Neural Interfacing
Neural Interfacing is a powerful means which can develop a
robust bridge between humans and machines. In this paper we emphasize on neural
interfacing as an evolving trend in wireless communications by taking
into account one of its important application i.e cyborgs.
In the next half of the paper we discuss the operational features of cyborgs
with the experiments conducted and proposed to be conducted in future and in
the process give a brief description of the advantages and disadvantages of
this technology Attachments and interfaces mediate our interaction with the
environment and usually are positioned on the surface of the body. Physical
objects would be called tools or attachments, while information utilities would
be called interfaces In the same way a neural interface allows human brain
communicate directly with a computer, without any other equipment. That kind of
interface allows any illusions to be inputted to human nervous system. Neural
interfacing fantasies have mainly grown out of science fiction.
You can download Neural Interfacing seminar abstract from here.
9 Sep 2013
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