MGU EEE s7 Syllabus free download
E 701 3+1+ 0
Module 1
Three phase Induction Motor: Construction – squirrel cage and slip-ring motor
– principle of operation – slip and frequency of rotor current – mechanical power
and developed torque – Phasor diagram – torque slip curve – pull out torque –
losses and efficiency.
No load and locked rotor tests – equivalent circuit – performance calculation from
equivalent circuit – circle diagram – operating characteristics from circle diagram
– cogging and crawling and methods of elimination
Module 2
Starting of three phase squirrel cage induction motor – direct online starting –
auto transformer – star-delta starting – starting of slip-ring motor – design of rotor
rheostat – variation of starting torque with rotor resistance.
Speed control – pole changing – rotor resistance control – frequency control –
static frequency conversion – Applications of Induction machines – single
phasing – analysis using symmetrical components.
Module 3
Induction Generator: Theory – Phasor diagram – equivalent circuit -
Synchronous Induction motor: – construction – rotor winding connections –
circle diagram – pulling into step.
Single phase Induction motor: revolving field theory – equivalent circuit –
torque slip curve – starting methods – split phase, capacitor start-capacitor run
and shaded pole motors.
Module 4
Single phase Series Motor: Theory – Phasor diagram – circle diagram –
compensation and interpole winding – Universal motor
Repulsion Motor: torque production – Phasor diagram – compensated type of
motors – repulsion start and repulsion run induction motor – applications
Reluctance motor – Hysterisis motor
Module 5
Deep bar and double cage induction motor – equivalent circuit – torque slip curve
– Commutator motors – principle and theory – emf induced in a commutator
winding - - Poly-phase commutator motors – three phase series and shunt type –
Schrage motor – characteristics – applications – use of commutator machines as
frequency converters, phase advancers – expedor type and susceptor type –
Walker and Scherbius advancers – Linear Induction motor – operation and
1. Performance and Design of AC machines – M.G Say
2. Theory of Alternating Current machines - Alexander Lagnsdorf
3. A.C Commutator motor – Openshaw Taylor
4. Alternating Current machines – Puchstein & Lloyd
E 702 2+1+0
Module 1
DC motors: Methods of Speed control – single phase rectifiers with motor loadsingle
phase fully controlled bridge rectifier drives – half controlled bridge
rectifier drives – freewheeling with regeneration – speed torque characteristics –
power in load and source circuits
Module 2
3 Phase fully controlled bridge rectifier drives – free wheeling, freewheeling with
regeneration – Dual converter fed DC motor drives – chopper fed drives – single,
two and four quadrant chopper drives
Module 3
(Qualitative treatment only)
Speed control of 3 Phase induction motors – stator voltage control – principle –
controller configurations – operation and applications
Slip power recovery scheme – principle – static Kramer’s drive – static
Scherbius’ drive – applications
V/f control – constant torque and constant power control
Module 4
(Qualitative treatment only)
Voltage Source Inverter – Application to induction motor drives – v/f, e/f, flux
weakening schemes of control – applications
PWM inverter drive
Current Source Inverter – application to induction motor drives – operation under
fixed frequency – operation under variable frequency – applications
Module 5
(Qualitative treatment only)
Speed control of synchronous motors – adjustable frequency operation of
synchronous motors – principles of synchronous motor control – Voltage Source
Inverter Drive with open loop control – self controlled synchronous motor with
electronic commutation – self controlled synchronous motor drive using load
commutated thyristor inverter.
Principle of Vector control
1. Power Electronic Control of AC motors – J.M.D Murphy and F.G Turnbill,
Pergumon Press 1988
2. Power Semiconductor controlled Drives – G.K Dubey, Prentice hall, 1989
3. Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives – Bose B.K, Pearson Education
Asia -2002
4. Electric Drives – N.K De and P.K Sen, PHI New Delhi 2001
5. Power Electronics – M.D Singh and K.B Khanchandani, TMH, 1998
6. Mohammad A and E.L Sharkaw – Fundamentals of Electric Drives –
Thomson Learning
7. Power Semiconductor Drives – Vedam Subramaniam, TMH
E 703 2+1+0
Module 1
Electric Drives: Advantages of Electric drives – factors affecting choice of
motors – mechanical characteristic of DC and AC motors – motors for particular
applications llike textile mill, steel mill, paper mill, mine, hoists, cranes – size and
rating of motors.
Electrical Braking – plugging – dynamic and regenerative braking – energy
returned to the mains
Module 2
Electric Traction: Advantages and disadvantage - speed time curves – analysis
using trapezoidal speed time curve - mechanics of train movement – tractive
effort – specific energy consumption – factors affecting specific energy
consumption - train resistance – adhesive weight – coefficient of adhesion -
traction motor & characteristics
Series-parallel control of D.C. series motor – shunt and bridge transition - energy
saving by series parallel control.
Module 3
Electric Heating and Welding: Electric heating – resistance types – design of
heating element – induction heating – types of high frequency heating – dielectric
heating – methods of high frequency generation – direct and indirect arc furnaces
– power supply and control for different types of arc furnaces – application.
Electric welding – resistance welding – arc welding – electronic welding control
Module 4
Illumination: Review of definitions and laws of illumination – requirements of
good lighting -polar curves – Rousseau’s construction - lighting calculation –
design of interior and exterior lighting system - factory lighting – flood lighting –
street lighting.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: Types of refrigeration and air conditioning
systems – refrigerants – no frost refrigeration – trouble shooting – working of
electrical systems – protection of motors.
Module 5
Energy Management: Necessity for Energy Management – Energy Saving –
adopting non-conventional sources – Energy Management techniques (case
study) applied to 1) Residential Buildings, 2) Industries/Organisations – Energy
1. Utilisation of Electrical Energy: Openshaw Taylor
2. A Course in Electrical Power: Soni Gupta
3. Generation, Distribution & Utilization: C.L Wadhwa
4. Utilisation of Electric Power: N.V Suryanarayana, New Age Int’l.
5. Energy Conservation Handbook: Utility publication
E 704 3+1+0
Module 1
Compensation and design of Control Systems: cascade compensation – lag,
lead and lag-lead compensators – frequency domain methods – Bode plot method
– Root-locus methods
Module 2
Digital Control Systems: the process of sampling – sample and hold circuits –
Review of z transforms and its properties – solving difference equation by z
transform methods – inverse z transform – the pulse transfer function – response
between sampling instants – system characteristic equation – Jury’s stability test.
Module 3
Non-Linear Control Systems: Common physical non linearities – the phase
plane method – basic concepts – describing functions of saturation, dead zone non
linearities – stability analysis using describing functions.
Module 4
State Variable Approach: state space representation – block diagram
representation of linear system in state variable form – non uniqueness of the set
of state variables – Eigen values of an n X n matrix – eigen vectors – transfer
function – solution of homogeneous state equation – state transition matrix.
Module 5
State equations from transfer function – decomposition of transfer function –
controllability and observability - pole placement compensation – state variable
approach to discrete data system – vector matrix difference equation – solution of
the general linear time invariant systems – vector matrix difference equation
1. Modern Control Engineering – Katsuhiko Ogatta, Pearson Education
2. Modern Control Systems –Dorf and Bishop, Pearson Education Asia
3. Analog and digital Control System Design – Chi Tsong Chen, Oxford
University Press
4. Discrete Time Control of Dynamic Systems – Katsuhiko Ogatta, Pearson
Education Asia
5. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems – G.F Franklin, J. David Powell and
Michael Workman, Pearson Education Asia
E 705 2+1+0
Module 1
Microcontrollers and Microprocessors - Comparison.
Intel 8051: Architecture–Block diagram-Oscillator and Clock-Internal Registers-
Program Counter-PSW-Register Banks-Input and Output ports-Internal and
External memory, Counters and Timers, Serial data I/O- Interrupts-SFRs.
Module 2
Programming of 8051: Instruction syntax-Types of instructions–Moving data-
Arithmetic Instructions-Jump and Call Instructions-Logical Instructions-Single
Bit Instructions.
Arithmetic programs. Timing subroutines –Software time delay- Software polled
timer- Addressing Modes
Module 3
I/O Programming: Timer/Counter Programming-Interrupts Programming- Timer
and external Interrupts- Serial Communication- Different character transmission
techniques using time delay, polling and interrupt driven-Receiving serial data –
polling for received data, interrupt driven data reception.
Module 4
Microcontroller system design: External memory and Memory Address
Decoding for EPROM and RAM. Interfacing keyboard. 7 segment display and
LCD display. Interfacing of ADC (0808) and DAC (808) to 8051.
Module 5
Designing a stand alone Microcontroller system: Typical system design
examples (Block-Diagram level only) - Data acquisition system- Measurement of
frequency - Temperature control
Introduction to PLCs: Basic configuration of PLCs
Text Books
1. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems – Muhammad Ali Mazidi and
Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Pearson Education Asia.
2. The 8051 Microcontroller – Architecture, Programming and Applications –
Kenneth J. Ayala, Penram International Publishing (India), Second Ed.
1. Intel Data Book on MCS 51 family
Web Reference
E 706 3+1+0
List of Electives
E 706.1 CMELR Optimisation Techniques (Common to all branches)
E 706.2 HVDC Engineering
E 706.3 Neural Networks
E 706.4 Object Oriented Programming
E 706.5 Biomedical Instrumentation
New Electives may be added according to the needs of emerging fields of
technology. The name of the elective and its syllabus should be submitted to the
University before the course is offered.
CMLRTA 706-1
Module l
Classical optimization techniques: Single variable optimization - Multivariable
optimization with no constraints - Hessian matrix - Multivariable saddle point -
Optimization with equality constraints - Lagrange multiplier method.
Module 2
Constrained multivariable optimization: Multivariable optimization with
inequality constraints - Kuhn-Tucker conditions - Convex programming problem
- Quadratic programming.
Module 3
One-dimensional unconstrained minimization: Elimination methods - unrestricted
search method - Fibonacci method -Interpolation methods - Quadratic
interpolation and cubic interpolation methods.
Module 4
Unconstrained minimization: Gradient of a function - Steepest descent method -
Newton's method -Powells method - Hooke and Jeeve's method.
Module 5
Integer - Linear programming problem: Gomory's cutting plane method -
Gomory's method for all integer programming problems, mixed integer
programming problems.
1. Optimization theory and application - S.S. Rao, New Age International P. Ltd.
2. Optimization Concepts and applications in Engineering - A. D. Belegundu, T.R.
Chandrupatla, Pearson Education Asia.
3. Principles of Operations Research for Management - F. S. Budnick, D. McLeavey,
R. Mojena, Richard D. Irwin, INC.
4. Operation Research an introduction - H. A Taha, Eastern Economy Edition.
E 706-2
Module 1
Introduction: Comparison of AC, DC transmission – Description of DC
transmission systems – modern trends in thyristor valves – Pulse number of
converters – choice of converter configuration – Review of Graetz circuit – Valve
rating – Transformer rating – Simplified analysis of Graetz circuit without overlap
Module 2
HVDC System Control: principles of DC link control – converter control
characteristics – system control hierarchy – firing angle control – individual phase
control and equidistant phase control – comparison – advantages and
disadvantages – current and extinction angle control – starting and stopping of DC
link – power control
Module 3
Converter faults and protection: types of faults – commutation failure –arc
through and misfire – protection against over currents – over voltages – surge
arresters – protection against over voltages
Module 4
Harmonics and filters: Sources of harmonics in HVDC systems - Smoothing
reactors – Corona and radio interference effects – harmonic distortion factor
(derivation not required) – types of AC filters – DC filters (design not required)
Module 5
Multi-terminal DC systems: applications of MTDC systems – types –
Reactive power control: sources of reactive power – static VAR systems – TCR
configuration (analysis not required) – Typical control system (block diagram
only) for a TCR – operation of Thyristor switched capacitor
Text Book
1. HVDC Power Transmission Systems-Technology and System Interactions: K.R
Padiyar, New Age Int’l.
1. Direct Current Transmission Vol 1: E.W Kimbark, Wiley
E 706-3
Module 1
Introduction: Principles -Artificial neuron - activation functions -Sing|e layer and
Multilayer networks - Training artificial neural networks - Perception -
Representation - Linear Separability - Learning - Training algorithms.
Back propogation: Taining Algorithim - Application - Network
Configurations - Network Paralysis - Local Minima - Temporal instability.
Module 3
Counter Propogation Networks: Kebenone layer - Training the cohenen layer -
Pre initialising the weight vectors - statistical properties Training the Grosbery layer -
Full counter propagation network - Application.
Module 4
Statistical Methods: Boltzmann's Training - Cauchy training - Artificial specific heat
methods - applications to general non-linear optimization problems
Module 5
Hopfield nets: Recurrent networks - stability - Associative memory-applications -
Thermo dynamic systems - Statistical Hopfield networks -Bidirectional
associative memories - Continuous BAM - Adaptive resonance theory - Architeture
classification - implimentation.
Text Book
1. Neural Computing & Practice - Philip D. Wasserman,
1. Adaptive pattern Recognition & Neural Networks - Pay Y.H.
2. An Introduction to neural computing - Chaoman & Hall
3. Artificial Neural Networks - Kishan Mehrota and Etal
E 706-4
Module 1
OOP concepts: Objects-classes-data abstraction-data encapsulation-inheritancepolymorphism-
dynamic binding-comparison of OOP and Procedure oriented
programming-object oriented languages.
OOP using C++: Classes and objects-class declaration-data members and member
functions-private and public members-member function definition-inline
functions-creating objects-accessing class members.
Module 2
Arrays of objects-objects as function arguments-pass by value-reference
variables/aliases-pass by reference-function returning objects-static class members.
Constructors and destructors -declaration, definition and use-default,
parameterized and copy constructors-constructor overloading.
Module 3
Polymorphism: function overloading-declaration and definition-calling overloaded
functions. Friend classes-friend functions-operator overloading-overloading unary -
overloading binary operators- use of friend functions
Module 4
Inheritance: different forms of inheritance-base class-derived class-visibility modessingle
inheritance-characteristics of derived class-abstract class
File handling in C++: file stream classes-file pointers-open (), close (), read (), write
() functions-detecting end of file.
Module 5
Dynamic memory allocation: pointer variables-pointers to objects-new and delete
operators-accessing member functions using object pointers-'this' pointer. Run time
polymorphism: pointers to base class-pointers to derived class-virtual functionsdynamic
1. Object Oriented Programming with C++ - Balagurusamy, McGraw Hill
2. Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ - Robert Lafore ,Galgotia Publications
3. C++Programming Language - Bjame Stroustrup, Addison Wesley
4. C++ primer -Stanely B.Lippman, PearsonEducation,Asia
5. Data Abstraction and OOP in C++ - Gordenkeith
6. Object Oriented Analysis & Design - Grady Booch, Addison Wesley
Module 1
Physiology and generation of bio electric potential Cell Potentials
stimulation and thresholds-Action potentials-propagation of action potentialssodium
pump-electro physiology of cardio pulmonary systems - Respiration and
circulation - Cardio vascular system - Heart electro cardiogram - Measurement and
analysis of EGG waveform-ECG recorder principles-block schematic of ECG
Module 2
Blood pressure-Characteristics of blood flow-Heart sounds Measurement of
blood pressure-Direct and indirect methods-Pacemakers defibrillators- PH of
blood- ESR and GSR- Temperature measurement of various parts.
Module 3
Respiratory system-measurement of respiration rate-Measurement of CO2 and
O2 of exhaled air-Respiratory therapy equipment-inhalators, ventilators and
Module 4
Central Nervous systems-Anatomy of Nervous system-neuronal communication-
Organisation of brain-Neuronal receptors-somatic nervous systems and
spinal reflexes-EEG measurement and characteristic of sleep.
Module 5
Modern imaging systems – X ray machine – computer tomography – magnetic
resonance imaging system – NMR components – ultrasonic imaging systems –
Therapeutic equipments – dialysers – surgical diathermy machines – laser
applications – physiotherapy and electro therapy equipments
1. Handbook of Biomedical instrumentation – R.S Khandpur
2. Medical and Clinical Engg. – Brtil Jacobson and John G
3. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements – Leslic Cromwell, F.J Weibel
E 707 0+0+3
DC Winding
1. Lap winding with equalizer rings.
2. Wave winding, dummy coils.
DC Machines
1. Dimensioned sketches of (a) front and end views of armature (b) commutator (c)
brush holders (d) slot details.
2. Dimensioned sketches of yoke and pole assembly.
3. Dimensioned sketches of front and side views of an assembled medium size D.C
1. Sections of core type transformer limbs.
2. Dimensioned sketch (external view) of a distribution transformer with all
3. (a) Dimensioned sketch of sections of transformer limb.
(b) Assembled sectional view of Power transformer.
AC Winding
Three – phase AC winding
1. Integral slot lap winding
2. Short chorded winding
3. Fractional slot winding
4. Mush winding
AC machines
Dimensioned sketches of parts and assembled views of
1. Salient pole alternator
2. Cylindrical rotor alternator
3. Dimensioned sketches of parts and assembled views of
4. Squirrel cage induction motor
5. Slip ring Induction motor
1. Electrical Engineering Drawing - S. K Bhattacharya
2. Electrical Engineering Drawing – K.L. Narang
3. Electrical Machine Design – A.K Sawhney
(University Examination Pattern: 3 questions from Part A, of which any two must be
answered, and 3 questions from part B of which any two must be answered. All questions
carry 25 marks each).
E 708 0+0+4
Part A: Control Systems Lab
1. Transfer Function of Separately excited DC generator
2. Transfer Function of Field-Controlled DC motor
3. Transfer Function of Armature-Controlled DC motor
4. Amplidyne characteristics and transfer function
5. Voltage regulation of DC generator using Amplidyne
6. Synchro characteristics, error detection and data transmission, differential
7. AC servo motor – speed transfer characteristics
8. Step and sinusoidal response of RLC circuits
9. Study of PID controller – design and experimental determination of frequency
response of lag and lead networks
10. D.C servo motor position control system
11. Use of MATLAB for simulating transfer functions, closed-loop systems etc.
Part B: Power Electronics Lab
1. Study of V-I characteristic of SCRS triac.
2. Study of BJT, IGBT, GTO & MOSFET.
3. R, RC and UJT firing circuits for the control of SCRS.
4. Design and implementation of Ramp-Comparator and digital firing scheme
for simple SCR circuits.
5. Automatic lighting control with SCRs and optoelectronic components.
6. AC phase control using SCR and Triac.
7. Speed control of DC motor using choppers and converters.
8. Generation and study the PWM control signal for Single phase dc to ac
9. Study and use of the single phase half controlled & fully controlled AC to DC
Converter and effect of firing angle control on load voltage & wave Forms.
10. Study and use of back to back connected SCR/ triac Controlled AC Voltage
controller and its wave forms with Variation of firing angle.
11. Study & use chopper circuit for the control of DC Voltage using (1) Pulse
width control (2) Frequency Control.
12. Study of Single Phase inverter and its wave form.
13. Study of Three Phase firing circuit with synchronisation, and testing with
three phase AC to DC bridge converter. Testing of wave forms of digital
firing modules.
14. Study and Testing of a Three Phase bridge inverter with different types of
15. Simulation of gating circuits and simple converter circuits.
E 709/E808
Each student is required to present a technical paper on a subject approved by the
department. The paper should be in general reflecting the state-of-the-art. He/she
shall submit a report of the paper presented to the department.
In addition to the seminar he/she shall undertake a project work (as a team or
individually) in the 7th semester itself in consultation with the Guides. On
completion of the project work, he/she shall present the work done before a panel
of staff members, and submit a report of the project work, and submit a report of
the project work done to the department.
E 701 3+1+ 0
Module 1
Three phase Induction Motor: Construction – squirrel cage and slip-ring motor
– principle of operation – slip and frequency of rotor current – mechanical power
and developed torque – Phasor diagram – torque slip curve – pull out torque –
losses and efficiency.
No load and locked rotor tests – equivalent circuit – performance calculation from
equivalent circuit – circle diagram – operating characteristics from circle diagram
– cogging and crawling and methods of elimination
Module 2
Starting of three phase squirrel cage induction motor – direct online starting –
auto transformer – star-delta starting – starting of slip-ring motor – design of rotor
rheostat – variation of starting torque with rotor resistance.
Speed control – pole changing – rotor resistance control – frequency control –
static frequency conversion – Applications of Induction machines – single
phasing – analysis using symmetrical components.
Module 3
Induction Generator: Theory – Phasor diagram – equivalent circuit -
Synchronous Induction motor: – construction – rotor winding connections –
circle diagram – pulling into step.
Single phase Induction motor: revolving field theory – equivalent circuit –
torque slip curve – starting methods – split phase, capacitor start-capacitor run
and shaded pole motors.
Module 4
Single phase Series Motor: Theory – Phasor diagram – circle diagram –
compensation and interpole winding – Universal motor
Repulsion Motor: torque production – Phasor diagram – compensated type of
motors – repulsion start and repulsion run induction motor – applications
Reluctance motor – Hysterisis motor
Module 5
Deep bar and double cage induction motor – equivalent circuit – torque slip curve
– Commutator motors – principle and theory – emf induced in a commutator
winding - - Poly-phase commutator motors – three phase series and shunt type –
Schrage motor – characteristics – applications – use of commutator machines as
frequency converters, phase advancers – expedor type and susceptor type –
Walker and Scherbius advancers – Linear Induction motor – operation and
1. Performance and Design of AC machines – M.G Say
2. Theory of Alternating Current machines - Alexander Lagnsdorf
3. A.C Commutator motor – Openshaw Taylor
4. Alternating Current machines – Puchstein & Lloyd
E 702 2+1+0
Module 1
DC motors: Methods of Speed control – single phase rectifiers with motor loadsingle
phase fully controlled bridge rectifier drives – half controlled bridge
rectifier drives – freewheeling with regeneration – speed torque characteristics –
power in load and source circuits
Module 2
3 Phase fully controlled bridge rectifier drives – free wheeling, freewheeling with
regeneration – Dual converter fed DC motor drives – chopper fed drives – single,
two and four quadrant chopper drives
Module 3
(Qualitative treatment only)
Speed control of 3 Phase induction motors – stator voltage control – principle –
controller configurations – operation and applications
Slip power recovery scheme – principle – static Kramer’s drive – static
Scherbius’ drive – applications
V/f control – constant torque and constant power control
Module 4
(Qualitative treatment only)
Voltage Source Inverter – Application to induction motor drives – v/f, e/f, flux
weakening schemes of control – applications
PWM inverter drive
Current Source Inverter – application to induction motor drives – operation under
fixed frequency – operation under variable frequency – applications
Module 5
(Qualitative treatment only)
Speed control of synchronous motors – adjustable frequency operation of
synchronous motors – principles of synchronous motor control – Voltage Source
Inverter Drive with open loop control – self controlled synchronous motor with
electronic commutation – self controlled synchronous motor drive using load
commutated thyristor inverter.
Principle of Vector control
1. Power Electronic Control of AC motors – J.M.D Murphy and F.G Turnbill,
Pergumon Press 1988
2. Power Semiconductor controlled Drives – G.K Dubey, Prentice hall, 1989
3. Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives – Bose B.K, Pearson Education
Asia -2002
4. Electric Drives – N.K De and P.K Sen, PHI New Delhi 2001
5. Power Electronics – M.D Singh and K.B Khanchandani, TMH, 1998
6. Mohammad A and E.L Sharkaw – Fundamentals of Electric Drives –
Thomson Learning
7. Power Semiconductor Drives – Vedam Subramaniam, TMH
E 703 2+1+0
Module 1
Electric Drives: Advantages of Electric drives – factors affecting choice of
motors – mechanical characteristic of DC and AC motors – motors for particular
applications llike textile mill, steel mill, paper mill, mine, hoists, cranes – size and
rating of motors.
Electrical Braking – plugging – dynamic and regenerative braking – energy
returned to the mains
Module 2
Electric Traction: Advantages and disadvantage - speed time curves – analysis
using trapezoidal speed time curve - mechanics of train movement – tractive
effort – specific energy consumption – factors affecting specific energy
consumption - train resistance – adhesive weight – coefficient of adhesion -
traction motor & characteristics
Series-parallel control of D.C. series motor – shunt and bridge transition - energy
saving by series parallel control.
Module 3
Electric Heating and Welding: Electric heating – resistance types – design of
heating element – induction heating – types of high frequency heating – dielectric
heating – methods of high frequency generation – direct and indirect arc furnaces
– power supply and control for different types of arc furnaces – application.
Electric welding – resistance welding – arc welding – electronic welding control
Module 4
Illumination: Review of definitions and laws of illumination – requirements of
good lighting -polar curves – Rousseau’s construction - lighting calculation –
design of interior and exterior lighting system - factory lighting – flood lighting –
street lighting.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: Types of refrigeration and air conditioning
systems – refrigerants – no frost refrigeration – trouble shooting – working of
electrical systems – protection of motors.
Module 5
Energy Management: Necessity for Energy Management – Energy Saving –
adopting non-conventional sources – Energy Management techniques (case
study) applied to 1) Residential Buildings, 2) Industries/Organisations – Energy
1. Utilisation of Electrical Energy: Openshaw Taylor
2. A Course in Electrical Power: Soni Gupta
3. Generation, Distribution & Utilization: C.L Wadhwa
4. Utilisation of Electric Power: N.V Suryanarayana, New Age Int’l.
5. Energy Conservation Handbook: Utility publication
E 704 3+1+0
Module 1
Compensation and design of Control Systems: cascade compensation – lag,
lead and lag-lead compensators – frequency domain methods – Bode plot method
– Root-locus methods
Module 2
Digital Control Systems: the process of sampling – sample and hold circuits –
Review of z transforms and its properties – solving difference equation by z
transform methods – inverse z transform – the pulse transfer function – response
between sampling instants – system characteristic equation – Jury’s stability test.
Module 3
Non-Linear Control Systems: Common physical non linearities – the phase
plane method – basic concepts – describing functions of saturation, dead zone non
linearities – stability analysis using describing functions.
Module 4
State Variable Approach: state space representation – block diagram
representation of linear system in state variable form – non uniqueness of the set
of state variables – Eigen values of an n X n matrix – eigen vectors – transfer
function – solution of homogeneous state equation – state transition matrix.
Module 5
State equations from transfer function – decomposition of transfer function –
controllability and observability - pole placement compensation – state variable
approach to discrete data system – vector matrix difference equation – solution of
the general linear time invariant systems – vector matrix difference equation
1. Modern Control Engineering – Katsuhiko Ogatta, Pearson Education
2. Modern Control Systems –Dorf and Bishop, Pearson Education Asia
3. Analog and digital Control System Design – Chi Tsong Chen, Oxford
University Press
4. Discrete Time Control of Dynamic Systems – Katsuhiko Ogatta, Pearson
Education Asia
5. Digital Control of Dynamic Systems – G.F Franklin, J. David Powell and
Michael Workman, Pearson Education Asia
E 705 2+1+0
Module 1
Microcontrollers and Microprocessors - Comparison.
Intel 8051: Architecture–Block diagram-Oscillator and Clock-Internal Registers-
Program Counter-PSW-Register Banks-Input and Output ports-Internal and
External memory, Counters and Timers, Serial data I/O- Interrupts-SFRs.
Module 2
Programming of 8051: Instruction syntax-Types of instructions–Moving data-
Arithmetic Instructions-Jump and Call Instructions-Logical Instructions-Single
Bit Instructions.
Arithmetic programs. Timing subroutines –Software time delay- Software polled
timer- Addressing Modes
Module 3
I/O Programming: Timer/Counter Programming-Interrupts Programming- Timer
and external Interrupts- Serial Communication- Different character transmission
techniques using time delay, polling and interrupt driven-Receiving serial data –
polling for received data, interrupt driven data reception.
Module 4
Microcontroller system design: External memory and Memory Address
Decoding for EPROM and RAM. Interfacing keyboard. 7 segment display and
LCD display. Interfacing of ADC (0808) and DAC (808) to 8051.
Module 5
Designing a stand alone Microcontroller system: Typical system design
examples (Block-Diagram level only) - Data acquisition system- Measurement of
frequency - Temperature control
Introduction to PLCs: Basic configuration of PLCs
Text Books
1. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems – Muhammad Ali Mazidi and
Janice Gillispie Mazidi, Pearson Education Asia.
2. The 8051 Microcontroller – Architecture, Programming and Applications –
Kenneth J. Ayala, Penram International Publishing (India), Second Ed.
1. Intel Data Book on MCS 51 family
Web Reference
E 706 3+1+0
List of Electives
E 706.1 CMELR Optimisation Techniques (Common to all branches)
E 706.2 HVDC Engineering
E 706.3 Neural Networks
E 706.4 Object Oriented Programming
E 706.5 Biomedical Instrumentation
New Electives may be added according to the needs of emerging fields of
technology. The name of the elective and its syllabus should be submitted to the
University before the course is offered.
CMLRTA 706-1
Module l
Classical optimization techniques: Single variable optimization - Multivariable
optimization with no constraints - Hessian matrix - Multivariable saddle point -
Optimization with equality constraints - Lagrange multiplier method.
Module 2
Constrained multivariable optimization: Multivariable optimization with
inequality constraints - Kuhn-Tucker conditions - Convex programming problem
- Quadratic programming.
Module 3
One-dimensional unconstrained minimization: Elimination methods - unrestricted
search method - Fibonacci method -Interpolation methods - Quadratic
interpolation and cubic interpolation methods.
Module 4
Unconstrained minimization: Gradient of a function - Steepest descent method -
Newton's method -Powells method - Hooke and Jeeve's method.
Module 5
Integer - Linear programming problem: Gomory's cutting plane method -
Gomory's method for all integer programming problems, mixed integer
programming problems.
1. Optimization theory and application - S.S. Rao, New Age International P. Ltd.
2. Optimization Concepts and applications in Engineering - A. D. Belegundu, T.R.
Chandrupatla, Pearson Education Asia.
3. Principles of Operations Research for Management - F. S. Budnick, D. McLeavey,
R. Mojena, Richard D. Irwin, INC.
4. Operation Research an introduction - H. A Taha, Eastern Economy Edition.
E 706-2
Module 1
Introduction: Comparison of AC, DC transmission – Description of DC
transmission systems – modern trends in thyristor valves – Pulse number of
converters – choice of converter configuration – Review of Graetz circuit – Valve
rating – Transformer rating – Simplified analysis of Graetz circuit without overlap
Module 2
HVDC System Control: principles of DC link control – converter control
characteristics – system control hierarchy – firing angle control – individual phase
control and equidistant phase control – comparison – advantages and
disadvantages – current and extinction angle control – starting and stopping of DC
link – power control
Module 3
Converter faults and protection: types of faults – commutation failure –arc
through and misfire – protection against over currents – over voltages – surge
arresters – protection against over voltages
Module 4
Harmonics and filters: Sources of harmonics in HVDC systems - Smoothing
reactors – Corona and radio interference effects – harmonic distortion factor
(derivation not required) – types of AC filters – DC filters (design not required)
Module 5
Multi-terminal DC systems: applications of MTDC systems – types –
Reactive power control: sources of reactive power – static VAR systems – TCR
configuration (analysis not required) – Typical control system (block diagram
only) for a TCR – operation of Thyristor switched capacitor
Text Book
1. HVDC Power Transmission Systems-Technology and System Interactions: K.R
Padiyar, New Age Int’l.
1. Direct Current Transmission Vol 1: E.W Kimbark, Wiley
E 706-3
Module 1
Introduction: Principles -Artificial neuron - activation functions -Sing|e layer and
Multilayer networks - Training artificial neural networks - Perception -
Representation - Linear Separability - Learning - Training algorithms.
Back propogation: Taining Algorithim - Application - Network
Configurations - Network Paralysis - Local Minima - Temporal instability.
Module 3
Counter Propogation Networks: Kebenone layer - Training the cohenen layer -
Pre initialising the weight vectors - statistical properties Training the Grosbery layer -
Full counter propagation network - Application.
Module 4
Statistical Methods: Boltzmann's Training - Cauchy training - Artificial specific heat
methods - applications to general non-linear optimization problems
Module 5
Hopfield nets: Recurrent networks - stability - Associative memory-applications -
Thermo dynamic systems - Statistical Hopfield networks -Bidirectional
associative memories - Continuous BAM - Adaptive resonance theory - Architeture
classification - implimentation.
Text Book
1. Neural Computing & Practice - Philip D. Wasserman,
1. Adaptive pattern Recognition & Neural Networks - Pay Y.H.
2. An Introduction to neural computing - Chaoman & Hall
3. Artificial Neural Networks - Kishan Mehrota and Etal
E 706-4
Module 1
OOP concepts: Objects-classes-data abstraction-data encapsulation-inheritancepolymorphism-
dynamic binding-comparison of OOP and Procedure oriented
programming-object oriented languages.
OOP using C++: Classes and objects-class declaration-data members and member
functions-private and public members-member function definition-inline
functions-creating objects-accessing class members.
Module 2
Arrays of objects-objects as function arguments-pass by value-reference
variables/aliases-pass by reference-function returning objects-static class members.
Constructors and destructors -declaration, definition and use-default,
parameterized and copy constructors-constructor overloading.
Module 3
Polymorphism: function overloading-declaration and definition-calling overloaded
functions. Friend classes-friend functions-operator overloading-overloading unary -
overloading binary operators- use of friend functions
Module 4
Inheritance: different forms of inheritance-base class-derived class-visibility modessingle
inheritance-characteristics of derived class-abstract class
File handling in C++: file stream classes-file pointers-open (), close (), read (), write
() functions-detecting end of file.
Module 5
Dynamic memory allocation: pointer variables-pointers to objects-new and delete
operators-accessing member functions using object pointers-'this' pointer. Run time
polymorphism: pointers to base class-pointers to derived class-virtual functionsdynamic
1. Object Oriented Programming with C++ - Balagurusamy, McGraw Hill
2. Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ - Robert Lafore ,Galgotia Publications
3. C++Programming Language - Bjame Stroustrup, Addison Wesley
4. C++ primer -Stanely B.Lippman, PearsonEducation,Asia
5. Data Abstraction and OOP in C++ - Gordenkeith
6. Object Oriented Analysis & Design - Grady Booch, Addison Wesley
Module 1
Physiology and generation of bio electric potential Cell Potentials
stimulation and thresholds-Action potentials-propagation of action potentialssodium
pump-electro physiology of cardio pulmonary systems - Respiration and
circulation - Cardio vascular system - Heart electro cardiogram - Measurement and
analysis of EGG waveform-ECG recorder principles-block schematic of ECG
Module 2
Blood pressure-Characteristics of blood flow-Heart sounds Measurement of
blood pressure-Direct and indirect methods-Pacemakers defibrillators- PH of
blood- ESR and GSR- Temperature measurement of various parts.
Module 3
Respiratory system-measurement of respiration rate-Measurement of CO2 and
O2 of exhaled air-Respiratory therapy equipment-inhalators, ventilators and
Module 4
Central Nervous systems-Anatomy of Nervous system-neuronal communication-
Organisation of brain-Neuronal receptors-somatic nervous systems and
spinal reflexes-EEG measurement and characteristic of sleep.
Module 5
Modern imaging systems – X ray machine – computer tomography – magnetic
resonance imaging system – NMR components – ultrasonic imaging systems –
Therapeutic equipments – dialysers – surgical diathermy machines – laser
applications – physiotherapy and electro therapy equipments
1. Handbook of Biomedical instrumentation – R.S Khandpur
2. Medical and Clinical Engg. – Brtil Jacobson and John G
3. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements – Leslic Cromwell, F.J Weibel
E 707 0+0+3
DC Winding
1. Lap winding with equalizer rings.
2. Wave winding, dummy coils.
DC Machines
1. Dimensioned sketches of (a) front and end views of armature (b) commutator (c)
brush holders (d) slot details.
2. Dimensioned sketches of yoke and pole assembly.
3. Dimensioned sketches of front and side views of an assembled medium size D.C
1. Sections of core type transformer limbs.
2. Dimensioned sketch (external view) of a distribution transformer with all
3. (a) Dimensioned sketch of sections of transformer limb.
(b) Assembled sectional view of Power transformer.
AC Winding
Three – phase AC winding
1. Integral slot lap winding
2. Short chorded winding
3. Fractional slot winding
4. Mush winding
AC machines
Dimensioned sketches of parts and assembled views of
1. Salient pole alternator
2. Cylindrical rotor alternator
3. Dimensioned sketches of parts and assembled views of
4. Squirrel cage induction motor
5. Slip ring Induction motor
1. Electrical Engineering Drawing - S. K Bhattacharya
2. Electrical Engineering Drawing – K.L. Narang
3. Electrical Machine Design – A.K Sawhney
(University Examination Pattern: 3 questions from Part A, of which any two must be
answered, and 3 questions from part B of which any two must be answered. All questions
carry 25 marks each).
E 708 0+0+4
Part A: Control Systems Lab
1. Transfer Function of Separately excited DC generator
2. Transfer Function of Field-Controlled DC motor
3. Transfer Function of Armature-Controlled DC motor
4. Amplidyne characteristics and transfer function
5. Voltage regulation of DC generator using Amplidyne
6. Synchro characteristics, error detection and data transmission, differential
7. AC servo motor – speed transfer characteristics
8. Step and sinusoidal response of RLC circuits
9. Study of PID controller – design and experimental determination of frequency
response of lag and lead networks
10. D.C servo motor position control system
11. Use of MATLAB for simulating transfer functions, closed-loop systems etc.
Part B: Power Electronics Lab
1. Study of V-I characteristic of SCRS triac.
2. Study of BJT, IGBT, GTO & MOSFET.
3. R, RC and UJT firing circuits for the control of SCRS.
4. Design and implementation of Ramp-Comparator and digital firing scheme
for simple SCR circuits.
5. Automatic lighting control with SCRs and optoelectronic components.
6. AC phase control using SCR and Triac.
7. Speed control of DC motor using choppers and converters.
8. Generation and study the PWM control signal for Single phase dc to ac
9. Study and use of the single phase half controlled & fully controlled AC to DC
Converter and effect of firing angle control on load voltage & wave Forms.
10. Study and use of back to back connected SCR/ triac Controlled AC Voltage
controller and its wave forms with Variation of firing angle.
11. Study & use chopper circuit for the control of DC Voltage using (1) Pulse
width control (2) Frequency Control.
12. Study of Single Phase inverter and its wave form.
13. Study of Three Phase firing circuit with synchronisation, and testing with
three phase AC to DC bridge converter. Testing of wave forms of digital
firing modules.
14. Study and Testing of a Three Phase bridge inverter with different types of
15. Simulation of gating circuits and simple converter circuits.
E 709/E808
Each student is required to present a technical paper on a subject approved by the
department. The paper should be in general reflecting the state-of-the-art. He/she
shall submit a report of the paper presented to the department.
In addition to the seminar he/she shall undertake a project work (as a team or
individually) in the 7th semester itself in consultation with the Guides. On
completion of the project work, he/she shall present the work done before a panel
of staff members, and submit a report of the project work, and submit a report of
the project work done to the department.
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