Mgu Basic Mechanical Engineering model question paper
Time : 3hrs
Max:100 marks
PART A (Answer all questions) (5x3=15)
1) Explain Fourier law of heat conduction.
2) Define COP of a refrigerator.
3) List out the types of belt drives.
4) Compare centrifugal and reciprocating pumps.
5) Explain the types of milling.
PART B (Answer all questions) (5x5=25)
6) Define a Quasi-Static process and state its salient characteristics.
7) Compare Petrol and Diesel engines
8) Explain the types of gear trains.
9) Explain the working of a Pelton turbine.
10) List any five properties of moulding sand.
PART C (5x12=60)
11) Draw the PV and TS diagrams of an Otto cycle. Derive the expression for the air standard efficiency of the same.
12) 3.5m3 of hydrogen gas at a pressure of 100 KPa and 200C are compressed adiabatically to 4.5 times its 3original pressure. It is then expanded isothermally to its original volume. Determine the final pressure of the gas and the heat transfer. Also determine the quantity of heat that is to be exchanged to reduce the gas to its original pressure and volume. Take the specific heat at constant pressure of hydrogen as 14.3KJ/Kg K .
13) Explain the working of four stroke petrol engine with neat sketches.
14) Explain the working of vapour absorption refrigeration system with the help of a neat sketch.
15) Derive the expression for calculating the length of belt for a cross belt drive.
16) Derive an expression for ratio of belt tensions
17) Explain the different methods of compounding for steam turbines.
18) Explain the general layout of a hydro electric power plant.
19) Explain the principal parts of a lathe with the help of a neat sketch.
20) Explain the different of die
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13 Feb 2013
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