MGU EEE s8 Syllabus free download
E 801 3+1+0
Module 1
Power System Model: Representation – Single Line Diagram – per unit system –
per unit impedance diagram – network model formulation – bus admittance
matrix – formation of Y bus and Z bus using singular transformation –
symmetrical components – sequence impedance and networks
Module 2
Power Flow Studies: Load flow problem – Gauss Siedal method – Newton
Raphson method – algorithm for load flow solution – handling of voltage
controlled buses, off nominal transformer ratios and phase shifting transformers
Module 3
Economic Load Dispatch: System constraints – Economic dispatch neglecting
losses – optimal load dispatch including transmission losses – physical
interpretation of co ordination equations – exact transmission loss formulae –
modified co ordination equation – automatic load dispatching
Module 4
Symmetrical and unsymmetrical short circuit analysis: Different types of
faults in power systems – symmetrical fault analysis – selection of circuit breakers
– use of reactors
Unsymmetrical faults – analysis of single line to ground, line to line and double
line to ground faults in power system – analysis of unsymmetrical fault using Z
Module 5
Stability Analysis: Swing equation – power angle equation and power angle
curve – inertia constant – steady state stability - transient stability – equal area
criterion – application – numerical solution of swing equation – critical clearing
time and angle – effect of clearing time on stability –methods of improving
system stability – modified Euler’s method – Rangakutta method – application to
the solution of swing equation and computational algorithms
1. Power System Engineering: Nagrath and Kothari, TMH
2. Electrical Power Systems: C. L. Wadhwa, New Age Int’l
3. Power System Analysis: Bergen, Pearson Education Asia, LPE
4. Elements of Power System Analysis: William D. Stevenson
5. Power System Stability Vol. I: Kimbark E. W.
E 802 3+1+0
Module 1
Switchgear: Circuit breaker – basic principle of operation – arc phenomenon –
initiation and maintenance of arc - arc interruption methods – arc voltage and
current waveform in AC circuit breaking – re-striking and recovery voltage –
current chopping – DC breakers – rating of circuit breakers - breaking capacity –
making capacity – short time rating – working principle and important features of
oil CB, minimum oil CB, air blast CB, vacuum CB and SF6 CB – auto high speed
Module 2
Protective relaying: Main and back up protection – basic requirements of
protective relaying – classification of relays – induction type – principle - inverse
time characteristics – directional over-current and power relays – distance relays –
definite distance and distance time relays – differential relays - negative phase
sequence relay – static relays – basic static relay – block diagram of static overcurrent,
static directional, static distance and static differential relays.
Module 3
Generator Protection: External and internal faults – differential protection –
biased circulating current protection – self balance system – over-current and
earth fault protection – protection against failure of excitation
Transformer protection: Differential protection – self-balance system of
protection – over-current and earth fault protection – buchholz’ s relay and its
Module 4
Feeder protection: Protection of radial feeders – protection of parallel feeders –
protection of ring mains – differential pilot protection for feeders – Merz Price
voltage balance system – transley system
Transmission Line Protection: Definite distance and time distance protection –
phase and earth fault protection – carrier current protection
Module 5
Surge Over-voltages: Causes – lightning and switching surges – protection
against over-voltages – surge diverters thyrite and horn gap types – use of ground
wires – insulation coordination.
Wave propagation:
Wave propagation on OH lines and UG cables – transmitted and reflected waves
– surge impedance – velocity of propagation
1. Power System Protection and Switchgear: Ravindranath and Chander
2. Electrical Power Systems: C. L. Wadhwa, New Age Int’l
3. A Course in Electrical Power Systems: Sony, Gupta, Bhatnagar
4. Elements of Power System Analysis: William D. Stevenson
5. Traveling Waves on Transmission Systems: Bewsley L. V.
6. Power System Protection: M. A Date, B. Oza and N.C Nair,
E 803 2+1+0
Module 1
Transducers: Classification – characteristics – static and dynamic characteristics –
Instrumentation System – Functional description – input / output configuration –
interfering and modifying inputs – Methods of correction – Loafing effect –
Instrumentation amplifiers – Isolation amplifier – charge amplifier.
Module 2
Displacement Transducers: Resistance potentiometer – linearity and sensitivity –
types – Resistance strain gauges – working principle – gauge factor – strain gauge
circuitry – temperature effect and its compensation – load cells – LVDT –
working principle – equivalent circuit – LVDT circuitry – Capacitive transducers
– different types – piezoelectric transducers – working principle – piezoelectric
crystal equivalent circuit.
Module 3
Temperature Measurement: Thermo electric effects – Laws – thermocouples –
thermo electric circuits – Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) – Bridge
circuits – Thermistors – characteristics – pyrometer – radiation and optical
Module 4
Absolute acceleration – null type and servo type – strain gauge Accelerrometer –
piezo electric accelerometer – Electromagnetic flow meter – ultrasonic flow
meter – transit type and Doppler flow meter – Ultrasonic flaw detector – Optical
Module 5
PH measurement – Low Pressure measurement – McLaud gauge – Pirani gauge –
ionisation gauge – thermal conductivity gauge – spatial encoder for angular
measurement – wave analyser and spectrum analyser (block schematic) –
scintillation counter – Hygrometer.
1. Measurement Systems – Application and Design: E.O Doeblin, TMH
2. Principles of Industrial Instruments: D. Patranabi, TMH
3. Industrial Instruments Fundamentals: E. Fribance, TMH
4. Electronic Instruments: H.S Kalsi
5. Instrumentation Devices and Systems: V. Rangan, G.R Sharma and V.S.V Mani
E 804 3+1+0
Module 1
Design of D.C Machines: Design specifications – output equation – output
coefficient – specific loadings – choice of speed and number of poles –
calculation of D and L – Armature design – choice of type of winding – number
of sots – number of conductors per slot – current density – cross sectional area –
slot insulation – length of air gap – field winding design – field ampere turns –
excitation voltage per coil – conductor cross section – height of pole – design of
ventilating ducts – design of commutator and brushes – Carter’s coefficient – real
and apparent flux density.
Module 2
Transformers: Design – single phase and three phase – output equation –
specific magnetic loading – core design – single, stepped core - windings –
number of turns – current density – area of cross section of conductors – types of
coils – insulation – window area – window space factor – overall dimensions –
cooling – design of cooling tank with tubes – design of distribution and power
transformers – design of small transformers like 230V/6-0-6V.
Heating, cooling and temperature rise calculation – Continuous, short time and
intermittent rating.
Module 3
Design of Synchronous Machines: Specific loading – output equation – output
coefficient – main dimensions – types of winding – design of field system – turbo
alternator – main dimensions – stator design – rotor design – damper winding
design – comparison of water wheel and turbo alternators, cooling of turbo
Design of three phase Induction motors: output equation – output coefficient –
main dimensions – rotor bar currents.
Module 4
Estimate the quantity of materials required and draw the electrical wiring layout
of (a) residential building (b) Multi-storied building using rising mains (c) factory
with one number of small and high rating motor at LT ot HT supply and many
number of connected loads with suitable starters/switches and control panels (d)
Cinema hall
Module 5
a. Design, layout and estimation of power supply arrangement for (1). A bulk
Industrial consumer (2) An under ground power supply (3) An Over head line to a
rural consumer.
b. Estimate and draw the layout of (1) indoor (2) outdoor 11KV transformer station
with all accessories – single line diagram and physical layout
c. Design and draw the typical earthing installation like (1) pipe earthing (2) Plate
earthing (3) earth mat / grid
d. Study the electrical wiring diagram of a typical automobile clearly showing all
connected loads/ sources with specifications.
1. Electrical Machine Design: A.K Sawhney
2. Performance and Design of D.C Machine: Clayton
3. Performance and Design of A.C Machines: M.G Say
4. Design of Electrical Machines: V. N Mittal
5. Electrical Design Estimating and Costing: Raina & Bhattacharya
E 805 3+1+0
List of Electives:
E 805.01 CMELR Advanced Mathematics
E 805.02 Computer Aided Design of Induction Machines
E 805.03 Robotics
E 805.04 Advanced Power Systems
E 805.05 Advanced Microprocessors
E 805.06 System Software
E 805.07 Advanced Power Electronic Systems
New Electives may be added according to the needs of emerging fields of
technology. The name of the elective and its syllabus should be submitted to the
University before the course is offered.
CMELRT 805-1
Module 1
Green's Function
Heavisides, unit step function - Derivative of unit step function - Dirac delta
function -properties of delta function - Derivatives of delta function - testing
functions - symbolic function - symbolic derivatives - inverse of differential
operator - Green's function -initial value problems - boundary value problems -
simple cases only.
Module 2
Integral Equations
Definition of Volterra and Fredholm Integral equations - conversion of a linear
differential equation into an integral equation - conversion of boundary value
problem into an integral equation using Green's function - solution of Fredhlom
integral equation with separable Kernels - Integral equations of convolution type -
Neumann series solution.
Module 3
Gamma, Beta functions
Gamma function, Beta function - Relation between them - their transformations - use
of them in the evaluation certain integrals - Dirichlet's integral - Liouville's extension,
of Dirichlet's theorem - Elliptic integral - Error function.
Module 4
Power Series solution of differential equation
The power series method - Legendre's Equation - Legendre's polynomial - Rodrigues
formula - generating function - Bessel's equation - Bessel's function of the first kind -
Orthogonality of Legendre's Polynomials and Bessel's functions.
Module 5
Numerical solution of partial differential equations.
Classification of second order equations- Finite difference approximations to partial
derivatives - solution of Laplace and Poisson's equations by finite difference method -
solution of one dimensional heat equation by Crank - Nicolson method - solution one
dimensional wave equation.
1. Linear Integral Equation: Ram P.Kanwal, Academic Press, New York
2. A Course on Integral Equations: Allen C.Pipkin, Springer - Verlag
3. Advanced Engg. Mathematics: H.K.Dass, S.Chand
4. Advanced Engg. Mathematics: Michael D.Greenberge, Pearson Edn. Asia
5. Numrical methods in Engg. &Science: B.S.Grewal, Khanna Publishers
6. Generalized functions: R.F. Hoskins, John Wiley and Sons.
7. Principles and Techniques of Bernard Friedman: John Wiley and sons Applied
8. Principles of Applied Mathematics: James P.Keener, Addison Wesley.
9. Numerical methods: P.Kandasamy, K.Thilagavathy, K.Gunavathy
E 805-2
Module 1
CAD Orientation of Engineering design problems to computers. Design by
analysis and synthesis approach – simulation of non-linearity – stator windings
for 3 phase and single phase induction motors
Module 2
Main dimensions of three phase induction motors – standard specification –
constructional features – specific electric and magnetic loading – output
coefficient – main dimensions – computer programmes
Module 3
Core design – leakage reactances – rotor winding design – equivalent resistances
– computer programmes
Module 4
Calculations from design data – Carters coefficient – no load current – equivalent
circuit parameters – torque – efficiency and temperature rise – computer
Module 5
Main dimensions of single phase induction motors – auxiliary winding and
capacitor design – equivalent circuit parameters - torque – efficiency and
temperature calculations using design data – computer programmes
1. Computer Aided Design of Electrical Equipments – Ramamoorthy M, Affiliated
East-West press pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
2. Performance and Design of A.C Machines – M.G Say
3. Computer Aided Design of Electric Machinery – Venott C. G, MIT Press, London
E 805-3
Module 1
Introduction: Historical development-classification of robots-applications-robots
kinematics- joints and links-degree of freedom-description of position, orientation,
frames-mapping from one frame to another-compound transformations-inverse of
transform matrix-transform equations-kinematics of three degree of freedom
manipulators-Description of links-intermediate links in chain-First and last links in
chain -Link parameters-affixing frames to links-derivation of link transformation
matrix-Description of an industrial robot.
Module 2
Inverse manipulator kinematics - Workspace-solvability-multiple solutions-
Algebraic solution.
Drive and control systems for robots: hydraulic systems and DC servomotors
Position control for robots-simple position control system-position control along a
Module 3
Robot end- effectors: Classification of end-effectors-drive System for grippersmechanical
grippers magnetic grippers-vacuum grippers-gripper force analysis and
gripper design.
Module 4
Sensors and intelligent robots: need for sensing systems- sensing devicespiezoelectric
sensors-linear position and displacement sensing absolute optical
encoding-incremental optical encoder-position and direction measurementvelocity
measurement—force and torque sensors-proximity sensors-range sensorsrobot
vision systems
Module 5
Trajectory planning for Robots: Joint space schemes-cubic polynomials with via
points-Blending schemes - interfacing to microprocessors and computers.
1. Robotics and Image Processing - PA Janakiraman
2. Robotic Technology and flexible Automation - S R Deb
3. Robotics for engineers - Yoram Koren
4. Introduction to Robotics- Analysis, Systems and Applications: Saeed B. Nikku,
Pearson Education Asia, LPE
E 805-4
Module 1
Automatic generation and voltage control - load frequency Control (single area
case) -turbine speed governing system - model of Speed system - Turbine
model- generator load model - steady state analysis- dynamic response - control
area concept.
Module 2
Unit commitment - constraints in unit commitment-spinning spinning reserve -
thermal unit constraints - other constraints - unit commitment solution methods
- priority - list methods - dynamic programming solution.
Module 3
Hydrothermal co-ordination - long range and short range hydro scheduling- hydro
electric plant models - scheduling problems - the short term hydrothermal
scheduling problem - short - term hydro— scheduling: a gradient approach - hydro
units in series-dynamic programming solution to the hydrothermal scheduling
Module 4
Interchange evaluation and power pools - economy interchange economy
interchange evaluation - interchange evaluation with unit commitment multiple
interchange controls -after - the fact production costing - other types of interchange
- power pools - the energy broker system - centralized economic despatch of a
power pool - allocating pool savings.
Module 5
Power system security - factors affecting power system security-contingency
analysis: Detection network problem - network sensitivity methods - calculation
of network sensitivity factors - correcting the generation despatch - sensitivity
methods - linear programming.
1. Power System Engineering - I.J.Nagrath, D.P.Kothari
2. Power generation, operation and control - Allen J.Wood, Bruce Wollenberg, John
Wiley & Sons
E 805-5
Module 1
Intel 8086 - Pin out signals and functions - Internal architecture - Registers and
flags - bus buffering and latching bus timing – Pipelining
Operating modes - minimum mode and maximum mode.
Module 2
Introduction to 8086 assembly language programming - addressing modes –
instruction set classification - Writing simple programs eg. Arithmetic operations,
reading data from input port etc.
8086 memory interface – memory bank – separate bank decoders and signals
Module 3
8087 internal block diagram and interfacing (Programming not required).
Intel 80186 Architecture - block diagrams - different integrated peripherals
Intel 286 - Block diagram - Hardware features - Additional instructions
(Programming not required)
Module 4
Intel 8038 - memory system - I/O system - Protected mode – mmu - Descriptors
and selectors - TSS, Memory paging mechanism.
Intel 80486 - Internal Architecture - memory management and cache memory.
Module 5
Introduction to Pentium - processors – memory system – I/O system - special
Pentium registers - Pentium memory management.
Pentium II - Introduction - software changes Pentium III - Introduction - chip
set, Bus
Pentium IV - Memory interface, Hyper pipelined technology (elementary treatment
Concept of RISC – comparison of CISC and RISC
1. The 80x86 Family - John Uffenbeck - Pearson
2. Microprocessor and Interfacing - Douglas V. Hall - McGraw Hill
3. The Intel Microprocessors - Barry B. Brey (6th edition) – Pearson LPE
4. Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals – A.K Ray and M. Bruchandy – TMH
5. An Introduction to the Intel family of Microprocessors – James L. Antonokos,
Pearson LPE
E 805-6
Module 1
Introduction: Concept of system software - Classification of system software-
Relationship of system software with the machine and the user. Assemblers:
overview of the assembly process- single pass and two pass assemblers.
Elementary ideas of macros -Macro definition- macro call macro expansion -
macro processors.
Module 2
Linkers and Loaders: translated, linked and load time addresses- relocation and
linking concepts- object module- loader- absolute loader, relocating loaderlinking
loaders -(elementary ideas only).
Compilers: Overview of compilation process - phases of a compiler - analysis
phase -synthesis phase - lexical analysis - parsing - static and dynamic storage
allocation-intermediate code generation - code generation (basic ideas only).
Module 3
Operating systems: Definition of operating system -functions of operating
system - types of services-Types of operating systems- batch processing
multiprogramming, multitasking - timesharing, real-time, distributed systems
(brief descriptions only).
Process management- process concept- process states- scheduling - FCFS,
Shortest Job first, round robin scheduling policies.
Module 4
Memory management- contiguous memory allocation - static and dynamic
partitioning -swapping - non-contiguous allocation- fragmentation- concept of
virtual memory- paging-page tables - page replacement- FIFO and LRU page
replacement policies - segmentation -caching of secondary storage information.
File system - directory structures - file system implementation - sharing and
security. Device management - basic principles of I/O device controllers - I/O
scheduling policies.
Module 5
Introduction to distributed operating system: characteristics of distributed
systems -advantages -client server model - remote procedure call.
Real time operating systems - Basic requirements - hard and soft real time
systems - issues in real time systems- basic ideas of real time scheduling -
reentrancy- real time embedded systems (basic ideas only).
1. Introduction to System Software - Dhamdhere D.M., Tata McGraw Hill
2. Systems Programming - Donovan J.I, McGraw Hill
3. Systems Programming - Dhamdhere D.M., Tata McGraw Hill & Operating
4. Principles of compiler design - Aho & Ullman, Narosa Publishing
5. Operating System- Milenkovic, McGraw Hill
6. Operating System concepts - Peterson & Silberschatz, Addison Wesley
7. Real time systems & programming languages- Burns, Wellings, Addison
8. Introduction to RTS - Martin
9. Real time embedded Systems - Mathai Joseph, CERN
E 805-7
Module 1
DC-DC converter topologies: Buck and boost converters - continuous and
discontinuous current modes - buck-boost, C’uk converter - operation – control of
dc-dc converters –PWM method - Full-bridge with bipolar and unipolar switching
– output voltage equations.
Module 2
SMPS topologies: Basic block schematic of SMPS – isolated dc-dc topologies –
forward and flyback – principles – (circuit and operation only). Push-pull
topology – half bridge
Basics of SMPS control methods – voltage-mode and current-mode control (block
diagrams and description only).
Module 3
Resonant Converters: Advantages of resonant converters over PWM converters
– Classification - series and parallel resonant converters – half-bridge operation –
discontinuous and continuous current modes (basic modes only, no analysis
required) Principles of Zero voltage and Zero current switching (ZVS and ZCS
switches only – no analysis required)
Module 4
PWM Inverters: Need for PWM techniques – various PWM techniques –
principle of sinusoidal PWM – bipolar and unipolar PWM - modulation index –
application to single phase bridges - disadvantages of SPWM – brief introduction
to other PWM methods – current-mode control schemes (tolerance band control
and fixed frequency control – description with block diagram only)
Module 5
Applications: Power factor correction – Actual power factor – Displacement
factor and distortion factor – principles of input line current shaping using boost
rectifiers. UPS – Different topologies – block schematics.
Electronic ballast – block schematics.
1. Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design – Mohan, Undeland and
Robbins, John Wiley and Sons, 2nd ed.
2. Power Electronic Systems: Theory and Design – Jai P. Agrawal , Pearson
Education Asia, LPE
3. Modern Power Electronics – P.C Sen, Wheeler Publ.
E 806 2+1+0
List of Electives:
E 806.01 Digital Protection of Power Systems
E 806.02 Insulation Technology
E 806.03 Computer Networks
E 806.04 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
E 806.05 Opto-Electronics and Communication
E 806.06 VLSI Technology
New Electives may be added according to the needs of emerging fields of
technology. The name of the elective and its syllabus should be submitted to the
University before the course is offered.
E 806-1
Module 1
Need for protection-nature and causes of fault -zones of protection-classification
of protective relays based on technology and function-instrument transformers
used in protection circuit.
A/D converters- analog multiplexers-sample and hold circuits.
Module 2
Computer applications to protective relaying - simulation of power system
disturbances-simulation of current and voltage transformers-simulation of
distance relays during transient conditions.
Module 3
Offline application of computers-on line application of computers –Relay coordination
Module 4
Microprocessor based protective relays - multistage frequency relay -
measurement of power system signals through phase locked loop interface -
protection of alternators against loss of excitation.
Module 5
Microprocessor based over current relays-impedance relays- directional relayreactance
relay - distance relay - measurement of R and X - mho relay -
quadrilateral relay - generalized interface for distance relays.
1. Madhava Rao T.S, "Power System Protection-Static relays"
2. Bddri Ram, "Power System Protection and Switchgear"
3. Singh L.P, "Digital Protection-Protective Relaying from electromechanical to
4. Arun G. Phadke, James S. Thorp, "Computer Relaying for Power systems"
E 806-2
Module 1
Insulating materials - classification, brief study of preparation and properties of
ceramics, mica, paper, PVC, PE Epoxy resin, teflon, SF6 transformer oil,
polychlorobiphenyls (PCB) vacuum purification of transformer oil- drying and
degassing. Impregnation of paper and cotton insulation.
Module 2
Dielectric properties - permittivity, complex permittivity, dielectric loss
factors influencing permittivity, permittivity of mixtures, factors influencing
tan delta, Measurement of resistivities, dielectric loss and constant, testing for
tracking partial discharge measurements.
Module 3
Polarisation - internal fields, Clausins - Mossotd relation limitations, different
types of polarisaiton. Electric fields in homogeneous dielectrics, mechanical force
under electric fields, absorption currents.
Insulation problems in high voltage transformers, surge phenomena, insulation
design to withstand surges in transformers, Elementary de-sign of insulating system
of capacitors.
Module 4
Breakdown phenomena in gases - ionization processes, de-ionization
processes, breakdown mechanisms, T ownrend's theory. Steramer theory,
Paschen's law, breakdown in electronegative gases, uniform fields, non-uniform
fields penning effect.
Module 5
Breakdown mechanisms in vacuum-breakdown in liquid dielectrics pure liquids
and commercial liquids, breakdown in solid dielectrics - different types -
intrinsic, electronic, thermal, electromechanical, tracing and tracking, partial
discharges, partial discharges.
1. High Voltage Engineering: Naidu and Kamaraju
2. Ionisation, Conductivity and Breakdown in Liquids: Adam Czawski
3. High Voltage Engineering: Kuffel and Zeamgl
4. SF6 and Vacuum Insulation for High Voltage Applications: Naidu and Maller
E 806-3
Module 1
Introduction: Goals and applications of networks - Network Topologies -
Broadcast - Point to point - bus, star, ring, tree - Types of networks - LAN,
MAN, WAN OSI reference model - TCP/IP reference model - Client server
computing Physical layer - Packet switching -Transmission media - Fibre optic
networks – ISDN
Module 2
Data link layer: Services - Data framing - Error handling - Data link protocols –
Elementary protocols - Sliding window protocol( basic concepts only) - data link
layer in the Internet- SL1P/PPP.
Module 3
Medium access sub layer: Channel allocation - static vs dynamic channel
allocation - CSMA protocol - collision detection - wireless LANs - IEEE 802
standards - Ethernet - Token bus -Token ring - Bridges – FDDI
Module 4
Network layer: services - Routing - congestion control - internetworking -
Principles - Gateways - Host - backbone network - Network layer in the Internet -
IP protocol - IP address - Internet control protocols. Transport layer: Services -
Internet Transport protocols - TCP and UDP.
Module 5
Application layer: services - Network security - Cryptography - DNS - DNS
Namespace -Name servers - Network Management concepts. Internet services: Email
- USENET - FTP -TELNET - gopher - WWW - WAIS – Archie
1. Computer Networks (3r edition) - Tanenbaum, Pearson Education Asia
2. Data and computer communications - William Stalling, Pearson Education Asia
3. Data Communication, Computer networks - F. Halsall, Addison Wesley and
open systems
4. Computer Networks, A system approach - Peterson & Davie, Harcourt Asia
5. The Internet Book- Douglas E. Comer, Pearson Education Asia
6. Internet Complete Reference - Harley Harn Osborne
E 806-4
Module 1
Introduction to AI and problem solving concepts: Definition- pattern
recognition-production systems - problem and production system characteristics -
two-pail problem-analysis of AI techniques - criteria for success
Module 2
Knowledge representation - formal and non-formal logic: Representation
evaluation criteria -level of representation -formal logic schemes -resolutions -
predicate and prepositional logic -conversion to clause form -semantic networksframes-
scripts-production system
Module 3
Problem solving strategies dealing with uncertainty: Defining the problem -
control strategies - exhaustive search - generate and test-space transformation
models- forward versus backward reasoning -matching - weak methods - hill
climbing -breadth and depth first searches - search algorithms.
Module 4
Expert system development process and knowledge acquisition: Definition -
analysis of expert system problem solving - role and analysis of knowledge -
architecture of the expert system - problem selection - formalization -
implementation –evaluation.
Module 5
Knowledge acquisition techniques- cognitive behavior - knowledge representation
Expert system tools: Expert system shells -narrow tools -large hybrid expert system
tools -PC based expert system tools knowledge acquisition tools.
1. Introduction to AI & Expert System - D. W. Patterson, Prentice hall of India
2. Principles of Artificial Intelligence& Expert Systems Development - David
W.Rolston, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Artificial Intelligence - Elaine Rich, McGraw Hill
4. Principles of Artificial Intelligence - Nils J. Nilsson, Springer Verlag
5. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Charnaik & McDermott, Addison Wesley
E 806-5
Module 1
Review of P-N jn-characteristics - semiconductor-hetero junction-LEDs (-spontaneous
emission-LED structure-surface emitting-Edge emitting-Injection efficiencyrecombination
efficiency-LED characteristics-spectral response-modulation-Band
Module 2
Laser diodes-Basic principle-condition for gain-Laser action-population inversionstimulated
emission-Injection faster diode-structure-temperature effects-modulationcomparison
between LED and ILDs.
Module 3
Optical detectors-optical detector principle-absorption coefficient-detector
characteristics-Quantum efficiency-responsivity- response time-bias voltage-Noise in
detectors P-N junction-photo diode-(characteristics-P-I-N-photo diode-response-
Avalanche photo diode (APD) multiplication process-B. W-Noise-photo transistor.
Module 4
Optical Fibre-structure-advantages-Types-propagation-wave equation-phase and
group velocity-transmission characteristics-attenuation-absorption-scattering lossesdispersion-
fibre bend losses-source coupling, splices and connectors-wave length
division multiplexing.
Module 5
Optical fibre system-system design consideration-fibre -optic link-optical transmitter
circuit-source limitations-LED drive circuit-Laser drive circuit-pre-amplifierequalization-
Fibre-optic link analysis-typical lira design.
1. Semiconductor Opto electronics Devices-Pallab Bhattacharya (Pearson Education)
2. Optical fibre Communication Systems-Principles and practice- John M Senior
3. Optical communication Systems-John Gower (PHI)
4. Optical fibre Communication- Gerd keiser (PHI)
E 806-6
Module 1
Process steps in 1C fabrication: Crystal growth and wafer preparation-
Czochralski process- apparatus- silicon shaping, slicing and polishing- Diffusion
of impurities-physical mechanism- Pick's I and II law of diffusion- Diffusion
profiles- complementary (erfc) error function- Gaussian profile- Ion implantation-
Annealing process- Oxidation process- Lithography- Photolithography, Fine line
lithography, electron beam and x-ray lithography- Chemical vapour deposition
(CVD)- epitaxial growth- reactors-metallisation- patterning- wire bonding and
Module 2
Monolithic components: Isolation of components- junction isolation and
dielectric isolation- Transistor fabrication- buried layer- impurity profileparasitic
effects-monolithic diodes- schottky diodes and transistors- FET
structures- JFET- MOSFET-PMOS and NMOS, control of threshold voltage
(Vth)- silicon gate technology-Monolithic resistors- sheet resistance and resistor
design- resistors in diffused regions-MOS resistors- monolithic capacitorsjunction
and MOS structures- 1C crossovers and vias.
Module 3
CMOS technology: Metal gate and silicon gate- oxide isolation- Twin well
process- Latch up- BiCMOS technology- fabrication steps- circuit design processstick
diagrams- design rules- Capacitance of layers- Delay- Driving large
capacitance loads- Wiring capacitance- Basic circuit concepts- scaling of MOS
structures- scaling factors- effects of miniaturization.
Module 4
Subsystem design and layout- Simple logic circuits- inverter, NAND gates,
BiCMOS circuit, NOR gates, CMOS logic systems - bus lines- arrangementspower
dissipation-power supply rail distribution- subsystem design processdesign
of a 4 bit shifter.
Module 5
Gallium Arsenide Technology: Sub-micro CMOS technology- Crystal structure-
Doping process- Channeling effect- MESFET- GaAs fabrication- Device
1. VLSI technology. S M Sze, Me Graw Hill pub,
2. Basic VLSI design: Douglas Pucknell, PHI
3. Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: H E Weste, Pearson Edn.
4. Integrated Circuits: K R Botkar, Khanna Pub.
5. CMOS circuit design layout and simulation: Barter, IEEE press.
6. Introduction to VLSI: Conway, Addison weslay.
E 807 0+0+4
1. Alternator regulation by synchronous impedance and mmf methods
2. Alternator regulation by Potier method
3. Alternator regulation by Blondel’s method and verification by direct loading
4. Alternator V – curves for constant input/output
5. Synchronous motor V – curves and compounding curves
6. Alternator regulation by feeding back power to mains – use of synchroscope
7. Study of starters and load tests on double cage and single phase induction motors
8. Characteristics of cage / slip ring motors by circle diagram
9. Characteristics of induction generator and rotor hysterisis by Link’s method
10. Synchronous Induction motor – predetermination of excitation current and
11. Characteristics of pole changing motor
12. Characteristics of Schrage motor – torque variation with load, predetermination of
speed variation with brush shift and verification
13. Characteristics of cascade induction motor set
14. Experimental determination of torque slip curve of induction motor in unstable
region upto about 40% slip
15. Experimental determination of variation of starting torque with rotor resistance in
slip-ring induction motor
16. Predetermination of line current. Torque, power of a 3-phase induction motor
under single phasing - verification
17. No load and blocked rotor tests on single phase induction motor and
determination of equivalent circuit parameters
18. Determination of
a. Continuous rating for specified temperature rise
b. One hour rating by heat run test of a machine
E 709/E808
Each student is required to present a technical paper on a subject approved by the
department. The paper should be in general reflecting the state-of-the-art. He/she shall
submit a report of the paper presented to the department.
In addition to the seminar he/she shall undertake a project work (as a team or
individually) in the 7th semester itself in consultation with the Guides. On completion of
the project work, he/she shall present the work done before a panel of staff members, and
submit a report of the project work, and submit a report of the project work done to the
E 801 3+1+0
Module 1
Power System Model: Representation – Single Line Diagram – per unit system –
per unit impedance diagram – network model formulation – bus admittance
matrix – formation of Y bus and Z bus using singular transformation –
symmetrical components – sequence impedance and networks
Module 2
Power Flow Studies: Load flow problem – Gauss Siedal method – Newton
Raphson method – algorithm for load flow solution – handling of voltage
controlled buses, off nominal transformer ratios and phase shifting transformers
Module 3
Economic Load Dispatch: System constraints – Economic dispatch neglecting
losses – optimal load dispatch including transmission losses – physical
interpretation of co ordination equations – exact transmission loss formulae –
modified co ordination equation – automatic load dispatching
Module 4
Symmetrical and unsymmetrical short circuit analysis: Different types of
faults in power systems – symmetrical fault analysis – selection of circuit breakers
– use of reactors
Unsymmetrical faults – analysis of single line to ground, line to line and double
line to ground faults in power system – analysis of unsymmetrical fault using Z
Module 5
Stability Analysis: Swing equation – power angle equation and power angle
curve – inertia constant – steady state stability - transient stability – equal area
criterion – application – numerical solution of swing equation – critical clearing
time and angle – effect of clearing time on stability –methods of improving
system stability – modified Euler’s method – Rangakutta method – application to
the solution of swing equation and computational algorithms
1. Power System Engineering: Nagrath and Kothari, TMH
2. Electrical Power Systems: C. L. Wadhwa, New Age Int’l
3. Power System Analysis: Bergen, Pearson Education Asia, LPE
4. Elements of Power System Analysis: William D. Stevenson
5. Power System Stability Vol. I: Kimbark E. W.
E 802 3+1+0
Module 1
Switchgear: Circuit breaker – basic principle of operation – arc phenomenon –
initiation and maintenance of arc - arc interruption methods – arc voltage and
current waveform in AC circuit breaking – re-striking and recovery voltage –
current chopping – DC breakers – rating of circuit breakers - breaking capacity –
making capacity – short time rating – working principle and important features of
oil CB, minimum oil CB, air blast CB, vacuum CB and SF6 CB – auto high speed
Module 2
Protective relaying: Main and back up protection – basic requirements of
protective relaying – classification of relays – induction type – principle - inverse
time characteristics – directional over-current and power relays – distance relays –
definite distance and distance time relays – differential relays - negative phase
sequence relay – static relays – basic static relay – block diagram of static overcurrent,
static directional, static distance and static differential relays.
Module 3
Generator Protection: External and internal faults – differential protection –
biased circulating current protection – self balance system – over-current and
earth fault protection – protection against failure of excitation
Transformer protection: Differential protection – self-balance system of
protection – over-current and earth fault protection – buchholz’ s relay and its
Module 4
Feeder protection: Protection of radial feeders – protection of parallel feeders –
protection of ring mains – differential pilot protection for feeders – Merz Price
voltage balance system – transley system
Transmission Line Protection: Definite distance and time distance protection –
phase and earth fault protection – carrier current protection
Module 5
Surge Over-voltages: Causes – lightning and switching surges – protection
against over-voltages – surge diverters thyrite and horn gap types – use of ground
wires – insulation coordination.
Wave propagation:
Wave propagation on OH lines and UG cables – transmitted and reflected waves
– surge impedance – velocity of propagation
1. Power System Protection and Switchgear: Ravindranath and Chander
2. Electrical Power Systems: C. L. Wadhwa, New Age Int’l
3. A Course in Electrical Power Systems: Sony, Gupta, Bhatnagar
4. Elements of Power System Analysis: William D. Stevenson
5. Traveling Waves on Transmission Systems: Bewsley L. V.
6. Power System Protection: M. A Date, B. Oza and N.C Nair,
E 803 2+1+0
Module 1
Transducers: Classification – characteristics – static and dynamic characteristics –
Instrumentation System – Functional description – input / output configuration –
interfering and modifying inputs – Methods of correction – Loafing effect –
Instrumentation amplifiers – Isolation amplifier – charge amplifier.
Module 2
Displacement Transducers: Resistance potentiometer – linearity and sensitivity –
types – Resistance strain gauges – working principle – gauge factor – strain gauge
circuitry – temperature effect and its compensation – load cells – LVDT –
working principle – equivalent circuit – LVDT circuitry – Capacitive transducers
– different types – piezoelectric transducers – working principle – piezoelectric
crystal equivalent circuit.
Module 3
Temperature Measurement: Thermo electric effects – Laws – thermocouples –
thermo electric circuits – Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) – Bridge
circuits – Thermistors – characteristics – pyrometer – radiation and optical
Module 4
Absolute acceleration – null type and servo type – strain gauge Accelerrometer –
piezo electric accelerometer – Electromagnetic flow meter – ultrasonic flow
meter – transit type and Doppler flow meter – Ultrasonic flaw detector – Optical
Module 5
PH measurement – Low Pressure measurement – McLaud gauge – Pirani gauge –
ionisation gauge – thermal conductivity gauge – spatial encoder for angular
measurement – wave analyser and spectrum analyser (block schematic) –
scintillation counter – Hygrometer.
1. Measurement Systems – Application and Design: E.O Doeblin, TMH
2. Principles of Industrial Instruments: D. Patranabi, TMH
3. Industrial Instruments Fundamentals: E. Fribance, TMH
4. Electronic Instruments: H.S Kalsi
5. Instrumentation Devices and Systems: V. Rangan, G.R Sharma and V.S.V Mani
E 804 3+1+0
Module 1
Design of D.C Machines: Design specifications – output equation – output
coefficient – specific loadings – choice of speed and number of poles –
calculation of D and L – Armature design – choice of type of winding – number
of sots – number of conductors per slot – current density – cross sectional area –
slot insulation – length of air gap – field winding design – field ampere turns –
excitation voltage per coil – conductor cross section – height of pole – design of
ventilating ducts – design of commutator and brushes – Carter’s coefficient – real
and apparent flux density.
Module 2
Transformers: Design – single phase and three phase – output equation –
specific magnetic loading – core design – single, stepped core - windings –
number of turns – current density – area of cross section of conductors – types of
coils – insulation – window area – window space factor – overall dimensions –
cooling – design of cooling tank with tubes – design of distribution and power
transformers – design of small transformers like 230V/6-0-6V.
Heating, cooling and temperature rise calculation – Continuous, short time and
intermittent rating.
Module 3
Design of Synchronous Machines: Specific loading – output equation – output
coefficient – main dimensions – types of winding – design of field system – turbo
alternator – main dimensions – stator design – rotor design – damper winding
design – comparison of water wheel and turbo alternators, cooling of turbo
Design of three phase Induction motors: output equation – output coefficient –
main dimensions – rotor bar currents.
Module 4
Estimate the quantity of materials required and draw the electrical wiring layout
of (a) residential building (b) Multi-storied building using rising mains (c) factory
with one number of small and high rating motor at LT ot HT supply and many
number of connected loads with suitable starters/switches and control panels (d)
Cinema hall
Module 5
a. Design, layout and estimation of power supply arrangement for (1). A bulk
Industrial consumer (2) An under ground power supply (3) An Over head line to a
rural consumer.
b. Estimate and draw the layout of (1) indoor (2) outdoor 11KV transformer station
with all accessories – single line diagram and physical layout
c. Design and draw the typical earthing installation like (1) pipe earthing (2) Plate
earthing (3) earth mat / grid
d. Study the electrical wiring diagram of a typical automobile clearly showing all
connected loads/ sources with specifications.
1. Electrical Machine Design: A.K Sawhney
2. Performance and Design of D.C Machine: Clayton
3. Performance and Design of A.C Machines: M.G Say
4. Design of Electrical Machines: V. N Mittal
5. Electrical Design Estimating and Costing: Raina & Bhattacharya
E 805 3+1+0
List of Electives:
E 805.01 CMELR Advanced Mathematics
E 805.02 Computer Aided Design of Induction Machines
E 805.03 Robotics
E 805.04 Advanced Power Systems
E 805.05 Advanced Microprocessors
E 805.06 System Software
E 805.07 Advanced Power Electronic Systems
New Electives may be added according to the needs of emerging fields of
technology. The name of the elective and its syllabus should be submitted to the
University before the course is offered.
CMELRT 805-1
Module 1
Green's Function
Heavisides, unit step function - Derivative of unit step function - Dirac delta
function -properties of delta function - Derivatives of delta function - testing
functions - symbolic function - symbolic derivatives - inverse of differential
operator - Green's function -initial value problems - boundary value problems -
simple cases only.
Module 2
Integral Equations
Definition of Volterra and Fredholm Integral equations - conversion of a linear
differential equation into an integral equation - conversion of boundary value
problem into an integral equation using Green's function - solution of Fredhlom
integral equation with separable Kernels - Integral equations of convolution type -
Neumann series solution.
Module 3
Gamma, Beta functions
Gamma function, Beta function - Relation between them - their transformations - use
of them in the evaluation certain integrals - Dirichlet's integral - Liouville's extension,
of Dirichlet's theorem - Elliptic integral - Error function.
Module 4
Power Series solution of differential equation
The power series method - Legendre's Equation - Legendre's polynomial - Rodrigues
formula - generating function - Bessel's equation - Bessel's function of the first kind -
Orthogonality of Legendre's Polynomials and Bessel's functions.
Module 5
Numerical solution of partial differential equations.
Classification of second order equations- Finite difference approximations to partial
derivatives - solution of Laplace and Poisson's equations by finite difference method -
solution of one dimensional heat equation by Crank - Nicolson method - solution one
dimensional wave equation.
1. Linear Integral Equation: Ram P.Kanwal, Academic Press, New York
2. A Course on Integral Equations: Allen C.Pipkin, Springer - Verlag
3. Advanced Engg. Mathematics: H.K.Dass, S.Chand
4. Advanced Engg. Mathematics: Michael D.Greenberge, Pearson Edn. Asia
5. Numrical methods in Engg. &Science: B.S.Grewal, Khanna Publishers
6. Generalized functions: R.F. Hoskins, John Wiley and Sons.
7. Principles and Techniques of Bernard Friedman: John Wiley and sons Applied
8. Principles of Applied Mathematics: James P.Keener, Addison Wesley.
9. Numerical methods: P.Kandasamy, K.Thilagavathy, K.Gunavathy
E 805-2
Module 1
CAD Orientation of Engineering design problems to computers. Design by
analysis and synthesis approach – simulation of non-linearity – stator windings
for 3 phase and single phase induction motors
Module 2
Main dimensions of three phase induction motors – standard specification –
constructional features – specific electric and magnetic loading – output
coefficient – main dimensions – computer programmes
Module 3
Core design – leakage reactances – rotor winding design – equivalent resistances
– computer programmes
Module 4
Calculations from design data – Carters coefficient – no load current – equivalent
circuit parameters – torque – efficiency and temperature rise – computer
Module 5
Main dimensions of single phase induction motors – auxiliary winding and
capacitor design – equivalent circuit parameters - torque – efficiency and
temperature calculations using design data – computer programmes
1. Computer Aided Design of Electrical Equipments – Ramamoorthy M, Affiliated
East-West press pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
2. Performance and Design of A.C Machines – M.G Say
3. Computer Aided Design of Electric Machinery – Venott C. G, MIT Press, London
E 805-3
Module 1
Introduction: Historical development-classification of robots-applications-robots
kinematics- joints and links-degree of freedom-description of position, orientation,
frames-mapping from one frame to another-compound transformations-inverse of
transform matrix-transform equations-kinematics of three degree of freedom
manipulators-Description of links-intermediate links in chain-First and last links in
chain -Link parameters-affixing frames to links-derivation of link transformation
matrix-Description of an industrial robot.
Module 2
Inverse manipulator kinematics - Workspace-solvability-multiple solutions-
Algebraic solution.
Drive and control systems for robots: hydraulic systems and DC servomotors
Position control for robots-simple position control system-position control along a
Module 3
Robot end- effectors: Classification of end-effectors-drive System for grippersmechanical
grippers magnetic grippers-vacuum grippers-gripper force analysis and
gripper design.
Module 4
Sensors and intelligent robots: need for sensing systems- sensing devicespiezoelectric
sensors-linear position and displacement sensing absolute optical
encoding-incremental optical encoder-position and direction measurementvelocity
measurement—force and torque sensors-proximity sensors-range sensorsrobot
vision systems
Module 5
Trajectory planning for Robots: Joint space schemes-cubic polynomials with via
points-Blending schemes - interfacing to microprocessors and computers.
1. Robotics and Image Processing - PA Janakiraman
2. Robotic Technology and flexible Automation - S R Deb
3. Robotics for engineers - Yoram Koren
4. Introduction to Robotics- Analysis, Systems and Applications: Saeed B. Nikku,
Pearson Education Asia, LPE
E 805-4
Module 1
Automatic generation and voltage control - load frequency Control (single area
case) -turbine speed governing system - model of Speed system - Turbine
model- generator load model - steady state analysis- dynamic response - control
area concept.
Module 2
Unit commitment - constraints in unit commitment-spinning spinning reserve -
thermal unit constraints - other constraints - unit commitment solution methods
- priority - list methods - dynamic programming solution.
Module 3
Hydrothermal co-ordination - long range and short range hydro scheduling- hydro
electric plant models - scheduling problems - the short term hydrothermal
scheduling problem - short - term hydro— scheduling: a gradient approach - hydro
units in series-dynamic programming solution to the hydrothermal scheduling
Module 4
Interchange evaluation and power pools - economy interchange economy
interchange evaluation - interchange evaluation with unit commitment multiple
interchange controls -after - the fact production costing - other types of interchange
- power pools - the energy broker system - centralized economic despatch of a
power pool - allocating pool savings.
Module 5
Power system security - factors affecting power system security-contingency
analysis: Detection network problem - network sensitivity methods - calculation
of network sensitivity factors - correcting the generation despatch - sensitivity
methods - linear programming.
1. Power System Engineering - I.J.Nagrath, D.P.Kothari
2. Power generation, operation and control - Allen J.Wood, Bruce Wollenberg, John
Wiley & Sons
E 805-5
Module 1
Intel 8086 - Pin out signals and functions - Internal architecture - Registers and
flags - bus buffering and latching bus timing – Pipelining
Operating modes - minimum mode and maximum mode.
Module 2
Introduction to 8086 assembly language programming - addressing modes –
instruction set classification - Writing simple programs eg. Arithmetic operations,
reading data from input port etc.
8086 memory interface – memory bank – separate bank decoders and signals
Module 3
8087 internal block diagram and interfacing (Programming not required).
Intel 80186 Architecture - block diagrams - different integrated peripherals
Intel 286 - Block diagram - Hardware features - Additional instructions
(Programming not required)
Module 4
Intel 8038 - memory system - I/O system - Protected mode – mmu - Descriptors
and selectors - TSS, Memory paging mechanism.
Intel 80486 - Internal Architecture - memory management and cache memory.
Module 5
Introduction to Pentium - processors – memory system – I/O system - special
Pentium registers - Pentium memory management.
Pentium II - Introduction - software changes Pentium III - Introduction - chip
set, Bus
Pentium IV - Memory interface, Hyper pipelined technology (elementary treatment
Concept of RISC – comparison of CISC and RISC
1. The 80x86 Family - John Uffenbeck - Pearson
2. Microprocessor and Interfacing - Douglas V. Hall - McGraw Hill
3. The Intel Microprocessors - Barry B. Brey (6th edition) – Pearson LPE
4. Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals – A.K Ray and M. Bruchandy – TMH
5. An Introduction to the Intel family of Microprocessors – James L. Antonokos,
Pearson LPE
E 805-6
Module 1
Introduction: Concept of system software - Classification of system software-
Relationship of system software with the machine and the user. Assemblers:
overview of the assembly process- single pass and two pass assemblers.
Elementary ideas of macros -Macro definition- macro call macro expansion -
macro processors.
Module 2
Linkers and Loaders: translated, linked and load time addresses- relocation and
linking concepts- object module- loader- absolute loader, relocating loaderlinking
loaders -(elementary ideas only).
Compilers: Overview of compilation process - phases of a compiler - analysis
phase -synthesis phase - lexical analysis - parsing - static and dynamic storage
allocation-intermediate code generation - code generation (basic ideas only).
Module 3
Operating systems: Definition of operating system -functions of operating
system - types of services-Types of operating systems- batch processing
multiprogramming, multitasking - timesharing, real-time, distributed systems
(brief descriptions only).
Process management- process concept- process states- scheduling - FCFS,
Shortest Job first, round robin scheduling policies.
Module 4
Memory management- contiguous memory allocation - static and dynamic
partitioning -swapping - non-contiguous allocation- fragmentation- concept of
virtual memory- paging-page tables - page replacement- FIFO and LRU page
replacement policies - segmentation -caching of secondary storage information.
File system - directory structures - file system implementation - sharing and
security. Device management - basic principles of I/O device controllers - I/O
scheduling policies.
Module 5
Introduction to distributed operating system: characteristics of distributed
systems -advantages -client server model - remote procedure call.
Real time operating systems - Basic requirements - hard and soft real time
systems - issues in real time systems- basic ideas of real time scheduling -
reentrancy- real time embedded systems (basic ideas only).
1. Introduction to System Software - Dhamdhere D.M., Tata McGraw Hill
2. Systems Programming - Donovan J.I, McGraw Hill
3. Systems Programming - Dhamdhere D.M., Tata McGraw Hill & Operating
4. Principles of compiler design - Aho & Ullman, Narosa Publishing
5. Operating System- Milenkovic, McGraw Hill
6. Operating System concepts - Peterson & Silberschatz, Addison Wesley
7. Real time systems & programming languages- Burns, Wellings, Addison
8. Introduction to RTS - Martin
9. Real time embedded Systems - Mathai Joseph, CERN
E 805-7
Module 1
DC-DC converter topologies: Buck and boost converters - continuous and
discontinuous current modes - buck-boost, C’uk converter - operation – control of
dc-dc converters –PWM method - Full-bridge with bipolar and unipolar switching
– output voltage equations.
Module 2
SMPS topologies: Basic block schematic of SMPS – isolated dc-dc topologies –
forward and flyback – principles – (circuit and operation only). Push-pull
topology – half bridge
Basics of SMPS control methods – voltage-mode and current-mode control (block
diagrams and description only).
Module 3
Resonant Converters: Advantages of resonant converters over PWM converters
– Classification - series and parallel resonant converters – half-bridge operation –
discontinuous and continuous current modes (basic modes only, no analysis
required) Principles of Zero voltage and Zero current switching (ZVS and ZCS
switches only – no analysis required)
Module 4
PWM Inverters: Need for PWM techniques – various PWM techniques –
principle of sinusoidal PWM – bipolar and unipolar PWM - modulation index –
application to single phase bridges - disadvantages of SPWM – brief introduction
to other PWM methods – current-mode control schemes (tolerance band control
and fixed frequency control – description with block diagram only)
Module 5
Applications: Power factor correction – Actual power factor – Displacement
factor and distortion factor – principles of input line current shaping using boost
rectifiers. UPS – Different topologies – block schematics.
Electronic ballast – block schematics.
1. Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design – Mohan, Undeland and
Robbins, John Wiley and Sons, 2nd ed.
2. Power Electronic Systems: Theory and Design – Jai P. Agrawal , Pearson
Education Asia, LPE
3. Modern Power Electronics – P.C Sen, Wheeler Publ.
E 806 2+1+0
List of Electives:
E 806.01 Digital Protection of Power Systems
E 806.02 Insulation Technology
E 806.03 Computer Networks
E 806.04 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
E 806.05 Opto-Electronics and Communication
E 806.06 VLSI Technology
New Electives may be added according to the needs of emerging fields of
technology. The name of the elective and its syllabus should be submitted to the
University before the course is offered.
E 806-1
Module 1
Need for protection-nature and causes of fault -zones of protection-classification
of protective relays based on technology and function-instrument transformers
used in protection circuit.
A/D converters- analog multiplexers-sample and hold circuits.
Module 2
Computer applications to protective relaying - simulation of power system
disturbances-simulation of current and voltage transformers-simulation of
distance relays during transient conditions.
Module 3
Offline application of computers-on line application of computers –Relay coordination
Module 4
Microprocessor based protective relays - multistage frequency relay -
measurement of power system signals through phase locked loop interface -
protection of alternators against loss of excitation.
Module 5
Microprocessor based over current relays-impedance relays- directional relayreactance
relay - distance relay - measurement of R and X - mho relay -
quadrilateral relay - generalized interface for distance relays.
1. Madhava Rao T.S, "Power System Protection-Static relays"
2. Bddri Ram, "Power System Protection and Switchgear"
3. Singh L.P, "Digital Protection-Protective Relaying from electromechanical to
4. Arun G. Phadke, James S. Thorp, "Computer Relaying for Power systems"
E 806-2
Module 1
Insulating materials - classification, brief study of preparation and properties of
ceramics, mica, paper, PVC, PE Epoxy resin, teflon, SF6 transformer oil,
polychlorobiphenyls (PCB) vacuum purification of transformer oil- drying and
degassing. Impregnation of paper and cotton insulation.
Module 2
Dielectric properties - permittivity, complex permittivity, dielectric loss
factors influencing permittivity, permittivity of mixtures, factors influencing
tan delta, Measurement of resistivities, dielectric loss and constant, testing for
tracking partial discharge measurements.
Module 3
Polarisation - internal fields, Clausins - Mossotd relation limitations, different
types of polarisaiton. Electric fields in homogeneous dielectrics, mechanical force
under electric fields, absorption currents.
Insulation problems in high voltage transformers, surge phenomena, insulation
design to withstand surges in transformers, Elementary de-sign of insulating system
of capacitors.
Module 4
Breakdown phenomena in gases - ionization processes, de-ionization
processes, breakdown mechanisms, T ownrend's theory. Steramer theory,
Paschen's law, breakdown in electronegative gases, uniform fields, non-uniform
fields penning effect.
Module 5
Breakdown mechanisms in vacuum-breakdown in liquid dielectrics pure liquids
and commercial liquids, breakdown in solid dielectrics - different types -
intrinsic, electronic, thermal, electromechanical, tracing and tracking, partial
discharges, partial discharges.
1. High Voltage Engineering: Naidu and Kamaraju
2. Ionisation, Conductivity and Breakdown in Liquids: Adam Czawski
3. High Voltage Engineering: Kuffel and Zeamgl
4. SF6 and Vacuum Insulation for High Voltage Applications: Naidu and Maller
E 806-3
Module 1
Introduction: Goals and applications of networks - Network Topologies -
Broadcast - Point to point - bus, star, ring, tree - Types of networks - LAN,
MAN, WAN OSI reference model - TCP/IP reference model - Client server
computing Physical layer - Packet switching -Transmission media - Fibre optic
networks – ISDN
Module 2
Data link layer: Services - Data framing - Error handling - Data link protocols –
Elementary protocols - Sliding window protocol( basic concepts only) - data link
layer in the Internet- SL1P/PPP.
Module 3
Medium access sub layer: Channel allocation - static vs dynamic channel
allocation - CSMA protocol - collision detection - wireless LANs - IEEE 802
standards - Ethernet - Token bus -Token ring - Bridges – FDDI
Module 4
Network layer: services - Routing - congestion control - internetworking -
Principles - Gateways - Host - backbone network - Network layer in the Internet -
IP protocol - IP address - Internet control protocols. Transport layer: Services -
Internet Transport protocols - TCP and UDP.
Module 5
Application layer: services - Network security - Cryptography - DNS - DNS
Namespace -Name servers - Network Management concepts. Internet services: Email
- USENET - FTP -TELNET - gopher - WWW - WAIS – Archie
1. Computer Networks (3r edition) - Tanenbaum, Pearson Education Asia
2. Data and computer communications - William Stalling, Pearson Education Asia
3. Data Communication, Computer networks - F. Halsall, Addison Wesley and
open systems
4. Computer Networks, A system approach - Peterson & Davie, Harcourt Asia
5. The Internet Book- Douglas E. Comer, Pearson Education Asia
6. Internet Complete Reference - Harley Harn Osborne
E 806-4
Module 1
Introduction to AI and problem solving concepts: Definition- pattern
recognition-production systems - problem and production system characteristics -
two-pail problem-analysis of AI techniques - criteria for success
Module 2
Knowledge representation - formal and non-formal logic: Representation
evaluation criteria -level of representation -formal logic schemes -resolutions -
predicate and prepositional logic -conversion to clause form -semantic networksframes-
scripts-production system
Module 3
Problem solving strategies dealing with uncertainty: Defining the problem -
control strategies - exhaustive search - generate and test-space transformation
models- forward versus backward reasoning -matching - weak methods - hill
climbing -breadth and depth first searches - search algorithms.
Module 4
Expert system development process and knowledge acquisition: Definition -
analysis of expert system problem solving - role and analysis of knowledge -
architecture of the expert system - problem selection - formalization -
implementation –evaluation.
Module 5
Knowledge acquisition techniques- cognitive behavior - knowledge representation
Expert system tools: Expert system shells -narrow tools -large hybrid expert system
tools -PC based expert system tools knowledge acquisition tools.
1. Introduction to AI & Expert System - D. W. Patterson, Prentice hall of India
2. Principles of Artificial Intelligence& Expert Systems Development - David
W.Rolston, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Artificial Intelligence - Elaine Rich, McGraw Hill
4. Principles of Artificial Intelligence - Nils J. Nilsson, Springer Verlag
5. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Charnaik & McDermott, Addison Wesley
E 806-5
Module 1
Review of P-N jn-characteristics - semiconductor-hetero junction-LEDs (-spontaneous
emission-LED structure-surface emitting-Edge emitting-Injection efficiencyrecombination
efficiency-LED characteristics-spectral response-modulation-Band
Module 2
Laser diodes-Basic principle-condition for gain-Laser action-population inversionstimulated
emission-Injection faster diode-structure-temperature effects-modulationcomparison
between LED and ILDs.
Module 3
Optical detectors-optical detector principle-absorption coefficient-detector
characteristics-Quantum efficiency-responsivity- response time-bias voltage-Noise in
detectors P-N junction-photo diode-(characteristics-P-I-N-photo diode-response-
Avalanche photo diode (APD) multiplication process-B. W-Noise-photo transistor.
Module 4
Optical Fibre-structure-advantages-Types-propagation-wave equation-phase and
group velocity-transmission characteristics-attenuation-absorption-scattering lossesdispersion-
fibre bend losses-source coupling, splices and connectors-wave length
division multiplexing.
Module 5
Optical fibre system-system design consideration-fibre -optic link-optical transmitter
circuit-source limitations-LED drive circuit-Laser drive circuit-pre-amplifierequalization-
Fibre-optic link analysis-typical lira design.
1. Semiconductor Opto electronics Devices-Pallab Bhattacharya (Pearson Education)
2. Optical fibre Communication Systems-Principles and practice- John M Senior
3. Optical communication Systems-John Gower (PHI)
4. Optical fibre Communication- Gerd keiser (PHI)
E 806-6
Module 1
Process steps in 1C fabrication: Crystal growth and wafer preparation-
Czochralski process- apparatus- silicon shaping, slicing and polishing- Diffusion
of impurities-physical mechanism- Pick's I and II law of diffusion- Diffusion
profiles- complementary (erfc) error function- Gaussian profile- Ion implantation-
Annealing process- Oxidation process- Lithography- Photolithography, Fine line
lithography, electron beam and x-ray lithography- Chemical vapour deposition
(CVD)- epitaxial growth- reactors-metallisation- patterning- wire bonding and
Module 2
Monolithic components: Isolation of components- junction isolation and
dielectric isolation- Transistor fabrication- buried layer- impurity profileparasitic
effects-monolithic diodes- schottky diodes and transistors- FET
structures- JFET- MOSFET-PMOS and NMOS, control of threshold voltage
(Vth)- silicon gate technology-Monolithic resistors- sheet resistance and resistor
design- resistors in diffused regions-MOS resistors- monolithic capacitorsjunction
and MOS structures- 1C crossovers and vias.
Module 3
CMOS technology: Metal gate and silicon gate- oxide isolation- Twin well
process- Latch up- BiCMOS technology- fabrication steps- circuit design processstick
diagrams- design rules- Capacitance of layers- Delay- Driving large
capacitance loads- Wiring capacitance- Basic circuit concepts- scaling of MOS
structures- scaling factors- effects of miniaturization.
Module 4
Subsystem design and layout- Simple logic circuits- inverter, NAND gates,
BiCMOS circuit, NOR gates, CMOS logic systems - bus lines- arrangementspower
dissipation-power supply rail distribution- subsystem design processdesign
of a 4 bit shifter.
Module 5
Gallium Arsenide Technology: Sub-micro CMOS technology- Crystal structure-
Doping process- Channeling effect- MESFET- GaAs fabrication- Device
1. VLSI technology. S M Sze, Me Graw Hill pub,
2. Basic VLSI design: Douglas Pucknell, PHI
3. Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: H E Weste, Pearson Edn.
4. Integrated Circuits: K R Botkar, Khanna Pub.
5. CMOS circuit design layout and simulation: Barter, IEEE press.
6. Introduction to VLSI: Conway, Addison weslay.
E 807 0+0+4
1. Alternator regulation by synchronous impedance and mmf methods
2. Alternator regulation by Potier method
3. Alternator regulation by Blondel’s method and verification by direct loading
4. Alternator V – curves for constant input/output
5. Synchronous motor V – curves and compounding curves
6. Alternator regulation by feeding back power to mains – use of synchroscope
7. Study of starters and load tests on double cage and single phase induction motors
8. Characteristics of cage / slip ring motors by circle diagram
9. Characteristics of induction generator and rotor hysterisis by Link’s method
10. Synchronous Induction motor – predetermination of excitation current and
11. Characteristics of pole changing motor
12. Characteristics of Schrage motor – torque variation with load, predetermination of
speed variation with brush shift and verification
13. Characteristics of cascade induction motor set
14. Experimental determination of torque slip curve of induction motor in unstable
region upto about 40% slip
15. Experimental determination of variation of starting torque with rotor resistance in
slip-ring induction motor
16. Predetermination of line current. Torque, power of a 3-phase induction motor
under single phasing - verification
17. No load and blocked rotor tests on single phase induction motor and
determination of equivalent circuit parameters
18. Determination of
a. Continuous rating for specified temperature rise
b. One hour rating by heat run test of a machine
E 709/E808
Each student is required to present a technical paper on a subject approved by the
department. The paper should be in general reflecting the state-of-the-art. He/she shall
submit a report of the paper presented to the department.
In addition to the seminar he/she shall undertake a project work (as a team or
individually) in the 7th semester itself in consultation with the Guides. On completion of
the project work, he/she shall present the work done before a panel of staff members, and
submit a report of the project work, and submit a report of the project work done to the
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