000, S K Kataria & Sons
4. Jain & Chitale, Quality assurance and Total quality management, Khanna Publishers.
5. Mitra, Quality control & improvement, Person Education
M 807 0+0+4
1. Study of use of laser interferometer for calibration of linear measurements
2. Measurement of temperature:
Calibration of thermometers and pyrometers
Preparation and calibration of thermocouple and resistance temperature detectors
3. Measurement of pressure:
Calibration and use of pressure measuring instruments-Pressure Gauge, Micro
manometer, Pressure Transducers, Dead weight pressure gauge calibrator
4. Measurement of speed:
Calibration and use of tachometers & stroboscope
5. Measurement of linear and angular dimensions:
Micrometer, Vernier caliper, dial gauge feeler gauge, comparator, interferometer, angle
gauge, sine bar, plug gauge and wire gauge
6. Measurement of Flow: Rotameter, watermeter, Anemometer; calibration and use
7. Measurement of surface roughness using subtonic tester
8. Measurement of gear and screw thread profiles- gear tooth calipers, screw thread calipers
9. Measurement of strain and force – calibration of strain gauges and load cells
10. Measurement of vibration – use of vibration pick ups, accelerometer and vibration
11. Acoustic measurements-sound level meter – preparation of noise contours
12. Measurement of PH value
13. Measurement of psychometric properties of air
14. Analysis of Automobile Exhaust gas and Flue gas -Use of instruments like oxygen
analyser. Orsat gas analyzer, Gas chromatography.
M808 0+0+4
At the beginning of the seventh semester, students must submit an abstract of their
undergraduate project. They must submit a preliminary report at the end of the semester.
They will complete the project in the eighth semester.
Sessional marks for seminar will be out of 25. Sessional marks for project will be out of
75, in which 35 marks will be based on day to day performance assessed by the guide.
Balance 40 marks will be awarded based on the presentation of the project by the
students before an evaluation board consists of a minimum of 3 faculty members
including the guide.
A comprehensive Viva-voce examination will be conducted to assess the student's overall
knowledge in the specified field of engineering. At the time of viva-voce, certified
reports of seminar and project work are to be presented for evaluation.
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