25 January 2013

Chemical Engineering Interview Questions and answers pdf

Chemical Engineering Interview Questions and answers

          Latest Chemical Engineering Interview Questions & answers pdf 2015 free download here.

What is a solvent? 

According to the US Solvent Council, "A solvent is a liquid which has the ability to dissolve, suspend, or extract other materials without chemical change to the material or solvent. Solvents make it possible to process, apply, clean, or separate materials. 

What are the three classes of organic solvents? 

Typically, organic solvents can be split up in the following classes: Oxygenated, Hydrocarbon, and Halogenated. Oxygenated solvents include alcohols, glycol ethers, ketones, esters, and glycol ether esters. Hydrocarbon solvents include aliphatics and aromatics. Halogenated solvents include those that are chlorinated primarily.

 What is happening when paint dries? 

During the manufacture of paint, solvents are added to make the paint thinner so that it can be applied to various surfaces. Once the paint is applied, the solvents evaporate and the resins and pigments that make up the paint for a thin, solid layer on the surface. 

What is quicklime and what are the uses? 

Quicklime (Calcium Oxide) is an efficient scavenger of moisture in its dehydrated state. It is also cheap, compared to orthe scavengers such as silica gel, drierite, oxazolidines, etc. It is commonly found in water sensitive paint formulations (such as polyurethanes and polyureas). 

What are PCB's? 

PCB is a commonly used acronym for "PolyChlorinated Biphenyls". These compounds are famous for the disposal problems that they pose to the chemical industry.

Chemical Engineering jobs for freshers and experienced

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25 Jan 2013 Albert Augustine

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