What are sequence diagram? What are package diagram? What are collaboration diagram?
Sequence Diagrams
They are pictorial representation of event happening according to the time line. In sequence Diagrams, we show respective class names by a small box and the event as a arrow.
Sequence Diagrams help in describing the normal course and alternative course of use cases.
VOPC - View of Participating Classes
VOPC is a a combined representation(showing) of all classes on one page.
Collaboration Diagrams
- are an alternative presentation of a sequence diagram. We uses boxes to desibe objects, the lines connecting two boxes indiate that the objects collborate with to one another and we use a multiplicity factor "*" to indiate that all elements of the aggregation receive a message.
Package Diagram
is complete set of sequence Diagrams or Collaboration Diagrams of the system.
They are pictorial representation of event happening according to the time line. In sequence Diagrams, we show respective class names by a small box and the event as a arrow.
Sequence Diagrams help in describing the normal course and alternative course of use cases.
VOPC - View of Participating Classes
VOPC is a a combined representation(showing) of all classes on one page.
Collaboration Diagrams
- are an alternative presentation of a sequence diagram. We uses boxes to desibe objects, the lines connecting two boxes indiate that the objects collborate with to one another and we use a multiplicity factor "*" to indiate that all elements of the aggregation receive a message.
Package Diagram
is complete set of sequence Diagrams or Collaboration Diagrams of the system.
Explain What are Design patterns?
Design Patterns are simple and elegant solutions of commonly occuring problems in software design. Design Patterns make it easier to reuse successful designs and architectures of expereinced and Professional Designers.
There are three types of Patterns -
1. Creational - Concerned with creation of objects
2. Structural - Concerned with composition of classes or objects
3. Behavioral - characterize the ways in which classes and objects interact and distribute responsibility.
There are three types of Patterns -
1. Creational - Concerned with creation of objects
2. Structural - Concerned with composition of classes or objects
3. Behavioral - characterize the ways in which classes and objects interact and distribute responsibility.
What are the characteristics of good design? Name some Design Tools?
Object Oriented Design Tools - Rational Rose, Rhapsody, Telelogic Tau G2
UI Design Tools - Rapid/Paper prototypes, Simple
SUMI (Software Usability Measurement Inventory ) - It will tell you how your product compares to this standardization base: whether you are about average for the market, below, or above.
UI Design Tools - Rapid/Paper prototypes, Simple
SUMI (Software Usability Measurement Inventory ) - It will tell you how your product compares to this standardization base: whether you are about average for the market, below, or above.
What is SDLC? What are the various SDLC models? Explain them?
What is SDLC
A software cycle deals with various parts and phases from planning to testing and deploying. All these activities are carried out in different ways, as per the needs. Each way is known as a Software Development Lifecycle Model (SDLC).
Some SDLC models
* The Linear model (Waterfall)
- Separate and distinct phases of specification and development
- All activities in linear fashion
- Next phase starts only when first one is complete
* Evolutionary development
- Specification and development are interleaved (Spiral,incremental,prototype based,Rapid Application development)
- Incremental Model (Waterfall in iteration)
- RAD(Rapid Application Development) - Focus is on developing quality product in less time
- Spiral Model - We start from smaller module and keeps on building it like a spiral. It is also called Component based development.
* Formal systems development
- A mathematical system model is formally transformed to an implementation
* Agile Methods
- Inducing flexibility into development
* Reuse-based development
- The system is assembled from existing components.
A software cycle deals with various parts and phases from planning to testing and deploying. All these activities are carried out in different ways, as per the needs. Each way is known as a Software Development Lifecycle Model (SDLC).
Some SDLC models
* The Linear model (Waterfall)
- Separate and distinct phases of specification and development
- All activities in linear fashion
- Next phase starts only when first one is complete
* Evolutionary development
- Specification and development are interleaved (Spiral,incremental,prototype based,Rapid Application development)
- Incremental Model (Waterfall in iteration)
- RAD(Rapid Application Development) - Focus is on developing quality product in less time
- Spiral Model - We start from smaller module and keeps on building it like a spiral. It is also called Component based development.
* Formal systems development
- A mathematical system model is formally transformed to an implementation
* Agile Methods
- Inducing flexibility into development
* Reuse-based development
- The system is assembled from existing components.
24 Aug 2013
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