MGU EEE s6 Syllabus free download
E 601 3+1+0
Module 1
Introduction: Concept of a system – control system – open-loop system – levels
of sophistication in a control system – mathematical model of physical systems –
plant representation – transfer functions – block diagrams – signal flow graphs –
effects of feedback on parameter variations, system dynamics and disturbance
Module 2
Time response analysis: Type and order of a system – time domain analysis of
systems – typical test input signals – response of first order systems to unit step,
unit ramp, and unit impulse signals – step response of second order systems –
performance characteristics of feed back control systems – time domain
behaviour from pole-zero plot
Steady state errors and error constants – generalized error constants –
improvement of performance by derivative control, integral control, PID control.
Module 3
Concepts of Stability: BIBO stability – asymptotic stability – Routh Hurwitz
stability criterion – relative stability – root locus technique – construction of root
loci – root contours – systems with transportation lag.
Module 4
Frequency response analysis: Correlation between time and frequency response
– polar plots – bode plots – relative stability – phase margin and gain margin –
minimum and non-minimum phase systems.
Module 5
Stability in Frequency domain: Nyquist stability criterion – relative stability.
Control System Components: synchros – resolvers – rotating amplifiers –
magnetic amplifier – Amplidyne – Tachogenerators – DC and AC servo motors –
Gyroscopes – stepper motor.
1. Modern Control Engineering: Katsuhiko Ogatta, Pearson Education Asia
2. Analog and Digital Control System Design: Chi Tsong Chen, Oxford University
3. Modern Control Systems: Dorf and Bishop, Addison Wesley, LPE, 9th Ed.
4. Control System Design & Principles: M. Gopal, TMH
E 602 3+1+0
Module 1
Synchronous Machines: Types – selection of alternators – constructional
features of cylindrical and salient pole machines.
Armature windings: different types – phase grouping – single and double layer,
integral and fractional slot winding – emf equation – distribution factor – coil
span factor – tooth harmonic ripples – skewed slots – harmonics, elimination of
harmonics – revolving magnetic field.
Module 2
Armature Reaction – Synchronous reactance – circuit model of synchronous
Regulation – predetermination – emf, mmf and potier methods, saturated
synchronous reactance – Phasor diagrams – short circuit ratio – two-reaction
theory – Phasor diagram – slip test – measurement of Xd, Xq, losses and
efficiency of synchronous machines.
Module 3
Parallel operation of alternators – load sharing – synchronising power and torque
– governor characteristics – method of synchronising – synchroscope.
Synchronous Motor: Principles of operation – torque and power relationships –
Phasor diagram – hunting in synchronous machines – damper winding – starting
of synchronous motors.
Module 4
Synchronous machines connected to infinite bus – power angle characteristics of
cylindrical rotor and salient pole machines – reluctance power – steady state
stability limit – V-curves – inverted V-curves – O-curves – synchronous
condenser – symmetrical short circuit of unloaded alternators – steady state,
transient and sub-transient reactance – current variation during short circuit.
Module 5
Generalised Machine Theory: Dynamic representation of generalised machines
– formation of emf equation – expression of power and torque – representation of
DC machines – synchronous machine and Induction motor.
Excitation systems: different types – comparison – exciter ceiling voltage –
excitation limits – exciter response – methods of increasing the response of an
Brushless Alternators: Principle of operation constructional features – excitation
methods – voltage regulation.
1. The performance and Design of AC Machines: M.G. Say
2. Theory of Alternating Current Machinery: Alexander Langsdorf
3. A course in Electrical Engg. Vol.2: C.L Dawes
4. Power System Stability – Vol. 3: E.W Kimbark
5. Electrical Machines: P.S Bhimbra
6. Generalised Theory of Electrical machines: P. S Bhimbra
7. Theory and performance Electrical Machines: J.B Gupta
E 603 3+1+0
Module 1
Transmission Line Constants: Resistance – skin effect – proximity effect.
Inductance of single phase line – inductance of three phase line with symmetrical
and unsymmetrical spacing – transposed line.
Capacitance of single phase line – capacitance of three phase line with
symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing – transposed lines – effect of earth on
line capacitance – geometric mean distance – geometric mean radius
Module 2
Overhead Lines: Mechanical characteristics - Conductor – bundled conductors –
line supports – spacing between conductors – sag and tension calculations – effect
of ice and wind - sag at the time of erection – vibration and dampers
Line insulators: Different types – pin type – suspension type – strain type –
potential distribution of a string of suspension insulator – string efficiency –
equalization of potential – testing of insulators
Module 3
Performance of Transmission Lines: Classification of transmission lines –
analysis of short lines- medium line by nominal pi and T methods – rigorous
solution of long lines – A, B, C, D constants – Ferranti effect – losses in an open
circuited line – power flow through transmission lines
Voltage Control: Different methods – static capacitor – tap changing transformer
– booster transformer – phase modifier – power circle diagram – calculation
Module 4
Corona: Critical disruptive voltage – visual critical voltage – power loss – factors
affecting – methods to reduce corona – radio interference effect
Substations: Types - general layout - neutral grounding – resistance earthing –
reactance earthing – arc suppression coil earthing – grounding transformer -
Power system earthing - measurement of earthing resistance
Module 5
Extra High Voltage Transmission: Need for EHV transmission – limitations of
EHV AC transmission – requirements of EHV lines - reactive compensation in
EHV systems – EHV systems in India.
HVDC Transmission - Advantages and disadvantages – Graetz circuit – inversion
– kinds of d.c. links – economic distance of DC transmission
1. Modern Power System Analysis: Nagrath and Kothari, TMH
2. Electrical Power Systems: C. L. Wadhwa, New Age Int’l
3. Electrical Power: Uppal
4. A Course in Electrical Power Systems: Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar
5. HVDC Power Transmission System: K. R. Padiyar
6. Power System Analysis: Bergen, Pearson, 2/e
E 604 2+1+0
Module 1
Introduction: Elements of a Digital Processing System - Advantages of Digital
over Analog Signal Processing. Applications of DSP.
Discrete-Time Signals and Systems: Elementary Discrete-Time Signals-
Classification of Discrete-Time Systems - LTIV systems- -Causality, Stability.
Frequency Domain representation of discrete-time signals: Fourier transform
of a sequence - properties of Fourier Transforms.
Module 2
Discrete Fourier Transform: Properties of DFT-Linearity-shifting property,
symmetry property, Convolution of a sequence. Fast Fourier Transform
Decimation-in time radix- two FFT- decimation in frequency radix-two FFT.
Module 3
Review of z transforms: inverse z-transform - properties of z- transforms.
Realisation of digital filters: Direct and cascaded structures for FIR filters -
direct and cascade and parallel structures for IIR filters.
Module 4
FIR filters: characteristics of practical frequency selective filters-characteristics
of FIR filters with linear phase - design of linear phase FIR filters using windowsrectangular,
Hamming, Hanning and Kaiser windows, FIR filter design using
frequency sampling.
Module 5
IIR filters: Properties of IIR filters-design of IIR digital filters from analog
filters-Butterworth design-Chebyshev design - impulses invariant transformation-
Bilinear transformation.
DSP chips: TMS 320C family - features and block schematic of simplified
1. Digital Signal Processing – Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer, Pearson
Education Asia, LPE
2. Digital Signal Processing - John G. Proakis and Dimitris G. Manolakis
3. Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach – Emmanuel C. Ifeachor and
Barrie W. Jervis, Pearson Education Asia, LPE
4. An Introduction to Digital Signal Processing: Johny R. Johnson
E 605 3+1+ 0
Module 1
Evolution of Processors – single chip microcomputer – Intel 8085 Microprocessor
– signals – architecture of 8085 – ALU – register organisation – timing and
control unit – microprocessor operations – instruction cycle – fetch, decode and
execute operation – T-state, machine cycle and instruction cycle – timing diagram
of opcode fetch, memory read, I/O read, memory write and I/O write cycles –
wait state.
Module 2
Instruction set of 8085: Classification of instructions – different addressing
modes – writing assembly language programs – typical examples like 8 bit and 16
bit arithmetic operations, finding the sum of a data array, finding the largest and
smallest number in a data array, arranging a data array in ascending and
descending order, finding square from look-up table. Counters and time delays –
delay using one register, two registers and register pair.
Module 3
Stack and Subroutines: Stack pointer – stack operations – call-return sequence –
Interrupts of 8085: restart instructions – interrupt structure of 8085 – vectored
locations – SIM and RIM instructions – software and hardware polling.
Module 4
Memory interfacing - ROM and RAM – interfacing I/O devices – address space
partitioning – memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O schemes – interfacing
I/Os using decoders – the 8212 I/O device – interfacing LED and matrix keyboard
– programmable peripheral devices – 8155 and 8255, block diagram,
programming simple input and output ports.
Module 5
Different data transfer schemes: synchronous and asynchronous data transfer –
programmed and interrupt driven data transfer.
Applications of microprocessor in system design: interfacing ADC 0808 –
interfacing DAC 0800. DMA controller 8257-Interfacing of stepper motor –
interfacing of 8279 keyboard /display controller- 8275 CRT controller.
Architecture and operation of 8086.
1. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications: R.S. Gaonkar,
Penram Intl’
2. Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcomputers: B. Ram, Dhanpat Rai and
3. 0000 to 8085: Introduction to Microprocessors and Engineers: P.K Ghosh, PHI
4. Microprocessors and Digital Systems: Douglas V. Hall, McGraw Hill
5. Introduction to Microprocessors: A.P Mathur, TMH
6. Digital Electronics and Microprocessors: Malvino, TMH
E 606 2+0+ 0
Module 1
Introduction: Functional block diagram of digital computer – processor
organization – typical operation cycle: fetch, decode and execute –
microprogrammed Vs hardwired control (basic concepts only) – bus structures.
Module 2
Arithmetic and Logic unit: Adders- serial and parallel adders- fast adders- carry
look ahead adder- 2’s complement adder/subtractor- multiplication and division
operations (description using block schematic diagrams only)-design of Logic
unit-one stage ALU.
Module 3
Memory System: memory parameters – main memory – cache memory –
auxiliary memory – semiconductor RAM – Static RAM –Dynamic RAM – ROM
– PROM – EPROM – E2PROM – Flash Memory.
Programmable Logic Devices: PAL, PLA, FPLA, Applications.
Module 4
Memory Organisation: Internal Organisation of memory chips – cache memory
– mapping functions – direct mapping – associative mapping – set associative
mapping – memory interleaving – Hit and miss – virtual memory – organization –
Address translation.
Module 5
Input/Output Organisation: access to I/O Devices – Interrupts – Enabling and
Disabling of Interrupts – Handling multiple devices –Buses – Synchronous and
Asynchronous buses.
Data Communication interfaces and standards: parallel and serial ports –
RS232, RS423 serial bus standards –GPIB IEEE488 Instrumentation bus
standard- PCI, SCSI, USB (basic ideas only).
1. Computer Organisation: V. Hamacher – Mc Graw Hill
2. Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals: M. Morris Mano
3. 2/e Pearson Computer Organisation and Design: P. Pal Chaudhari – PHI
4. Digital Computer Fundamentals: Thomas Bastee
E 607 0+0+4
1. Study of TTL gates
2. Characteristics of TTL gates
3. Realisation of sequential circuits
4. Study of SR. JK, D, T and JK Master-Slave Flip Flops
5. Study of seven segment display
6. Testing of different shift registers
7. Design and Testing of decoders and encoders
8. Design and testing of astable and mono-stable multivibrator using 555
9. Design and testing asynchronous and synchronous counters and modulo N
10. Design and testing of counters using shift registers
11. Realisation of ADC and DAC
12. Testing of arithmetic circuits using op-amps
13. Design and testing of square wave generation using op-amps
14. Study of IC Regulator Power supplies
E 608 0+0+4
1. 8085 assembly language programming experiments
a. 8-bit and 16 bit arithmetic operations
b. Arranging a data array in descending and ascending order
c. BCD to binary and binary to BCD conversion
d. Finding square root of a number
e. Finding out square root of a number using look-up table
f. Setting up time delay and square wave generation
g. Interfacing of LEDs, 7 segment displays
h. Traffic control signals
i. Interfacing of stepper motor
j. Interfacing of ADC
k. Interfacing of DAC
l. Generation of firing pulses for SCR.
m. Interfacing of Power devices
n. Interfacing LCD displays
2. VCO circuits using IC 566, 4046B etc.
3. PLL systems using IC 565, 4046B etc.
4. Multiplexed Displays
E 601 3+1+0
Module 1
Introduction: Concept of a system – control system – open-loop system – levels
of sophistication in a control system – mathematical model of physical systems –
plant representation – transfer functions – block diagrams – signal flow graphs –
effects of feedback on parameter variations, system dynamics and disturbance
Module 2
Time response analysis: Type and order of a system – time domain analysis of
systems – typical test input signals – response of first order systems to unit step,
unit ramp, and unit impulse signals – step response of second order systems –
performance characteristics of feed back control systems – time domain
behaviour from pole-zero plot
Steady state errors and error constants – generalized error constants –
improvement of performance by derivative control, integral control, PID control.
Module 3
Concepts of Stability: BIBO stability – asymptotic stability – Routh Hurwitz
stability criterion – relative stability – root locus technique – construction of root
loci – root contours – systems with transportation lag.
Module 4
Frequency response analysis: Correlation between time and frequency response
– polar plots – bode plots – relative stability – phase margin and gain margin –
minimum and non-minimum phase systems.
Module 5
Stability in Frequency domain: Nyquist stability criterion – relative stability.
Control System Components: synchros – resolvers – rotating amplifiers –
magnetic amplifier – Amplidyne – Tachogenerators – DC and AC servo motors –
Gyroscopes – stepper motor.
1. Modern Control Engineering: Katsuhiko Ogatta, Pearson Education Asia
2. Analog and Digital Control System Design: Chi Tsong Chen, Oxford University
3. Modern Control Systems: Dorf and Bishop, Addison Wesley, LPE, 9th Ed.
4. Control System Design & Principles: M. Gopal, TMH
E 602 3+1+0
Module 1
Synchronous Machines: Types – selection of alternators – constructional
features of cylindrical and salient pole machines.
Armature windings: different types – phase grouping – single and double layer,
integral and fractional slot winding – emf equation – distribution factor – coil
span factor – tooth harmonic ripples – skewed slots – harmonics, elimination of
harmonics – revolving magnetic field.
Module 2
Armature Reaction – Synchronous reactance – circuit model of synchronous
Regulation – predetermination – emf, mmf and potier methods, saturated
synchronous reactance – Phasor diagrams – short circuit ratio – two-reaction
theory – Phasor diagram – slip test – measurement of Xd, Xq, losses and
efficiency of synchronous machines.
Module 3
Parallel operation of alternators – load sharing – synchronising power and torque
– governor characteristics – method of synchronising – synchroscope.
Synchronous Motor: Principles of operation – torque and power relationships –
Phasor diagram – hunting in synchronous machines – damper winding – starting
of synchronous motors.
Module 4
Synchronous machines connected to infinite bus – power angle characteristics of
cylindrical rotor and salient pole machines – reluctance power – steady state
stability limit – V-curves – inverted V-curves – O-curves – synchronous
condenser – symmetrical short circuit of unloaded alternators – steady state,
transient and sub-transient reactance – current variation during short circuit.
Module 5
Generalised Machine Theory: Dynamic representation of generalised machines
– formation of emf equation – expression of power and torque – representation of
DC machines – synchronous machine and Induction motor.
Excitation systems: different types – comparison – exciter ceiling voltage –
excitation limits – exciter response – methods of increasing the response of an
Brushless Alternators: Principle of operation constructional features – excitation
methods – voltage regulation.
1. The performance and Design of AC Machines: M.G. Say
2. Theory of Alternating Current Machinery: Alexander Langsdorf
3. A course in Electrical Engg. Vol.2: C.L Dawes
4. Power System Stability – Vol. 3: E.W Kimbark
5. Electrical Machines: P.S Bhimbra
6. Generalised Theory of Electrical machines: P. S Bhimbra
7. Theory and performance Electrical Machines: J.B Gupta
E 603 3+1+0
Module 1
Transmission Line Constants: Resistance – skin effect – proximity effect.
Inductance of single phase line – inductance of three phase line with symmetrical
and unsymmetrical spacing – transposed line.
Capacitance of single phase line – capacitance of three phase line with
symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing – transposed lines – effect of earth on
line capacitance – geometric mean distance – geometric mean radius
Module 2
Overhead Lines: Mechanical characteristics - Conductor – bundled conductors –
line supports – spacing between conductors – sag and tension calculations – effect
of ice and wind - sag at the time of erection – vibration and dampers
Line insulators: Different types – pin type – suspension type – strain type –
potential distribution of a string of suspension insulator – string efficiency –
equalization of potential – testing of insulators
Module 3
Performance of Transmission Lines: Classification of transmission lines –
analysis of short lines- medium line by nominal pi and T methods – rigorous
solution of long lines – A, B, C, D constants – Ferranti effect – losses in an open
circuited line – power flow through transmission lines
Voltage Control: Different methods – static capacitor – tap changing transformer
– booster transformer – phase modifier – power circle diagram – calculation
Module 4
Corona: Critical disruptive voltage – visual critical voltage – power loss – factors
affecting – methods to reduce corona – radio interference effect
Substations: Types - general layout - neutral grounding – resistance earthing –
reactance earthing – arc suppression coil earthing – grounding transformer -
Power system earthing - measurement of earthing resistance
Module 5
Extra High Voltage Transmission: Need for EHV transmission – limitations of
EHV AC transmission – requirements of EHV lines - reactive compensation in
EHV systems – EHV systems in India.
HVDC Transmission - Advantages and disadvantages – Graetz circuit – inversion
– kinds of d.c. links – economic distance of DC transmission
1. Modern Power System Analysis: Nagrath and Kothari, TMH
2. Electrical Power Systems: C. L. Wadhwa, New Age Int’l
3. Electrical Power: Uppal
4. A Course in Electrical Power Systems: Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar
5. HVDC Power Transmission System: K. R. Padiyar
6. Power System Analysis: Bergen, Pearson, 2/e
E 604 2+1+0
Module 1
Introduction: Elements of a Digital Processing System - Advantages of Digital
over Analog Signal Processing. Applications of DSP.
Discrete-Time Signals and Systems: Elementary Discrete-Time Signals-
Classification of Discrete-Time Systems - LTIV systems- -Causality, Stability.
Frequency Domain representation of discrete-time signals: Fourier transform
of a sequence - properties of Fourier Transforms.
Module 2
Discrete Fourier Transform: Properties of DFT-Linearity-shifting property,
symmetry property, Convolution of a sequence. Fast Fourier Transform
Decimation-in time radix- two FFT- decimation in frequency radix-two FFT.
Module 3
Review of z transforms: inverse z-transform - properties of z- transforms.
Realisation of digital filters: Direct and cascaded structures for FIR filters -
direct and cascade and parallel structures for IIR filters.
Module 4
FIR filters: characteristics of practical frequency selective filters-characteristics
of FIR filters with linear phase - design of linear phase FIR filters using windowsrectangular,
Hamming, Hanning and Kaiser windows, FIR filter design using
frequency sampling.
Module 5
IIR filters: Properties of IIR filters-design of IIR digital filters from analog
filters-Butterworth design-Chebyshev design - impulses invariant transformation-
Bilinear transformation.
DSP chips: TMS 320C family - features and block schematic of simplified
1. Digital Signal Processing – Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer, Pearson
Education Asia, LPE
2. Digital Signal Processing - John G. Proakis and Dimitris G. Manolakis
3. Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach – Emmanuel C. Ifeachor and
Barrie W. Jervis, Pearson Education Asia, LPE
4. An Introduction to Digital Signal Processing: Johny R. Johnson
E 605 3+1+ 0
Module 1
Evolution of Processors – single chip microcomputer – Intel 8085 Microprocessor
– signals – architecture of 8085 – ALU – register organisation – timing and
control unit – microprocessor operations – instruction cycle – fetch, decode and
execute operation – T-state, machine cycle and instruction cycle – timing diagram
of opcode fetch, memory read, I/O read, memory write and I/O write cycles –
wait state.
Module 2
Instruction set of 8085: Classification of instructions – different addressing
modes – writing assembly language programs – typical examples like 8 bit and 16
bit arithmetic operations, finding the sum of a data array, finding the largest and
smallest number in a data array, arranging a data array in ascending and
descending order, finding square from look-up table. Counters and time delays –
delay using one register, two registers and register pair.
Module 3
Stack and Subroutines: Stack pointer – stack operations – call-return sequence –
Interrupts of 8085: restart instructions – interrupt structure of 8085 – vectored
locations – SIM and RIM instructions – software and hardware polling.
Module 4
Memory interfacing - ROM and RAM – interfacing I/O devices – address space
partitioning – memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O schemes – interfacing
I/Os using decoders – the 8212 I/O device – interfacing LED and matrix keyboard
– programmable peripheral devices – 8155 and 8255, block diagram,
programming simple input and output ports.
Module 5
Different data transfer schemes: synchronous and asynchronous data transfer –
programmed and interrupt driven data transfer.
Applications of microprocessor in system design: interfacing ADC 0808 –
interfacing DAC 0800. DMA controller 8257-Interfacing of stepper motor –
interfacing of 8279 keyboard /display controller- 8275 CRT controller.
Architecture and operation of 8086.
1. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications: R.S. Gaonkar,
Penram Intl’
2. Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcomputers: B. Ram, Dhanpat Rai and
3. 0000 to 8085: Introduction to Microprocessors and Engineers: P.K Ghosh, PHI
4. Microprocessors and Digital Systems: Douglas V. Hall, McGraw Hill
5. Introduction to Microprocessors: A.P Mathur, TMH
6. Digital Electronics and Microprocessors: Malvino, TMH
E 606 2+0+ 0
Module 1
Introduction: Functional block diagram of digital computer – processor
organization – typical operation cycle: fetch, decode and execute –
microprogrammed Vs hardwired control (basic concepts only) – bus structures.
Module 2
Arithmetic and Logic unit: Adders- serial and parallel adders- fast adders- carry
look ahead adder- 2’s complement adder/subtractor- multiplication and division
operations (description using block schematic diagrams only)-design of Logic
unit-one stage ALU.
Module 3
Memory System: memory parameters – main memory – cache memory –
auxiliary memory – semiconductor RAM – Static RAM –Dynamic RAM – ROM
– PROM – EPROM – E2PROM – Flash Memory.
Programmable Logic Devices: PAL, PLA, FPLA, Applications.
Module 4
Memory Organisation: Internal Organisation of memory chips – cache memory
– mapping functions – direct mapping – associative mapping – set associative
mapping – memory interleaving – Hit and miss – virtual memory – organization –
Address translation.
Module 5
Input/Output Organisation: access to I/O Devices – Interrupts – Enabling and
Disabling of Interrupts – Handling multiple devices –Buses – Synchronous and
Asynchronous buses.
Data Communication interfaces and standards: parallel and serial ports –
RS232, RS423 serial bus standards –GPIB IEEE488 Instrumentation bus
standard- PCI, SCSI, USB (basic ideas only).
1. Computer Organisation: V. Hamacher – Mc Graw Hill
2. Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals: M. Morris Mano
3. 2/e Pearson Computer Organisation and Design: P. Pal Chaudhari – PHI
4. Digital Computer Fundamentals: Thomas Bastee
E 607 0+0+4
1. Study of TTL gates
2. Characteristics of TTL gates
3. Realisation of sequential circuits
4. Study of SR. JK, D, T and JK Master-Slave Flip Flops
5. Study of seven segment display
6. Testing of different shift registers
7. Design and Testing of decoders and encoders
8. Design and testing of astable and mono-stable multivibrator using 555
9. Design and testing asynchronous and synchronous counters and modulo N
10. Design and testing of counters using shift registers
11. Realisation of ADC and DAC
12. Testing of arithmetic circuits using op-amps
13. Design and testing of square wave generation using op-amps
14. Study of IC Regulator Power supplies
E 608 0+0+4
1. 8085 assembly language programming experiments
a. 8-bit and 16 bit arithmetic operations
b. Arranging a data array in descending and ascending order
c. BCD to binary and binary to BCD conversion
d. Finding square root of a number
e. Finding out square root of a number using look-up table
f. Setting up time delay and square wave generation
g. Interfacing of LEDs, 7 segment displays
h. Traffic control signals
i. Interfacing of stepper motor
j. Interfacing of ADC
k. Interfacing of DAC
l. Generation of firing pulses for SCR.
m. Interfacing of Power devices
n. Interfacing LCD displays
2. VCO circuits using IC 566, 4046B etc.
3. PLL systems using IC 565, 4046B etc.
4. Multiplexed Displays
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