26 January 2013

Civil Engineering Interview Questions and answers pdf

Civil Engineering Interview Questions and answers

  Latest Civil Engineering Interview Questions & answers pdf 2015 free download here.

What is appealing about Civil Engineering? 

 Applying an interest of Physics and Mathematics to day to day work is an appealing side to Civil Engineering. Enjoying the task of solving problems, such as those related to infrastructure, is beneficial. Also, Civil Engineering gives an individual the opportunity to contribute positively to the constructive development of the society, with the needs and opinions of the local community in mind.

What various skills are beneficial to this role?

Excellent problem solving skills using a broad knowledge of physics is beneficial to this role, as well as great team working skills and determination. Working alongside the needs of the public, with the result of the project in mind is essential. Also, an awareness of health and safety protocol is necessary and a determination to complete work to the best of quality and safety standards.

How does the ability to work as a team benefit this role?

Working in a team helps to motivate and bring the best out of each individual involved. Working in teams helps the project progress quickly and efficiently and I believe that it is essential to have skills in working with people. It can also make work more enjoyable for everybody involved and reduces any changes of mistakes, as communication is essential to make sure that the job is finished efficiently.

How can the unpredictable nature of the environment affect the structures built? 

Rain, wind, volcanoes, tornadoes and earthquakes can all affect buildings, often destroying them in extremes. Structures can be built with these in mind, such as using triangular shapes within the support structure to ensure stability. Materials and structures can be altered to accommodate for reliable environmental factors.

How can changes in society affect projects?

 An increase in urbanization would create more challenges in transportation projects, whereas a decrease would create less new projects and increase jobs that are centered on maintenance. Local attitudes to the construction can affect the efficiency of the work, and budgets set by the government can also affect the projects heavily.

How do you minimize the disruption of the construction work for the local population?

Inform the public of the work and the dates in which the work will be in process. Stage the work to reduce disruption, such as avoiding the busiest times for the local community, and encourage feedback from the local community to help minimize negative impact.

Civil Engineering jobs for freshers and experienced

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26 Jan 2013 Albert Augustine

1 comment:

  1. Asking for more responsible and challenging projects is another way to prove to your employer that you have the skills necessary to justify a pay rise or promotion. Approach your bosses ideally after the conclusion of a successful project and explain that you feel ready to take on a more complex project. Read: salary progression for engineering jobs
